Crud, it was a toss up btwn kh2 of FFVII, I went with KH2 though...Really tough choice...
I am definitely waiting for fable 2, and kind of for force unleashed. Not so much for oblivion though, still a decent game anyway.
Someone that does whatever they want...
I was hoping for GH4, but aparently that won't happen. But mainly I was hoping for Fable 2 and Force unleashed, and of course KH stuff.
:( Come on DP... Ah well, this is the right place anyway... 1: Cloud's buster sword/ his ultima sword 2: Sora's ultima keyblade
Jedi Knight You scored 71 on the Force Sensitivity/Jedi Chart!
That cave is only in FM+ right?
Not sure how long it took, but in travers town level60-100. Very dull. Then I found out how to do it in like four hours at olympus.
Mine has to be Sephiroth, but I am a huge FF7 fan, so I'm probably kind of biased. :poketoungeb:
Ok, first time i've tried this, so let's see if it works. This was actually a while ago, just before christmas I think. I've gotten a haircut since then.:D
Machine Marluxia, right?
1:Definately Riku 2:Auron, he just plain rocks 3:Jack Sparrow, who doesn't like this drunk
None of them, at the begining you can only use the struggle sword, then you are kicked out and can't go to twilight town for a while.
When was the whole Roxas/Axel thing happening? I think it happened as axel was fading away with sora. Like at the same time, their minds connected when Sora was talking to axel as he was fading away. Does that sound right?
Wow... very nice, both of you.
I think, as far as the game goes, it would be possible. With max stats(no cheats, just 99 thanks to def,pow, and magic ups), the ultimate wepon, in final form, at level 99, I think he could. Remember, only three(four if you count marluxia) of the Org. members were at the end of the game. If you were at lvl 99 against the others they would be dead in seconds. Most of them you fight before you reach lvl 40. I know I can beat Xemnas on expert at lvl 50, so I think he could.
I vote Natalia wins, but something happens and she gets disqualified. Or something really random, like Xemnas showing up and blowing up the whole event and sora/kairi whoops him.
You scored as a Sora You are Sora! Sora is forgiving and sweet but can fight hard. He never quits on his friends and keeps a good attitude even though he's been searching for his friends for a long time. Sora 65% Kairi 65% Riku 60% Namine 45% Roxas 35% Xemnas 30% Ansem the wise 25% Whoo! Go Sora!
Definately the Ultimate keyblade, it looks sweet. Then probably decisive pumpkin. And of course the keyblade you get for beating Sephiroth, Fenrir!
hold on, axel, are you saying that sora's voice was bad in KH2, but not in KH1. I thought he sounded much better in two than one, at least he didn't sound like a girl. I also hated Atlantica and 100 Acre wood.