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  1. No Heart-X
    "Uhh... Quite unexpectedly... But, it was spectacular to say the least." Ashley was completely astonished as they had both repelled the magic spells that they cast. The barriers dropped as the battle had momentarily stopped.

    Isaac and Morgana were breathing heavily and they were both on one knee. They looked at each other and forced their bodies to get up. "Damn, I've never seen someone reflect a spell that powerful before." He put his right hand on his left shoulder as he moved his arm around.

    "The same could be said about you," Morgana snickered a little bit.

    "Ya know, I never got your name..." Isaac tried to keep himself standing, his whole body shaking from the strain.

    "It's Morgana, Morgana Telos. So then, how 'bout your name, what is it?" Morgana had an easier time standing up since she was already used to casting powerful spells that takes her own energy to cast.

    "Hah, my name's Isaac Hewley." He dropped back down to one knee as the clouds overhead cleared away to reveal the sky once again. Morgana walked over to him and lent him a hand to help him stand up. "Thanks, Morgana."

    "Don't get too carried away, boy," She said jokingly as Isaac got up. "Ashley, come over here and heal us, would ya?"

    "Yeah... right." Ashley walked over and cast Curaga on both of them. "That was amazing, I've never seen magic that powerful. I mean, looked around, you guys." The battlefield around them at the base of the Ryukahn Mountain range was damaged beyond all recognition, earthen spires all over the place, cracks in the ground leading all over the place, dust going all over the place.

    "Huh... damn, I guess our battle must've taken it's toll, huh?" Isaac taking in the view of the aftermath of their battle.

    "That just goes to show how fun that battle was." Morgana said sitting down, grabbing a cigarette from her back pocket and lighting it.

    "You know, I really wish you wouldn't smoke, Morgana." Ashley finished healing both of them already.

    "Yeah? Well I don't like it when I buy you drinks when you're in a depressed state, but you don't see me complaining about it." She didn't even look at Ashley as she took a drag from her cigarette.

    "Shut up, you know that I don't like it when you talk about that, especially in front of other people."

    "Then don't complain about my smoking," Morgana said as she blew out rings of smoke.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. No Heart-X
    Morgana and Isaac were both absorbed in their battle of magic and blades. They didn't pay any mind to the fact that the kid who fell there before came back, they just kept going at it, continually using higher ranked spells.

    "You know kid, I gotta admit, you're pretty good." Morgana let out as they clashed weapons.

    "So, you finally respect me enough to stop callin' me names?" Isaac said as he pushed her back and charged in again only to be blocked by her weapon.

    "Not even close, sorcerer wannabe!" Morgana flew backwards and started casting a spell by putting her hands together in front of her. "So, you say you're a powerful magician, huh? Well, let's see how you fare against one of my more powerful spells." Soon after she said that, glyphs started to appear behind her and on her hands as the clouds in the sky became dark and started to converge in around her.

    "Oh, you think you got me beat, huh? We'll see about that!" Isaac crossed his arms in front of his chest as Mutsunokami rotated in the air around him. Glyphs appeared beneath him and lightning emerged from four points of the glyph and joined together above his head, resembling a pyramid.

    "He he he, this is the most fun I've had ever! Now see if you can handle this, Maelstrom!" A powerful swirl of energy and wind crashed down in front of Isaac and was about to charge at him.

    "Oh yeah? Try this on for size, Starfall!" Isaac uncrossed his arms as a meteor emerged from the clouds above and was about to crash into Morgana. Morgana erected a barrier and tried to force it back as Isaac did the same against the Maelstrom that was coming his way.

    Ashley had surrounded herself with several barriers to avoid being hit by anything that might come flying at her from their clash of magical force.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. No Heart-X
    "So what, we gonna chat all day or are we gonna finish this fight, momma's boy?" Morgana shrugged her shoulder's tauntingly at Isaac.

    "Hmph, are really intent on finishing this battle?" Isaac scratched his head.

    "What, scare you gonna lose, sissy?" Morgana brought up her weapon and pointed the blade at Isaac's face.

    Unaffected by her words and her taunts, Isaac lifted up his blade. "Fine, if you're really going to insist, but from this point on, I will fight without being emotionally compromised. I will fight to the best of my ability."

