And the red dragon is...?
You're angry at them for insisting that they are right, yet you are the same thing...I'm not saying that's a bad thing but, lol. Anyway, yes lots of guys are jerks. And even more are complete idiots, at least some times(me included 8}). And as for social groups, we prefer being with people that we can relate too. By the way, girls do this too. Girls may not notice it, but guys do, girls are always walking around in packs. Most guys are terrified of going up and talking to one of them. The ones who aren't are usually the guys who are... snobs.
First game was either Donkey Kong Countrey, or the origional Mario Kart for the nintendo.
I think it's really good, so I say continue it. But if you can't find a way to keep it going, go ahead and end it. After all, no one likes a story that just keeps going and going but isn't actually going anywhere. If that makes any sense lol...
Mine are ok so long as I get at least a D, Fs are bad though. But they don't pay too much attention most of the time. Actually there is one subject they don't mind me getting a F in is Spanish. Oh, and in the US we don't get E's, A B C D F, but no E's.
Amazing story, I started reading it today and finally finished. I really did get hooked, or should I say addicted? You are definately an amazing writer. The only critique I have is that you should have mentioned Riku's ghost or something observing them at the graveyard, but not actually saying anything, just watching...
Overal Darkandroid is right, I beat the game friday morning around 4. Difinately worth getting. I admit, it's not as good as Monelyux said, but after the same thing happened with Fable 2 most people expected that. Having a family is definately a hassel, if you care about keeping them that is. Does seem to have many annoying glitches sadly. Especially with the glowing trail.
For those of you who don't know, when your blood sugar level reaches 300 your supposed to contact your doctor and his is at like 1500. I'd say if he's been fine so far with a level that high he'll be fine. But yeah, the best thing to do is to relax and try not to worry, just stay positive. Good luck.
I agree with Repliku, except that you probably won't be able to get your sister to split the room with you, even if she agrees to it I doubt she'll actually keep her stuff on her side. Moving does suck, I did it the year I entered middle school and again when I moved up to high school so I know how you feel. Basically all I can tell you is try and stay upbeat and do your best to not get depressed. All you'll really need to worry about is adjusting to the new school. I doubt you'll have trouble making new friends.
Wow...Um, very different. Fascinating though, and highly eye catching, and obviously quite sad if not depressing. It does a good job of describing such things and more, if in a different light.
Very nice, I'm glad she didn't let himi know about the specifics of what happened at the castle. I just hope she isn't having a relapse of that disease...
It was an amazing book, and I can't wait for the fourth one. And yeah, there'll be a forth one because if he had put all of the story into one book it would have been twice the size it is, and not many people like reading and carrying around a book over 1.5 thousand pages long. Hated that Oromis died, but I'm glad that we found out what the wepon under the Menoa tree was. Also glad that we found Galbatorix's weakness.
I agree with Danny, yes, the phantom and sephiroth are hard, but once you get the hang of their strategies they become very simple. Kurt Ziza, even at lvl. 100 with ultima wep. is still very tough.
I think it was around 90, but I'm not sure anymore. I just remember it took me forever.
I'd have to say that I am most afraid of the dark/unknown.
Personally, I don't consiously think about it, but all the girls I've liked have been at least a little shorter than me. I guess it does make a difference to me, but I don't normally realize it.
I gotta say the cloud card, the megalixir is a close second though.
Personally I wasn't sad at all. I had lost any kind feelings toward him after being stuck on trying to beat him for like 5 months. I was way too angry to feel anything close to pity for him, same for Larxene.
Basically: "Whoa, Tha's a big wave!" "Dude, he can't swim againt the water. WIMP!" "Dang, it got dark fast." "Whoa, comets!" "How the hell did he get up there?" "He's in two places at once? Whoa." "Nice landing on the sea floor." "BIRDS!" "Snow White...Weird."
Man, what a story, once again very nicely done DF. P.S.- Glad you decided not to stay as MMM, it was too confusing...