OOC: Umm...bump? :/
Mya sighed and lit up a flare. Alright guys. Follow me. don't get lost. I'm not going back for anyone. She walked towards the east, holding up her flare so people can see it through the smoke.
Mya smiled and nodded at Kanonno. You're free to follow us. Now let's go before someone smothers in this smoke. She didn't like the box he threw on the ground, but she took it anyways, curious about it.
Mya noticed Jane coughing and decided they should move before the situation gets worse. She lowered her gun. She had lots of experience breathing in smoke, but not for long periods of time. Save me or not, your attitude is full of sh*t. I don't want it. We will leave you alone for now. If you follow me to our place, I will shoot you. She motioned the others to follow her, handing Jayne a breathing mask from one of the dead raiders.
Mya narrowed her eyes. She didn't like this man at all. She assumed having him on her side, he could be a backstabber. She still didn't lower her gun. What's makes you think we can trust you? How do we know you aren't gonna stab us in the back?
OOC: Oh Dayum :OOO BIC: Grey sighed. When we kidnapped Mya, we did it because of something she had within herself. In order to do that we needed her to go into a coma and also wipe out her memory. It's only temporarily though. The thing is that if she wakes up, she probably won't remember anything. Not even you, Rita, Karol, or any of us. Sasha blinked in confusion. Could this guy get any stranger?
Mya saw the events unfold in front of her. First some raiders attacked her now some strange person is attacking them. She pulled out her handgun and aimed it him, waiting after he fired two rounds in the air.
Lol something cheesy 8D
Ugh I don't think that's a good idea D:
Mya coughed up a bit of blood before answering them. I know the way around here. A group of refugees made a secret camp in this area. I just hope they'll accept you in. Our supplies are dangerously low. That mall had a lot of supplies in it before it collapsed. She wiped her mouth. Let's get moving before we inhale all of this smoke.
Sorry about that. Accepted :P
Grey heaved a sigh. Swear to me that you won't tell anyone got it? Sasha stated at his work before looking back at him. It's not that. I just think you got the wrong person..I think you're a wonderful man and stuff, but a guy like you doesn't deserve a girl like me. There's too much behind me.
Mya looked up at the girl and stood up straight. I think I'm fine for now. Thanks for saving me back there by the way.
Mya looked at all of them, taking in all of their names and faces together along with theory dragons. She felt happy that there were a lot of people with her, but she also knew that time was ticking. Right. Now the reason why I called you people here is the crisis we are in. The Fire nation is planning something. If you want to understand how, you have to learn from my past. She motioned everyone to follow her as she and Mai made their way to another part of the ruins.
Mya looked up to see a girl offering her help. She also could hear Raiders below her beige attacked. She pushed off with what strength she had and grabbed onto Jayne's hand, just in time as soon as she grabbed on, the building exploded, collapsing downwards. A few miles away, a hovership observed the event.
As Mya peered over the edge, she saw some people she didn't recognize. She didn't care. She had to get off before the building collapsed. Just as she thought that, a gas tank behind her exploded, sending her flying off of the mal rooftop. If she didn't grab the railing at the last second, she would've been a bloody mess on the streets. She groaned and tried to hold on, but was extremely difficult. Her side cramps started hurting more since her body was in a state of panic. The building groaned, threatening to collapse. Anyone! Please help! OOC: Accepted Generic.
OOC: Lol Twilight. You're supposed to take this RP seriously XD BIC: Mya continued to rest until a bullet hit the railing she was sitting on, startling her. She looked down and saw a group of 5 Raiders. Hey sweet stuff! What are you doing up there? You belong down here with us! Mya hissed back at them. Back off! I'll kill you all. They all mocked being scared. Ooh so scary! Once we grab a hold of you, we'll take you back and see how tough you are after 50 of us gets out share. It's been too long since we got a good looking girl! As the approached the building, Mya shot a round at them. I told you to stay back! They growled. Let's see about that! The leader snapped his fingers and two guys threw high explosives onto the support pillars. See you in hell! Shame we couldn't give you a good time! They set it off, causing the building to tilt forward and sending Mya to the floor. Crap! Gotta get off before- She was cut off by a searing pain in her sides as she collapsed to the floor. No please! Not now! Symptoms couldn't have gone off at a worse time. The building was threatening to smash to the streets if it weren't the last 2 pillars they forgot to blow up. She had no choice. It was risky. She pulled out a flare beacon and fired a shot in the sky, marking a location that could be seen miles away.
Mya smiled at Rhian. She liked her attitude and personality. She looked back at the others. I'm Mya and this is Mai. She patted the snow white dragon.
Grey stayed silent. After some awkward silence, he started to speak again. Look, I'm sorry. Perhaps if I had the knowledge I had now, I could've saved her. He looked around to make sure they were alone before speaking. I won't lie, I'm a heartless freak. I killed many of my own kind to study how we work, but I wouldn't kill a child. Never. I want to tell you something. It's my fault Mya is what she is in right now. Sasha bit her lip. She seriously wanted to run out. He was creeping her out. She also felt sorry for him. Maybe he never had someone to love. Maybe he had no human contact in his life. She sighed and nodded. Alright. I'll stay.
Accepted. THE RP HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED :D BIC: "A giant dome in the middle of a rotting city. One would think what he hell happened. It's quite simple. When a government keeps a secret, hell will break loose once they decide to tell the world. And in that point, everyone but the rich and powerful suffer. The weak and poor fight to create a faction to stand up. As long as a corrupt government stands, the rebellion will never stop. Little do we knew that as we go to hell with the others, we shall rot and the last thing we see is the laughing faces of the rich and greedy." ~Mya Mya sat on an abandoned shopping mall rooftop, looking across the horizon. It was beautiful except a giant dome blocked half of it. It has been 2 months since she caught the Hand of Death. She had a horrible life of comas, cramps, intense fevers, suicidal thoughts, insanity, and a lot of internal bleeding, but it never dampened her heart that there was hope out there. She was a selfless person. All she cared was the life of others. The children, the old, the hopeless. She would die to bring hope to the people. Right now, it seemed impossible. The Raiders take their belongings to spare their lives. Once in a while they take a female teenager. What happens to her people don't want to think about. Mya closed her eyes, trying to listen to some sound of hope. All she heard was the sound of the wind rushing and faint gunfire. Was there hope? Would they die without a cause?