    "Just what I wanted to hear!" Both Morgana and Isaac jumped away from each other and started casting spells with a frantic haste. Fire and ice flying all over the place, the ground shaking underneath, tornadoes violently erupting all around. A battle between extremely skilled mages. Ashley watched on in awe as the battle raged on.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. No Heart-X
    "What the hell?" Isaac came down and crouched down beside him.

    Morgana was poking Robbie with the blunt end of her naginata. "Hey, you know this ******?"

    "Huh... he looks familiar... and would you please stop calling people names?" Isaac was getting fed up with her name calling.

    "Well, I don't see how you're gonna do anything about it, Captain Sensitive." Morgana was still poking at Robbie.

    "Hey, you think we should help him?" Ashley came over and looked at him. "I mean, he doesn't seem hurt."

    "I don't know, I'm getting weird vibes from this guy," Isaac said poking him with his finger.

    "Well... the Imperial Capital is closer to the base of the mountain than Ryukahn, you wanna bring this kid over there?" Ashley looked up at Morgana.

    "Meh, just leave him be, I'm sure sooner or later he'll wake up." Morgana planted her naginata into the ground next to Robbie.

    "I got a better idea, let's just bring him to the edge of town and ditch him there." Isaac interjected. Ashley, unamused by Isaac, punched him in the head.

    "Dumba**," She said with her fist in the air.

    "Hey, best idea I've heard all day," Morgana said grabbing Robbie by the collar. She moved quickly, jumping great distances towards the Imperial Capital. Once she reached the border she just dropped him there and went back to the others, both of whom were in shock from what they just witnessed. "What?"

    "You're just full of tact, aren't you?" Isaac asked in a rhetorical manner.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. No Heart-X
    "Ugh! The nerve of that woman, calling me a 'geeky little momma's boy' and a '******ed pretty boy', I am gonna kill her!" Isaac was getting really worked up. He was usually pretty calm whenever he first meets people, but when he gets called names, he gets enraged very quickly. "That b**** is so dead when I get her!"

    "Man, watch your mouth!" Ashley slapped him in the face, leaving a red hand-shaped mark on his face.

    "Gah!" Isaac ran all the way down to the base of the mountain, screaming at the top of his lungs, "I'M GONNA GET YOU, YOU EVIL HAG OF A WITCH YOU!!!!"

    "Geez, maybe I shouldn't have brought him to Morgana, with her being so short with people all of the time. But at least it'll be fun to see who is more powerful." Ashley chased Isaac all the way down to the base of the mountain.

    When Isaac finally got to the base of the mountain, he was breathing heavily and red in the face, "All right, hag, let's fight right now."

    Morgana was holding her naginata as she was sitting, smoking while she waited for Isaac, "Oh, so you have some balls at least. Though you shouldn't have come here dumba**, in case Ashley forgot to tell you, I'm called the most powerful around these parts. Nothing to sne-"

    "SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET'S FIGHT ALREADY!!!!" Isaac summoned his Mutsunokami, a nodachi with a black handle and a unique black blade. He rushed at Morgana with vigor as she blocked him with the handle portion of her naginata.

    "Hey, slow down, don't want this to end too fast now, do we dill weed?" Morgana smirked at him and started casting magic, "Quake," She calmly called out as the ground cracked underneath Isaac's feet.

    Isaac growled at her, "Float!" He flew into the air and avoided the shattering ground.

    "Well, this is unexpected, another magic wielder. Hey, hussy, you neglected to mention your boyfriend could use magic." Morgana exclaimed as she saw Ashley finally catch up to them.

    "Shut up and just fight him, will ya!" Ashley was angered by Morgana's calm expression through the fight.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. No Heart-X
    Ashley and Isaac were quiet for several moments. The revelation that Isaac was a killer was seeping into Ashley's mind, ever so slowly. Finally, Ashley spoke, "So, exactly how powerful are you?"

    "I wouldn't know, I always try to hold back whenever I fight, relying on my wit and speed to outmaneuver my enemy and get an opening."

    "Would you care to find out how strong you are?" Ashley was really curious to see how strong he was.

    "What? Why?"

    "Well... There's this witch that lives on the outskirts of the town, and she is considered to be one of the most powerful around these parts." Ashley stood up and motioned for Isaac to get into the wheelchair.

    "I guess... I never really thought about finding out what my limits are." Isaac reluctantly got into the wheelchair. Ashley pushed him to the outskirts of the town where nobody except for that witch lived.

