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  1. heartless_angel
    OOC: Don't know why she decided to break off from the group :/

    BIC: Mya stroked her dragon's head. I don't know anymore. They keep throwing things at me that I want to keep hidden. If I told you all I was, you guys would kill me. Probably take me back as a fugitive. I live up to a bad reputation just for my name.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartless_angel
    OOC: Wow. You guys just totally ignored me. Wtf :l
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartless_angel
    Mya ran into the area where the others here, breathing heavily. I-I'm terribly sorry! I lost track of time and I totally forgot to make my way here!

    Xane behind her yawned. What she meant to say was that she was concerned on how much she should eat. She could get fat so I told her to eat this amount- Mya angrily kicked Xane hard enough to send him flying into the bushes. P-please ignore him. It's not true.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. heartless_angel
    OOC: Yesh *Le Glomp*
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartless_angel
    After a little more walking, Mya led them into a large room. The left side had a kitchen with a dining table. The right side had 5 beds, one which was slightly messier. The middle of the room had some couches and a cabinet full of pills. The far end of the room had a door. Mya gestured them in Make yourself at home. I'll cook up something for you guys.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartless_angel
    Okies that's for recap.
    Profile Post by heartless_angel for Pinekaboo, Oct 17, 2011
  7. heartless_angel
    OOC: I must've missed a lot :O

    Recap PLOX?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. heartless_angel
    Profile Post

    Glad you do ^^

    Glad you do ^^
    Profile Post by heartless_angel for Sora's Apprentice, Oct 16, 2011
  9. heartless_angel
    Mya dispatched the rest of the guards except for one which Mya kicked to the floor and pointed her sword at him. For letting you live, I want you to tell your king to stay out of our way, or I will kill him. Understand? The soldier just ran off, yelling back. You'll never live long enough! You'll die an outcast and a hated person! Mya sighed and walked back to Mai, patting her head.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartless_angel
    Profile Post

    Yes I do :3

    Yes I do :3
    Profile Post by heartless_angel for Sora's Apprentice, Oct 15, 2011
  11. heartless_angel
    Mya ferociously fought as 5 guards grouped her and others going after Allen and the others. The rest were attempting to take Mai away.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartless_angel
    OOC: Okies I stalled too long D:

    BIC: About 20 guards stepped out of the rubble, wearing brown uniforms that symbolized Earth soldiers. One high ranking one stepped forward. Mya Darkblaze! She flinched when they said her last name. It was a hated family in the Fire region. Every info spoke out presses more charges and hate on her and anyone related to her. She gave everyone a apologetic look before looking back at the soldier. By the Constitution of the Last War, all Fire region members are forbidden to leave the nation. Punishment is death. If you surrender, we will spare your life.

    Mya snarled at them. Tell your stupid king I refuse. My dragon will suffer like today! Besides, what chance do you have against us?

    The soldier smiled and snapped his fingers. Another guard brought out a special looking drum and hit it in a special beat. To the human ear, it sounded normal, but all their dragons started to doze off. Mya frowned. The Sleeping Beat. You all play dirty.

    Maybe if you surrendered, it wouldn't be like this. Kill them all! The soldiers pulled out swords and charged at them. Mya pulled out hers and got in a fighting stance.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartless_angel
    Mya frowned at Kanonno. She hated people who would doubt her help. It seriously ticked her off. Well if you insist, stay out here. I heard the rape and murder rates went up in the past few days. Everyone else can follow me in. She then walked into the tunnel and motioned everyone else to follow.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. heartless_angel
    Grey turned away from Liv when answering. Because I love Mya. The last think I want to see is to see her suffer. She carries the burden of the world on her shoulders. All we can do is lighten the weight pound by pound. He pulled out a picture and showed it to Liv. It showed him and Mya hugging and smiling and they looked about 15 years of age.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartless_angel
    OOC: Bump guys :/
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. heartless_angel
    Ooc: Bump guys d:
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartless_angel
    As Mya walked towards the center of the ruins, she stopped and turned around. Something doesn't feel right. It's like someone is following us...She then suddenly jumped to the side as an arrow lodged itself to the wall where Mya's head was before. She placed her hand on her sword handle and searched around. Show yourself! I know you're following us!
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartless_angel
    OOC: Sorry for that long stall guys.

    BIC: Mya frowned. She didn't like their directions. It sounded like a trap. And it was very likely. But if they needed to get Lynne, they had to take the info they had. We will go down the street. But if you guys lied to us, I swear we will hunt you down and kill you both.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. heartless_angel
    Mya continued leading them to a more wrecked area of the slums. I'm Mya. Nice meeting you all. We're headed to a secret shelter I made. I welcome everyone that needs help even if they plan to steal my stuff. I wasn't planning to live long anyways. She sighed. It was true. Since last week, her symptoms got worse. She guessed she was a Stage 5. Didn't matter. Everyone was gonna die anyways if the virus didn't kill them first. She walked up to a brick wall. When she pushed in a specific brick, the wall opened up to a tunnel. Well keep walking down and you'll eventually hit a room.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. heartless_angel
    Grey scratched his head. He'll probably kill me just for that. And no we haven't found it yet. If John didst have other ideas with her. The thing is that I need you to convince the others to move southward. I have a base there. He handed an old scroll that looks like a million years old. Give this to Sasha and tell her that changes have to be made.

    Sasha frowned. She felt kinda bad trying not to understand him, but she also stopped herself. This guy needed to know life isn't a merry go round where everything is there. On the other hand, he probably never shared his feelings. Maybe he needed someone less moody and someone more intelligent and has similar interests. She walked away towards the room where Mya and Karol are placed.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Oct 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home