Go ahead and put em up, braw. It would be an honor tbh. And yeah, I really should draw more asians. Brb looking up azian grills on Google to have somethin ta draw.
Another drawing. Protip: I have a thing for azian grills.
In my opinion, the best works of art, are the simplest ones. And this sig may be simple, but I ****ing dig what you did to it. I literally want to lick my ****ing screen and savour that sig you made, my girl. The background and render of Goku compliment each other quite well in harmony. IT'S SO SIMPLE BUT SO GOOD. You could say it's simple and not dirty
Ehhhhhhh never watched it, but if this makes people happy.
Literally who? But yeah, I get where these guys are coming from. That intro to the videos was great. Always got the voices stuck in my head. : )
I asked if he fapped.
Here at khv, we greet everyone with open arms. If you regret your past persona, then you can start anew on here. Welcomu bakko
That's not what he said last night.
And you are still a troll. If only Darky were here. He'd go nuts. And he'd probably question why we still come here to this suicide internet club.
Impressions When was the last time you fapped to anything KH related? If you could make someone a staff mem, excluding yourself, who would you choose? Is the Premium section still dead after all these moon cycles?
Who are you? Anyway, welcome to khv. Read the rules and send me nudes. And don't sweat it. We all judge ourselves pessimistically, regardless of noobness or no. In 2020, you'll look back on some of your posts from 2017 and think "Man what was I thinking."
That, and because we are grown adults now (being 22 is considered an adult, right?) that smite down anyone that uses bad grammar.
Ah, that explains it then. I chose some stills with a lot of movement involved. DO IT PAGGOT. And thanks for the CnC. I like this idea of creating graphicz art from KH trailers. This should be a large thing.
How do you make them keep a nice contrast? Anyway, I know Im late, but I wanted to test my Photoshoppu skills after so long.
2008 is nothing. Now, 2005-2006. Those were the golden days. Man Im such a ****ing old fart why are we still here just to suffer? nah jk I love this place
I ated it
Huh, I never thought about it that way. But a lot of people seem to think the same way I do. They made a separate movie adaption holding crucial information, when it should have been in the frekaing video game, at least. It's still a ****ing bad choice imo. They could at least include the movie with the game.
The game tells you nothing at the beginning of just what the hell is going on. It doesn't tell you there's a huge war going on. If someone buys the game blind, without never seen Kingsglaive, they'll be like wtf is this ****. ****ing hell.