    As they entered the outskirts, Ashley spoke to Isaac, "You can get out of the wheelchair and take off your bandages." He did exactly that as they continued on until they reached a run-down old shack. "This is the place, hold on. HEY! YOU DIRTY WITCH! GET OUT HERE!"

    From the shack, they heard disgruntled mumbling and someone clearing their throat and spitting. "Eww, that's gross," Ashley commented.

    "What the hell do you want, ya hussy?" Out from the shack emerged a tall and slender, short-haired woman with a fair complexion.

    "Hmph, disregarding what you said, how 'bout a round with this guy? He seems pretty strong."

    "Huh?" The witch slowly turned her head to look at Isaac, who was astonished as he was expecting to see an old lady when he heard witch. "What, this geeky little momma's boy? Don't look so tough to me."

    Isaac was infuriated by this statement and went right up to her face, "Wanna run that by me again, ya wicked hag?"

    "Wicked hag? Who the hell are you callin' a wicked hag, ******ed pretty boy?"

    "Oh, I am so gonna kill you, you harlot!"

    "Bring it on, meet me over at the base of the mountain and we'll settle this." The witch leaped over to the base of the mountain.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. No Heart-X
    Ashley brought Isaac to the edge of town and told him to tell her where he was from and why he could cast magic. "Alright, alright, no need to get your panties in a bunch, geez." Isaac pulled out a cigarette and light it with flames that he conjured from his fingertips.

    "Why are you smoking?" Ashley looked at him with a really pissed off glare.

    "Hey, I'm under a lot of stress, considering what just happened and how I came to be here. Let me have this." He took a long drag from his cigarette and let out a calm breath. "Okay, as you might have already guessed, I'm not from this world. I'm from the Academy of Light, which was recently overtaken by a dark core. Most of the student body was unable to escape, so by now, they've either been swallowed up by the darkness or tossed out to distant worlds. As for me, I managed to get to my Gummi Ship before anything happened. I crash landed here in, wherever this place is." Isaac looked around.

    "Alright, so you crash landed here escaping from the darkness overtaking this Academy of Light. Okay, well right now, you're in Ryukahn, a town to the north of the Imperial Capital located in a mountain range. That's where you are right now." Ashley said trying to understand what's going on.

    "Right, as for why I can cast magic, I was born with the innate ability to conjure magic. I've been able to do this since I was a boy. Though, I don't exactly know why. I have no idea who my parents are or where I'm originally from. A strange man took me in and raised me like his own, teaching me to control my magic and how to defend myself with a weapon." Isaac looked down.

    "What's wrong?"

    "Well... It doesn't matter right now, but anyways, the reason I can use magic is because I was born with the ability to. At least, that's how I think it works." He put out his cigarette as he finished explaining things to Ashley. "So let me ask you, how is it that you know about magic when others in this town are afraid of it?"

    "I can use magic too... though I'm not sure why. Same as you, I guess I was just born with this gift." Ashley sat on the ground next to Isaac, who was fidgeting in the wheelchair. "Why are you moving around so much?"

    "Man, it's really uncomfortable, I don't like sitting for extended periods of time."

    "Then get out of the chair," Ashley told him, patting the ground next to her, "And sit here."

    "Didn't you hear what I said? I don't like sitting for extended periods of time," Isaac stood up and stretched his limbs, which were still wrapped in bandages.

    "Still, you should sit, don't draw to much attention to yourself. If you stand up with all of those bandages, people will wonder what happened, so if you want to get out of the wheelchair, at least sit next to me right here." Ashley placed her hand on the ground and made it softer so that if wouldn't be as uncomfortable as the chair.

    Isaac sat down next to her, "Thanks for telling me. So, what do you do?"

    "Well... obviously I'm a nurse, but I'm also a bounty hunter. I chase down criminals and turn them in for a reward."

    "That so? Sounds like fun. Me? I'm a mercenary, hired for military purposes whenever it's needed."

    "Really? But, you look like you're no older than I am." Ashley looked at him with a perplexed stare.

    "Well, that's how skilled I am. When the military heard of my uncanny abilities, they employed me, to kill..." Isaac stared down at the ground.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. No Heart-X
    Isaac weakly opened his eyes. He started looking around, Uhh... Where... Where am I? As he tried to move his arms, he felt resistance and some sharp pain. Ah! That hurts! Oh yeah, I crash landed here... how long ago was that?

