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  1. No Heart-X
    Talia sat down astonished, "Amazing. Well, I don't think you'll be wanting to move for a while." She stood back up and went to check on Garrus. "By the way, did you notice anything strange about Garrus when he was piloting that behemoth of an MHW?"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. No Heart-X
    "Geez, how'd you survive that?" Talia cut off the end of the bandage and tucked it underneath another part of the bandage wrap.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. No Heart-X
    Talia treated Alistair's wounds, cleaning them off before bandaging him up. "Man, first day and this happens."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. No Heart-X


    Zero clasped his hands together and slowly pulled them away from each other as a glowing light shined from his hands. "Testing is going underway, we'll have to skip the formalities for now." The light faded away and revealed the giant Zweihander that he was able to summon. He quickly grabbed it and offered it to Aiden. "If we're to be partners, you need to be able to use this weapon." The point of the blade was digging into the snow beneath them.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. No Heart-X


    Zero opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Aiden. "Huh? Was I sleeping?" he stared at him lifelessly. "Sorry, I guess." Zero stood up in a sluggish manner. "I suppose you are my partner," Zero said rubbing his eyes in an attempt to rub away his tiredness.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. No Heart-X


    OOC: Sorry for not posting sooner.

    BIC: Zero was sitting cross legged in the snow. His hands were shoved into his pockets as his head hung down limply. He had fallen asleep when he finally got there. Zero had been feeling sleepy the entire time they were heading to the meeting point and fell asleep the moment they got there.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. No Heart-X
    "Whoa, what's going on out there?" Talia said as they brought Alistair into the Medical Bay. "Put him over on that bed!" She called out pointing to the bed next to Garrus.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. No Heart-X
    I'll have Zero team up with Aiden. I mean, you know, if that's cool with you.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. No Heart-X


    Username: No Heart-X
    Name: Zero
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Click
    Bio: Zero barely has any memories of his past, save for one memory of a girl holding his hand. He was taken into M.A.G.I.C when they found that he had the ability to enhance other people's physical capabilities. He has the ability to summon a giant Zweihander sword.
    Personality: He is very friendly to people and general respectful. He is also very protective of people and hates having to wait.
    Partner: Aiden Gray
    Magic Type: Supporting

    Haste - Boosts the Reaper's movement speed
    Protect - Hardens the Reaper's skin to reduce damage
    Shell - Reduces damage from magical attacks
    Temper - Increases Reaper's striking force and precision

    Weapon: Zweihander
    Other: Zero is a narcoleptic, meaning that he will fall asleep at inappropriate times. He only talks when someone acknowledges him by name.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. No Heart-X
    Ryden woke up in a daze, cuts on his arms and his body. As he tried to sat himself up, he groaned looking at Lightning. Whoa, who is that?
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. No Heart-X
    "Suit yourself." Talia grabbed Ryo's tray and gobbled it all up. "Well, I gotta get back to work. Nice meeting you!" She left the cafeteria and went back to the Medical Center.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. No Heart-X
    As Talia finished her last tray, she exhaled happily. "That was pretty good. Huh? Hey, you haven't eaten anything, Ryo."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. No Heart-X
    "Huh, you guys eat really slow." Talia resumed eating, finishing her second and third trays.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. No Heart-X
    "Huh? What do you mean?" Talia put down the bowl of food she was eating. She was already on her second tray.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. No Heart-X
    Talia took four trays of food and started shoveling the food into her mouth.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. No Heart-X
    "Sure, I'd love to." Talia smiled when her stomach growled loudly. Immediately, she turned red of embarassment and started laughing sheepishly.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Feb 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. No Heart-X
    "Well, I'm looking for the cafeteria, but I don't know where it is. See, I'm new here, my name's Talia, nice to meet you." Talia extended her hand out to shake his hand.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Feb 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. No Heart-X
    Talia took off her medical gloves when her stomach growled. Man, I haven't eaten since this morning, that's no good at all. She wandered around looking for where she could find some food. Shoot. I need a map for this place.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. No Heart-X
    Talia put the blood sample on a slide and looked at it with a microscope. "Well, at least there isn't any permanent damage, some of the cells look a little worn down, but that will fix itself. I should scan his brain for any irregular brain wave patterns." She took a handheld scanner and waved it over Garrus's head. "Okay, his brain is fine, not too affected by the radiation emitted by the Type Seven, though there was a slight change in his brain activity. If I'm right, he should wake up in about a day or two." Talia went over and scanned the other engineers. "Nothing too severe either. Since they were exposed for a shorter amount of time, they should be up in a couple hours."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. No Heart-X
    "Tch." Ryden disappeared in a flash and appeared behind Omega, the look in his eyes changed completely. "I don't die that easily." He brushed aside his hair to reveal a L'Cie brand in his left eye. "I didn't know what was going on, I was just exploring this place because of curiosity. Next thing you know, my eye has this thing on it."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Feb 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home