hehe cool (:
awwwe im sorry to hear that :(
im not reating it but it is kinda funny
those are really awesome!!!!! i wish i could do that!!!!!!!!! =] you've got some serious talent there. keep up and practice hard =]
the father must be found then :/
I very much like v3 best it looks better than the rest and it looks good enough to drink >.>
ow that's cute xD
it does look like a newspaper and it's great. I studied Edgar allan Poe in English a few months back. I'd say that's A+ material (:
lobe little mermaid:D I wanted to punch ursala in the face DX
OMg kayt perry rocks my socks :D she's awesome and all the haters shouldn't hate cause deep down inside they no she's great
I've had experience with this and my advice to you is to try and deal with it. Your you and if split personalities is occuring try and focus on being one personality... Confusing I no..
be been here for a while and I haven't left =| but not that long though Yeah I've noticed that too and I dnt like it one bit
What? Don't leave!
yeah Gaia rules (:
I got an iPod touch it's amazing (:
wow wellcome back hope japan was fun and I like mascare as a name
www poor thing