    "Oh, you're awake? That's good," Ashley said as she saw him try to move around. "You shouldn't move around yet, you were seriously injured."

    "Right... where am I right now?" Isaac tried to look at the person he was talking to.

    Ashley walked up to him, seeing that he wanted to see who was talking, "You're in the hospital. I'm Ashley, the nurse assigned to watch you."

    "Oh?" Isaac forced himself into an upright position, ignoring the feeling of pain coursing throughout his body.

    "Didn't I just tell you not to move?"

    "Yeah, well, thanks for the patch job, but I'll be fine from here out." Isaac lifted his arm up and said, "Curaga," as he was surrounded by a green light.

    "What the hell are you doing?!" Ashley rushed to close the door.

    "Huh? I'm using magic... Is there something wrong with that?" He started to take off the bandages from his body, revealing that they were now completely healed.

    "Do you realize that if they find out you can use magic they'll cast you out?"

    "Really? What for, I mean... Oh crap... You people can't use magic, can you?" Isaac stopped pulling off his bandages. "Damn... That was a pretty stupid move on my part."

    "Damn right, put the bandages back on and get on this wheelchair!" Ashley pulled out a wheelchair.

    "What for?" He followed most of her instruction except for the getting into the wheelchair part.

    "I need to get you out of here, so that you can leave immediately!" She forced him into the wheelchair. Ashley opened the door, and casually said, "The patient would like to go out for some fresh air."

    "All right then, be careful out there." One of the receptionists called out.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. No Heart-X
    Isaac was cruising around at high speeds in an attempt to find a nearby world. He found a world to go to after sometime. Instinctively, he flew straight for it, with absolutely no idea what world it was or what would happen when he got there. He had his mind set on getting to that world, not realizing that he was coming in too hot. Before long, he entered the world at a dangerous speed. The Gummi Ship crashed into a city called Ryukahn located in a mountain near the Imperial Capital Janina. The force of the impact forced Isaac out of the Gummi Ship and into through several buildings. His Gummi Ship was completely smashed into tiny bits of machinery and smoldering ashes. Isaac groaned as he finally landed on the ground, completely stationary. Several of the townspeople came to see what all of the commotion was. He tried to move his limbs, but he was to weak. His arms were bruised badly, cut up, and slightly burned from the crash. One of Isaac's legs was broken at the shin and bruised beyond recognition, his other leg was badly injured. Dazed, he tried to look around to see what was going on. Oh sh**, this isn't good. I've drawn too much attention to myself... Dammit, I can't believe it. Isaac tried to stay conscious, but he blacked out from the pain he was experiencing.

    Several of the townspeople picked up Isaac and brought him to the closest hospital. One of them cried out, "This guy needs medical attention right now!"

    Ashley, one of the nurses at the hospital came out to see what was going on. When she saw the bloody and battered Isaac, she quickly called over to the townspeople, "Over here, bring him over here!" She rushed to grab one of the doctors and brought him to help heal Isaac's wounds. Both Ashley and the Doctor quickly started to patch up Isaac's wounds and stabilize his condition. After a good hour or so, the doctor left things for Ashley to finish up.

    "Alright, he seems to be in good shape now. You take care of him from here on Ashley, okay?"

    "Yes sir." Ashley grabbed a nearby chair and sat down and continued to monitor his condition. It would've been so much easier to use my magic, but then I would be considered a witch and be cast out of the town, she thought as she sighed. Oh well, it can't be helped.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. No Heart-X
    Yeah, all right then. Because with most of the stuff I did before, I was just winging it with absolutely no idea where things would go. I'm trying to have something set up so that I can at least have something planned for the future.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. No Heart-X
    Name: Ashley Fairweather
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Weapon: A staff that she uses to cast spells
    Gender: Female
    Relationships: Pending
    Side/Occupation: Light/Nurse and Bounty Hunter
    Appearance: She's 5' 7", well-endowed, mysterious violet eyes, and long blonde hair with a choppy fringe and long locks of hair that frame the sides of her face that are tied with ribbons at the bottom. Click
    Bio: At a very young age, she took an interest in helping people recover, from helping the sick to patching up the critically injured. She studied hard and at the age of 16 became a professional nurse. After a few months, she was barely breaking even with her rent being so high at the apartment that she lives, so she took on a job as a bounty hunter for hire to earn more money on the side. Ashley still works as a nurse in Ryukahn, the city she was born in, and whenever there is a call, she works as a bounty hunter, capturing people who have run amok in the city and turning them in.
    Theme Song: Gallop - Pe'zmoku
    Battle Theme: Don't Be Afraid - Nobuo Uematsu
    Miscellaneous: She drinks whenever she gets downed or saddened by something. When she drinks, she is borderline insane and will pretty much do anything.

