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  1. No Heart-X
    Name: Isaac Hewley
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Mutsunokami, a Nodachi, along with magic. Later on, a Keyblade called No Return
    Gender: Male
    Relationships: Pending
    Side/Occupation: Inbetween/Mercenary and senior student at the Academy of Light
    Appearance: He's 6' 2", slightly muscular build, piercing sapphire eyes, and long brown hair with bangs that partially cover the right side of his face. Click
    Bio: Isaac is a skilled fighter, able to use his Mutsunokami with precise movement. He can wield the nodachi with one hand, which is unheard of because of the weight of the blade. A single swipe could cut through solid rock. He is also gifted with the use of magic, with no specific elemental affinity. At the age of 11, he could already use "-ga" ranked spells. His past is a bit of a mystery to him as he has no memories of his childhood. He has absolutely no recollection of his family or where he was originally from. During a trip with his family, he fell from a high cliff and into a forest below. He nearly died from the fall. Luckily for him, there was someone who lived nearby that heard him as he fell. The fall gave him amnesia as he had hit his head multiple times as he fell. The stranger nursed him back to health and taught him how to wield a sword properly. After a few years, he left and went out to find his own living. He's been doing mercenary work ever since using his trusty Mutsunokami which he got from the kind stranger that found him.
    Theme Song: Melody of the Wild Dance - SiD
    Battle Theme: Fight with Seymour - Nobuo Uematsu
    Miscellaneous: He tends to smoke whenever he is stressed, but smokes socially as well. When interacting with people normally, he is very friendly, inviting, and somewhat of a klutz, but when he fights, he is cold, calculating, and brutal. He will take any job no matter who it comes from, as long as he gets paid.

    Lol, I hope it's not weird that I'm probably gonna be the only one using a Final Fantasy battle theme.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. No Heart-X
    "Man... What a drag." Garrus said as both he a Talia tried to go to his room to get his Pilot Suit.

    "What happened anyway?" Talia said as she struggled to help Garrus walk.

    "I was close to the bridge. The force of the explosion knocked me backwards, the rushing flames burned my arms and shrapnel from the bridge hit me in the head and arm. Sad to say, I saw the captain die..." Garrus looked down as he limped forward.

    Talia just stared at him in disbelief. "Then... What'll happen after this is over and done? I mean, with no captain-"

    "We don't need to worry about that right now, what's important right now is to help out however we can... Then we can start figuring stuff out." Garrus wiped some of the blood from his face.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. No Heart-X
    Garrus tried to go to his room to get his pilot suit. The right side of his face was covered with blood, his arms were burned and there was a gash on his left arm. As he walked down the hall, he steadied himself against the wall.

    "Garrus! Oh man, you're beat up pretty bad. Let me patch you up," Talia said as she found Garrus. She was running through the Ark looking for people.

    "No, I need to get my pilot suit."

    "What?! Are you insane? You're hurt!"

    "I don't care, I need to help anyway I can."

    "I can't let you-"

    "Don't give me that," Garrus said cutting her off. "It's a time of emergency, and I need to act on it."

    Talia was silent for a moment. "Fine, if you're gonna insist, but I'm going too."

    "Hah, fine just help me get my suit."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. No Heart-X


    Zero groaned, "I haven't any money..." He didn't like being poor, but he was used to it already. "If we go out to eat, it's your treat, Aiden," his face was straight the entire time he spoke. His stomach growled again, prompting Zero to punch his own gut repeatedly.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. No Heart-X


    "We need to find food... now," Zero was looking straight up. The only thing in his head was food. Food that he could almost smell. His stomach growled even louder at the thoughts racing through his head. "I hope there's food in that house," he said as he walked into the house as if he were in a trance.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. No Heart-X
    "Hey, I'm willing to wait for an NG Drive." Garrus kept thinking how much greater the Type Seven would be with it. He couldn't contain his excitement.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. No Heart-X
    "Well, that's interesting. If you're willing to, I'll take that NG Drive off your hands." Garrus grinned at the thought of having his Type Seven run with a limitless power source.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. No Heart-X
    "And you're willing to give me one? What's the catch?" Garrus crossed his arms in suspicion.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. No Heart-X
    "WHAT!? Ho- How is that possible, I was never aware that the NG Drives were on here." Garrus didn't even know what to think anymore.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. No Heart-X
    "Wha- Wait a minute, you're talking about... An NG Drive? Tha- That's impossible! How'd you get your hands on one of those?" Garrus was absolutely astonished. As he tried to get out to see Alastor, he hit his head on one of the panels. "OW! Dammit! Anyways, how do you have an NG Drive?"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. No Heart-X
    Garrus put down the parts he was holding and then put on a bandana to keep the hair out of his face. As Alastor told him about the power plant, he looked up at him with a raised brow, "Oh yeah? What kind of power plant is it? Please don't tell me it's a standard Hyper Solar reactor." Garrus continued to remove the twin reactor.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. No Heart-X
    "Sorry, I'm new here, so I barely know anyone here." Talia said not even looking up from her book.

