IT looks amazing it is gonna be 40.00 I think I didn't pay attention I just reserved it but the whole game revloves around the first Shippuden Arc.
Yep I have done it lots of times I just don't remeber how I traded the game in to help pay for Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4. It isn't that great when you break it you are just in water so it depletes you Chakra when you are there. BTW why do you ask this question?
Yes it is possible to be broken I think that level is also in Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4 as well.
Sweet Nero that dude is awsome.
I notice you are the admin hope I have not made you mad since I have been here I noticed the Zack <3 do you play Crisis Core?
I made a thread discussion on it but no one replied. I really need help with the game I am at the temple in the snow area where you have to touch and lift all of the stone cubes so you can walk across the upper level I need to move the last stone I need to insert something in the stone it says but I don't know where to find the item/thing that I need to insert into the stone please help.
What I have seen from other sig makers they usally just take the head shot from the sig I figured that is what you would do so in a way I did provide you with a avatar picture.
Size: 400X120 Picture/Render: Theme: Go with the flow of the picture Text:None Effects: Once again go with the flow of picture (I do like smuging though) Avatar:Make one and I will se if I like it? EDIT: I gave you a size and what rule did I disobey?
Lucky mine was supposed to end today at three but it now ends tommarow at 8:00 at night. So how is the Code Gesse RP going?
So when is your banned lifted? Mine was extended a day for some reason
Size: I don't know dimensions but average size is fine Picture/Render: Theme: Go with the flow of the picture Text:None Effects: Once again go with the flow of picture (I do like smuging though) Avatar:Make one and I will se if I like it?
I would have to say Old Sora cause you can just turn into Young Sora in KHII.
I am only on a three day ban so I am okay with that?
Oh well I might be able to join then cause I know quite a bit at Civil War and we are going over WWII in history class who are some good...
15 Percent White (Mostly English) 30 Percent Black 20 Percent Native American 21 Percent Mixed Race 1 Percent Asian 13 Percent Hispanic. Wait...
It is cool it like how America would be ran in the 1800-1900 with the Parliment and having a Monarchy and all. What is Demographics?
This one and the one when you fight the Twilight Naught whit Roxas I don't know the name of it though.
Thinks dancing bunnies are dumb.
Is that long message on your page your RP?
When spam is reported here is something actually done about it?