I dont see any "?"s...
congrats to your premium-ness! xD
Yes but it freezes in 5 minutes. Did Anyone have the idea of giving sora the acrossing two using weapon mod?
The First Quote has the Code that makes the keyblade go backwards, also, I don't think I have his weapon moveset...
Hey, Random Question: Does anyone know how to fix sora's keyblade with riku, the way he weilds the keyblade backwards annoys meh. :huh: P.S: I used to roxas weilding like ven, not RIKU! XD
Donald was changed into an enemy, and no target mod code was involved. That way i can make ally roxas into a punching bag! XD
Hey. I tried the "donald's an enemy" role mod. The only flaw was no voice or animations. He did have a target mod!
I deleted that post, I just woke up and i didn't think straight :/8D:
Yeah, I know, but it's different from the usual one... Sora Model Mod 51CXXXXX 00000020 01CYYYYY 00000000 Values B96F0 - Normal Sora B9750 - Valor Sora B97B0 - Wisdom Sora B9810 - Master Sora B9870 - Final Sora B98D0 - Anti Sora C1670 - Normal Sora [Halloween Town] C5F30 - Valor Sora [Halloween Town] C5F90 - Wisdom Sora [Halloween Town] C5FF0 - Master Sora [Halloween Town] C6050 - Final Sora [Halloween Town] C60B0 - Anti Sora [Halloween Town] D0B50 - Normal Sora [Space Paranoids] D1210 - Valor Sora [Space Paranoids] D12D0 - Wisdom Sora [Space Paranoids] D1390 - Master Sora [Space Paranoids] D1450 - Final Sora [Space Paranoids] D1510 - Anti Sora [Space Paranoids] D0BB0 - Normal Sora [Timeless River] D1270 - Valor Sora [Timeless River] D1330 - Wisdom Sora [Timeless River] D13F0 - Master Sora [Timeless River] D14B0 - Final Sora [Timeless River] D1570 - Anti Sora [Timeless River] This mod gives the form "YYYY" the appearance of the form "XXXX." Please note that this mod cannot be converted for the ARMAX. Use the alternate version below if you have an ARMAX because this mod can be converted. Sora: 21CB96F4 YYYYYYYY 21CB96F8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9754 YYYYYYYY 21CB9758 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB97B4 YYYYYYYY 21CB97B8 ???????? Master: 21CB9814 YYYYYYYY 21CB9818 ???????? Final: 21CB9874 YYYYYYYY 21CB9878 ???????? Anti: 21CB98D4 YYYYYYYY 21CB98D8 ???????? YYYYYYYY Digits: 00303031 Normal Sora 5F303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ???????? Digits: 00000000 Sora 464C5442 Valor 4647414D Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544C55 Final 58455F50 Anti