    Garrus entered the Launch Pad and looked around for a bit. Then he grabbed some tools as he went to the Type Seven. "Sorry buddy, looks like I have to take out the power plant. You won't be able to work till I find a new one." Garrus reluctantly started to take off pieces of the Type Seven to gain access to the power plant.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. No Heart-X


    "Wow," Zero said with an uninterested look in his eyes. He just stared at the house while holding all of his stuff in his hands. All he really had was a book to read and extra clothes he kept in a bag since he figured there wouldn't be a need for anything else. His stomach growled, causing him to scratch it, And I'm hungry, well... first I'm sleepy, now I'm hungry. He started to drool a little bit thinking about food he could eat.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. No Heart-X
    OOC: You do realize that it's Garrus and not Drake, right?

    BIC: Talia caught the pillow, "Sorry about that." She immediately tossed the pillow back to him.

    Garrus grabbed his stuff and was about to leave the Medical Bay.

    Talia ran up to him and stopped him, "Hey, what's the big idea?"

    "What? You said it yourself, I should change the power plant."

    "Yeah, but not right now." She tried to keep her voice down so as not to disturb Alistair.

    "Well why not?"

    "You need to rest. Besides, I'm not so sure that the radiation is gone yet."

    "Don't worry, it should be gone by now." Garrus said quickly trying to head out.

    Talia stopped him again, "How can you be so sure?"

    "Come on, I'm the guy who put that power plant in there, and I have more knowledge about power plants than you."

    "Yeah, then how come you didn't know about the radiation the Twin Reactor would produce?"

    "I overlooked something minor. Don't worry about it." Garrus left without any hesitation.

    "Crazy S.O.B." Talia went back into the Medical Bay and picked up her book again and continued where she left off.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. No Heart-X


    Zero stood up and grabbed all of his stuff. He kept rubbing his eyes because of his drowsiness. So... sleepy.... need to.... sleep. He got out of the train and literally five steps later he falls asleep standing up, still holding on to his stuff. His head fell forward, hanging limply from his shoulders, snoring a little bit.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. No Heart-X
    Garrus turned over in his bed as he had a nightmare. The nightmare that played through his head every time he slept. It started with him looking out from a balcony on a building 34 stories high. Just beyond the balcony he saw his parents, calling for him to go to them. But he feared falling all the way down to the ground, so he stayed. However, he would feel a sudden pull towards his parents. Try as he might, he couldn't stop himself and he kept going and going until he finally fell off of the balcony. Just as this happened he finally woke up, sitting up suddenly with sweat dripping down his face, breathing heavily. It's that damn nightmare again... Why does it keep happening?

    "Oh, you're finally awake." Talia said looking up from the book she was reading. She stood up and set the book down on the chair she was sitting on. "You must've been having some serious things going on in that head of yours from the looks of it."

    "Huh? Who are you, and where the hell am I? What happened?" Garrus looked at her as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

    "Well... you're still on the Ark, you're just in the Medical Bay. As for who I am, I'm the new nurse and MHW pilot from the Shangri-La, Talia Rasler Nabradia," she said with a smile on her face. "As for what happened, it seems you passed out from the radiation emitted by that huge MHW you were piloting. So tell me, who's the genius that put in a Twin Reactor?"

    Garrus turned red in the cheeks. He turned away from her and nervously scratched his cheek, "Uh... I'd be that genius."

    An awkward silence came about between the two of them. Then, Talia, angered by his stupidity, shouted at him, "ARE YOU SERIOUS!? YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU PUT IN TWIN REACTORS WITHOUT KNOWING ABOUT THE RADIATION!? HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?"



    Garrus just looked at her utterly defeated, "Man... whatever," he looked away from her.

    Talia sighed, "If you're gonna pilot that thing again, you should consider changing the power plant," she scratched her head.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. No Heart-X


    "Well... That was a waste of magic..." Zero scratched his head slightly. "I guess the exam is over." He just looked at Roxy with a blank look. "By the way," Zero said looking at Aiden, "I never formally introduced myself, I am Zero, pleasure to meet you." He bowed in front of him.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. No Heart-X


    "This should help" Zero tagged Aiden with a glowing hand, bestowing unto him the power of Haste. "You should be able to move faster now... And just in case." He put his other hand on Aiden which was also glowing and casted Protect on him. "Your skin should be hard to the point of being unable to be cut." Zero took his hands off of Aiden as his hands stopped glowing.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. No Heart-X
    Talia said nothing as she cleaned off Yjuna's wounds and inspected them for anything that may be stuck in there.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. No Heart-X
    "Oh my god, what happened to you?" Talia asked as she went over and helped her to a bed.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Mar 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home