OOC: Bump guys. Stop stalling and start posting :l
OOC: Seriously guys. This bumping is getting ridiculous. Do I have to bump every time I post?
Mya shrugged. It all comes back up sooner or later. I only eat when I desperately need it. She let out a nasty cough before shaking her head. Sorry about that. Anyways, tomorrow morning, the daily guards will be handing out food and medicine to the survivors. So don't go crazy and attack them.
OOC: Marushi, just to let you know, the virus only spreads through human contact. It cannot live on non-living things such as bottles or food unless human saliva or blood has come into contact. BIC: Mya chopped the eggs into large pieces and walked over to the room they were in, handing each one of them a plate. Enjoy your food. She however didn't take a plate herself
Mai spreaded her wings and flew towards her direction. It's me Mai. You're worrying everyone. I'm coming to get you.
Mya sighed and placed a lid on the pan, making the eggs cook a bit as she walked over to her bed, eyeing a picture of her and two people who looked like her mom and dad. I'm guessing a Level 5. Close enough to die, but not enough so you suffer. Every day, you wake up, wondering when the next symptom will hit, how fast the virus is growing. It sickens me to see that stupid dome. They're holding parties, enjoying their life, and not care while we rot away and kill each other just for another day to live. She shook her head, forcing a smile on her face. Ah what I'm I saying. I tell people to enjoy their life. You should too. A 21 year old like me should try. She walked back to the kitchen, holding back her rage of emotions stirring within her.
OOC: Lol that too. All up for time skip to the warehouse?
Mya looked around and frowned. Alex was nowhere to be seen. She must've fled during the battle. She stroked Mai. Mai, you have the longest signal. Call her out and try detecting her. She nodded and sat up, closing her eyes and sending her message to a 5 mile radius. Alex...come out. Your friends are looking for you. ]
Mya shook her head and looked back at the others. We won't be able to talk. We need to go somewhere safe first. Maybe like Water Region. They're a very friendly nation and won't know about me too much.
She looked back at the others. Like you guys. Take as much as you want. Medicine is worthless to me in my condition. She hummed a song while sprinkling some salt on the eggs.
OOC: Man I'm slowly running out of ideas. I'm gonna need some plot opinions or else this RP is gonna die.
OOC: All of a sudden, everyone left :/ BUMP
OOC: Gonna stall until the others respond BIC: Mya nodded while adding ham and onions to the pan. Nice to meet you. And yes I do live here. It's very safe. Although I do have Safehaven soldiers coming through time dice it is required to let them go through. But they do give you supplies if you're clean. She motioned to her cabinet full of bottled medicine. Though I wish they realize I have no use for them.
OOC: I'm tired of bumping all these threads :/ BIC: Mya shook Kanonno lightly. You need to put more faith in people. Whether they go along with you or not, you can't get anywhere without trust in your friends. She handed her a bottle of pills. This will ease up your symptoms and the progress of the virus. She headed back to the kitchen area and cracked a few eggs.
OOC: Sorry for stallz BIC: Mya scratched her head. I guarantee its a trap, but what can we do? We can't leave her there to die. Man it seems like she's grabbing all the danger out here...
Grey sighed. We weren't just friends. We were engaged. Once I was assigned and knew what the prophecy was about, I left her. I didn't want to break her heart telling her that the world depended on her. I locked myself in the labs, performing tests on myself because no one gave me enough money or supplies. As you can tell, thats why I look 25. Once John gave me a lab, I knew I couldn't stall this any longer. I needed to continue my research. What you hold there is the secret end of the prophecy. I can't read it. Sasha can. The sooner we cam get this sorted out. The better.