"Whatever you say." Ryden rushed behind Omega and readied his blades, "Hey ugly, block this!" He drove both of his swords into Omega's back.
Ryden raised his eyebrow quizzically looking at Noah. He thought about it for a little bit, "Well, I guess you're right, I do have something to fight for. Only trouble is, my memory is pretty bad, so if I am fighting for something or someone, I don't remember who or what. Well, if we're gonna be here, we might as well have a little bit of fun, right?" Ryden looked at Noah pointing his sword at Lightning, Snow, and Omega.
"Thank you" Talia rushed over to the medical facility. When she got there, she saw all of the engineers, "Whoa, they don't look that good." Then she looked over at Garrus, "Man, he looks even worse than the engineers. Probably because of prolonged exposure to the radiation." Talia put on some gloves and took out a blood sample from Garrus.
"What? a Twin Reactor, no wonder. Well, can you take me to the medical room where the pilot and engineers are?" Talia put the device away.
"Right... Thank you" Talia rushed over to where the hangar was, when she finally got there she was exhausted, Man, this place is huge. She looked over at the Type Seven, Whoa, it's that huge MHW that was on the Shangri-La, so that's what it was called. She took a special device that read radiation levels. The device went ballistic, "Whoa, that is some strong radiation."
"I'll look into it right away." Talia was about to leave, then she turned around and suddenly asked the captain, "Umm... where is this 'Type Seven'?"
"Sir, I was assigned on the Shangri-La before this, they sent me here to help with medical emergencies and fight should the need arise." Talia put her hand down, "So, are there any patients that need tending?"
"All right then, thank you!" Talia went off and followed the Engineer's directions, getting to the left and went to the bridge. She walked up to the captain and saluted, "Sir, I have been assigned to this vessel, Starr Sergeant Talia Rasler Nabradia reporting."
"Roger that," Talia moved to the rear landing deck and moved into the Ark. She got out of the MHW and asked one of the Engineers closeby, "Um... could you point me in the direction of the Bridge?"
A Striker equipped with a Space Pack came close to the Ark, the pilot opened a comm link with the Ark. "This is Staff Sergeant Talia Rasler Nabradia requesting permission to dock on the Ark."
OOC: I want to introduce a new character if that's cool with you. Name: Talia Rasler Nabradia Birthday: August 14th Age: 24 Gender: Female Description: Click Affiliation: Federation Occupation: MHW Pilot, Nurse Rank: Staff Sergeant Colour: White MHW/Ship: Striker/The Ark History: When she was 14, her parents went through a divorce which led to her beginning to hate her parents. Little by little, she couldn't stand being with her parents, until she finally ran away when she was 18. 3 years later she signed up with the Earth Federation in order to make sure her parents couldn't find her. As she trained in the Earth Federation, she learned how to pilot an MHW and became pretty sufficient with the Striker model. She also trained as a nurse so that she could learn how to field dress wounds and hopefully help keep soldiers alive on the field.
"I...I don't-" Garrus suddenly fainted.
Garrus got out of the Type Seven and went out of the hangar holding his head, "Ahh... Why does my head hurt?"
Garrus growled as the Type Seven finished charging, "Fine..." The Type Seven morphed back into its base form and went back into the hangar.
Garrus started laughing crazily as he stopped firing, "Let's see you all try on some of this!" Type Seven reverted back to its humanoid form, "Activate Transformation Sequence: Siege!" The Type Seven became a literal wall of weapons, with Beam Cannons and Beam Rifles jutting out from the front, rockets coming out from the back and a rail gun at the top. "TAKE THIS YOU EMPIRE FLUNKIES!!!" The Type Seven launched everything at its disposal to get rid of all of the Canaries in front of him. "Battery at 15%. Too much energy expended. Cool Down Time Required."
"Battery at 100%. Cool Down Sequence Complete." "Alright. Let's try this" The Type Seven went back into its humanoid form, "Activate Transformation Sequence: Tank" The Type Seven transformed into a large tank, with a front mounted Beam Cannon and two sets of Beam Rifles on the back. Garrus pressed a button and the cannons immediately started firing, along with the rifles. "Battery at 91%"
"Well, if you don't want to let down any friends, do your best to help them. If you don't know who your friends are, then you should look into your own heart to see who you really care about. Good and evil are two concepts that everyone perceives differently, I can't really tell you anything about something you should know. Although, to be honest with you, I don't think that you know much about anything, considering that you only listen to this Jenny person. Regardless, if you want to find the answers to your questions, look into your heart and find them." Ryden had his eyes closed deep in thought. "The reason I don't do anything, is because I have no friends, no reason to fight for anyone but myself."
The Type Seven returned to the hull of the Ark and transformed back into its Humanoid form. "Now then, let's try this. Activate Transformation Sequence: Turret!" Type Seven quickly transformed into a stationary turret with two Beam Rifles on the sides with a Beam Cannon being on the front. "Eat this!" Garrus unloaded a whole load of Beams on the Canaries. "Battery at 62%. Too much energy expended at once, cool down time required." "Damn... I've gotta fix that." Garrus waited for the bar that flashed on his screen to go down.
Garrus smiled, "Well, let's see what my baby can do! Activate Transformation Sequence: Flight!" The Type Seven's eyes glowed as it flew torwards the Canaries and transformed into a plane form with the Beam Rifle forming the tip of the plane, firing Beam Blasts from it. "Battery at 89%" The Computer System announced.
"Start-up Sequences, Complete. Engine running at full capacity. Battery at 100%. Hyperion Jet Pack Systems, ready. Ragnarok Weapon Systems, ready. Variable Form System, online" A computer's voice called out. "Excellent, now is the time to see Type Seven's true capabilities." The massive MHW stood up fully erect, easily towering over the Striker Niche. "Let's start with something easy" The Type Seven pointed its Giant Beam Rifle at the hordes of Canaries and fired a massive beam at it.