I've done it before, in a very similar situation. I actually hit the dude in the stomache, so it didn't knock him out, just made him fall to the floor. I think you did the right thing, but I recommend that if you find yourself about to do it again try to avoid hitting their head, stomach is best. Just knock the wind out of them.
They could still probably do it, but they have been discusing it since like 2000, so most of us have given up hope. Personally I would love to see a remake, so long as the only thing that changed was the graphics being uped.
I gotta agree, it looks nothing like KoToR and I would certainly prefer KoToR 3 anyway.
I always go with the guarded sword. I don't think I've tred any of the others.
It was my first ps2 game, got it the christmas it came out. Took me about 5 months to beat it, I was pretty happy when I did.
The only free mmorpgs that I've played are Mabinogi and Runescape(haven't we all). But Mabinogi is a pretty good one and for the most part is free. At this point there is no such thing as a "free" one, they all have stuff to buy with real money, but Mabinogi is very easy to play without doing this.
Illusion of Gaia for me. Or maybe Donkey Kong if it counts.
The more positive the better, might as well use a quadroople positive...Anayway I'm definately going for the buster sword, has a better history to it than the rapier. Oh, in Advent Children Cloud isn't using the Buster Sword, it's stuck in that hill where Zack died right?
Seriously, the last optional boss takes like 7 hours, and that's following the official guide's instructions. Of couse, if you set up the gambit stuff right, then you don't even need to watch, you can just turn of the t.v. and wait for a couple of hours(something I hate about the combat system).
I'm stickin with One Winged Angel, but barely over Braska's theme. The other's not so great though.
Insanely long game. But also a very good one. The fact that the walkthrough is an inch long in paperback form is kinda scary. It's almost as long as FFVII, and look at how good a game that is though.
Wow. Completely insane! Very well done, and definately an unexpected ending. At first I was a little annoyed at the no date, but this was definately better than it would have been otherwise.
I think it is, but I recommend actually knowing what games you would buy when you get it. Don't just buy it because you heard it has good games. But, if you want some suggestions, I bet we could give you some.
I go to a public school. Went to a private for a couple of years, hated it. We have fights and drugs a bit here, not many gangs though. I still prefer it though. It was a catholic private school though so...
Just walk up to her and ask her if she wants to go somewhere with you later. I wouldn't recomend mcdonalds though. If you have trouble getting yourself to go through with it, just make yourself not think. Keep your mind blank.
The little girl, easily. Going out with a chick like that isn't worth it, even if she is hot.
I never study, I always cram. I've got Bs and As in all my classes(except for spanish).
The only way I can think of doing it is how it was done in KOTOR 2(great game). If you didn't play, basically throughout the game they make minor comments about what happened in the past and you can kind of point out what kind of hero you had. It doesn't make you choose though, you don't even have to answer their question. Sadly you're probably right though, I kinda doubt they'll try this route.
I believe they won't tell us about that stuff until the next one. And yes, I'm quite sure there will be another one. I believe that I read somewhere(I think on Lionhead's website) that they already knew the storylines for Fable 3, 4, and 5. Edit: I found a site discussing this: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3169050
There's no way I'm gunna get that pistol, I just figured out what you have to do to get it. 8{