The first one is better, but you still need a little work.
These all need a good amount of work, so in my opinion I think you should go on and find some tutorials to help you get a good start on sig making.
I'm leaning towards V.2, but now for the C'n'C. Here we go *cracks knuckles* it's pretty good, but you should stick to maybe 2 main colors and not have little spots of other colors. Another thing is that the actual effects are kinda basic. They're a bit to sharp and repetitive. Try looking up a couple of tuts. Great job otherwise.
Right after the purple falsh of light, time stopped. The man in armor walked into another room and grapped a neon green potion. He lowered himself closer to Jayson and poured the drink into Jayson's mouth. The man in armor hit the button again and time was unstopped. Jayson came back to life with a gulp and down his throat went the potion. He suddenly felt a tingle in his stomach...
Ugh, I did't know that, but still I wasn't even here.
Yepp, the avatar is in .:Endless Graphics:. so just go right over there and it'll be there.
Take out the star... [IMG*][/IMG] Take out the star... [img*][/img]
love this, your style is so unique and cool. However, I would change the text because each word is diferent and that kinda bothers me. Who cares though that's only my opinion and it's your sig, so who am I to tell you what your text should look like. Good job anyway and keep up the great work.
That's pretty good, but the colors make my eyes hurt. It's got good blending and such though. It's just a little bit repetitive. Good job though and keep up the good work.
The Franky one because it matches your avatar and the effects are cooler.
I love all of these, there's nothing I would work on for these sigs. Except maybe lighting. Great job, you should enter one of these into SOTW. Well keep up the great work.
Pretty basic, but good for a starter. I'd work on angling and scaling the renders though. Maybe you could work on your effect skills to. Good job and keep up the good work.
Your backgrounds are just, UGH. Just listen to me and look up some tutorials. This need way to much work for me to even make a helpful comment.
I like that text, what is it? That's besides the point though. You really need a lot of work. For starters, that render is pretty bad and you need to make different layers, not all on just one. Other than that the effects are pretty bad. You should take a look through some GIMP tuts to get your skill up.
I'm not getting the iPod Touch, but I am getting the new iPod Nano. The thing is freaking tiny AND it plays videos. And I'm definately getting it after my next paycheck.
The point of this thread has been reached, so it can be closed now. *runs off to get a mod*
Hey, just because he has an eyepatch doesn't mean he's a pirate. -.- Lol, just kidding. I'm not mad, so don't think I am.
Omg I'm not the only one. Lol, that's besides the point though. I'm not sure what I'm going to be yet. You know what I love though, the fact that I'm going to be 16 this December and I still go trick or treating. He, all I have to say is one word and that's all. FREE CANDY !! Wait, that's two. Uhh, yea. Well I might be Batgirl, Supergirl, or Wonder Woman. I'm not sure yet though.
Aarrr, I did not know this. Ye should have said of this earlier. Arghh. Ye see, I don't really pay attention to the minor holidays. So next time will ye be as kind as to tell me of such a holiday. Arghhh.
Hey, welcome to KH-Vids. All you have to do to fit in is: Post lots. Respect the staff. Obey the rules. And have fun. Have a great time.