    Name: Morgana Telos
    Age: 22
    Race: Human
    Weapon: A Naginata, used for close range combat and spell casting
    Gender: Female
    Relationships: Pending
    Side/Occupation: Dark/Witch
    Appearance: She's 5' 10", well-endowed, glowering crimson eyes, and short and messy black hair with red highlights and sideswept fringes that cover most of the right side of her face. Click
    Bio: She has lived on the outskirts of Ryukahn since she was a child. All her life, she was able to cast very powerful magic, ranging from the "-ga" ranked spells to highly advanced spells such as Flare and Burst. Morgana uses a Naginata that her father gave her before he died in combat. She uses it with the proficiency of a master and in conjunction with her powerful magic. Because of the power she possesses, she is considered a witch by the people who live in Ryukahn. Morgana lives in a run down shack.
    Theme Song: Ichirin no Hana - HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR
    Battle Theme: Grand Cross - The Black Mages
    Miscellaneous: She is a habitual smoker and tends to be short with people that come around her.

    I figured I'd make more characters so that I can post more frequently. Also, I'm still undecided on how I'm gonna have them interact with the other characters and my own. I just thought of them on the fly, so I really don't know where to go with these characters. Same goes for Isaac.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. No Heart-X
    Man, this is really bad, I have to leave. Isaac rushed through the escape tunnel to get to his Gummi Ship he had prepared in an emergency. I can't believe I'm actually forced to leave here like this. He got in and went to whatever world he could get to.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. No Heart-X
    Hmm... That was strange, I better keep an eye on that guy just to be safe. Isaac tailed them from a distance.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. No Heart-X
    "Yeah, now that you mention, I did get some really weird vibes from certain people when I pass by them." Isaac thought about it for a little while, putting his arm across his torso and resting his other arm on it. "Well, now I finally understand why I got those weird vibes. Still, we should at least place a barrier or something to protect some of the ones who are resting." He was looking out the window still, as the clouds of darkness kept on moving.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. No Heart-X
    "Well, what do you suppose we do?" Isaac looked outside with a fierce look in his eyes as he saw the pulsating clouds. "I mean, there's only a handful of the student body that actually knows how to purposefully strengthen their hearts against darkness. There are a few that have naturally strong hearts, so I think they'll be okay, but I think that a lot of the others will get swallowed up by the darkness." Isaac tightly clenched his fist. "I'm serious about this, what do you suppose we do?"
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. No Heart-X
    "I agree with the little lady," Isaac had followed her to see where she was going, "If you stay and end up getting swallowed up, it'll accomplish nothing." He scratched the back of his head. "I think the only thing we can do right now is warn all of the others as soon as possible."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. No Heart-X
    Hmm... there is something strange here, a very odd feeling. I don't know what it is, but I definitely don't like it, Isaac looked around at all of the exits.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. No Heart-X
    "My, my, ain't she a fiesty one, takin' on an upperclassman like that. And Mixt of all people," Isaac thought to himself aloud as he was sitting very close to them. "This should be interesting if she can hold her own."
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. No Heart-X
    Isaac was passing by from his Spellcasting class when he saw the crowd. His head quickly turned to see what the commotion was about. He approached one of the nearby students and asked hey, "What's going on here?"

    "Some people got into a fight, I think it was that Phisoxa girl. You know, the one with the white hair?"

    "Oh, that so?" Isaac raised his eyebrow.

    "Yeah, definitely." The student quickly turned back around.

    Isaac sauntered off to the eating hall, Huh... The chick with the white hair got into a fight, wish I coulda seen that. Oh well, what's done is done.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. No Heart-X
    OOC: Made some changes to my character.
    Post by: No Heart-X, Apr 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home