As he waved goodbye to his friends as they left, his stomach growled. Oh yeah, I haven't eaten yet... Weiss sauntered over to the Cafeteria. Once he reached the stand, he poured himself a cup of coffee. In it, he put three sugars and whole milk to get rid of the bitterness. Then he grabbed a muffin and looked for a place to sit. As he looked around in his groggy demeanor, he noticed the mechanical arm of the Eulias sitting down. Wow, cool tech... I've never seen a functioning mechanical prosthetic arm before... As he stared at it for a little bit, he finally decided to walk over to talk to him. "Hey, is it cool if I sit with you guys for a little bit?" Weiss said standing behind the guy he took note of as he slowly munched on his muffin. He felt a little awkward just standing there, with people he had never really talked to.
Weiss was wandering around the campus since there was still time before class started. He just looked around with a glazed look on his face, still half-asleep. As he walked around, he saw some of his friends. He groggily waved to them and greeted them with a tired "Hello." They knew all to well that he slept late last night because he was working on making some weapons. He occasionally made a weapon or two to maintain his skills in weapon smithing. After he made them he would quickly dismantle them and hide them away. Because of his late night activities, he tends to fall asleep around 2:30 in the morning. Whenever this happens, he tends to be half-asleep during his morning classes. As some of his friends stood around and talked, he just listened as he tried focus.
OOC: Hmm... I don't know why the link didn't work for you, but I used a different URL this time. Hopefully it works now.
Username: No Heart-X Name: Weiss Aensland Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: He's very laid back and calm almost all the time. Even if someone is about to hit him, he is still smiling, or even laughing. However, when he or one of his friends is in danger of being killed, he will become serious. Appearance: Click Bio: Born in Eulias, Weiss is a descendant of a family that is famous for weapons manufacturing. Before he went to the Academy, his father taught him how to make his own weapon. Ever since then, he has been carrying around the Shikomizue that he made. He embedded it with a Heat system that allows the blade to become super heated. It is his treasured weapon, and uses it whenever he needs to. Despite the fact he was born a Eulias, he was never really violent. Spells: Shadow Hands Fade Out Phantom White Burst Weapon: Shikomizue Other: When he fights, he uses his agility to attack from almost every direction.
Username: No Heart-X Name: Aster Highwind Gender: Male Age: 23 Appearance: Click Bio: Aster's parents died when he was just a small boy. He didn't know where to go and simply wandered around the city. Eventually he came across the settlement that the Magi lived in. A kind couple found him and decided to take him in since he was still just a child. As such, he is treated just as badly as the Magi even though he isn't one himself. He doesn't bother to try to explain that he is just a normal human since he would still be considered a freak for living with them. Aster is a very laid-back person who doesn't really take anything seriously. Even when there are people harassing him, he just smiles and doesn't do anything about it. He doesn't really fight back unless it is a dire situation and he is about to get seriously injured. When that happens, his smile completely disappears and he will fight back without any restraint. He was taught how to fight by his adoptive father, and told only to fight back when absolutely necessary. His adoptive father even taught him how to handle a naginata with accuracy and efficiency. Class: Lancer Weapon(s): Naginata Abilities: Jump and Lancet Side: Magi Other: He often falls asleep at inappropriate times. Stat Priority List: Health: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 2 Speed: 2 Spirit: 4
Aster was sitting on a park bench, relaxing with his legs crossed and reading a newspaper. He was looking to see what humans found relevant. With interest, he saw an article regarding pets. Pets? I see... Animals that these humans take care of, or at the very least, seem fond of. He didn't really see how that could be significant to anyone other than the owners, but he kept on reading nonetheless. As he kept reading, he found an article about current technology. Is that really their latest technological advancement? That is tech that babies would play with... Eventually, he closed the news paper, disappointed that there was nothing that he deemed important. If this is all the humans are interested in, then I don't think we'll have problems. Still, just to be safe we should hold off on any unusual activity. He looked around briefly, taking in what humans would do normally at the park. Then he looked next to him to see Kain quickly looking all over the place, quickly tapping both of his feet. Aster let out a sigh, not surprised that he is making a small fuss. Geez, he could at least attempt to sit still, but no. He can't even do something as simple as that. He gently shook his head as he finally stood up. "Come on, Kain, if you're that bored I guess we can go look for something to do. I can't stand you when you get super jumpy." "Oooh, really?" Kain looked at Aster with excitement in his eyes. "We can go do something else now? Something fun?" He immediately stood up with Aster. "Oh, come on, let's go look for something to skin, or maybe we can slaughter something just for the fun of it. Come on, come on, hurry up and let's go, come. Hurry up, dammit!" Kain could barely contain his excitement, though he could never control himself to begin with. "Alright, alright, just calm down. We can go to the forest and find some animals for you to do whatever you want with." Aster was clearly annoyed with Kain's hyper-active nature, but he was stuck with him so he would have to deal with it for a while. He decided it was best to find some outlet for him so that he could at have some peace to himself. "Ha ha ha, come on, Aster, hurry the hell up! You walk too slow! Faster! Faster, faster!" Kain didn't really care what other people thought about, all he could care about is getting his satisfaction. And the only way for him to be satisfied is if he can torture anything that lives and breathes. Nothing could ever calm him down, not even for a second. As soon as he finishes torturing something, his boredom sets in again.
[color=#yellow]☆ ★ [/color]PSIONIC BLAST ♂ INSANExxxxxUNRELENTINGxxxxxHYPER-ACTIVE 23/HUNTER/MALE Spoiler Kain Thompson "What is that laughter?" That laughter is a sign that you are about to be blasted by Kain. He has the ability to shoot out Psionic Blasts as he pleases. Although when he comes around, the Psionic Blasts are the least you have to worry about. His insanity causes him to think of the most unusual torture for people to endure. And all of this is for his sick and twisted pleasure. No matter what's happening, however, he cannot just sit still. I figured I could help along with more Hunters.
[color=#yellow]☆ ★ [/color]TIME CONTROL ♂ COLDxxxxxCALCULATINGxxxxxRUTHLESS 20/HUNTER/MALE Spoiler Aster Harvey "What was that?" Before you can even blink, Aster can appear and disappear. But don't mistake this phenomenon for teleportation, he is able to manipulate the flow of time as he wishes. He can stop time, reverse its flow, and even cause time to pass by faster. Aster can seem harmless at first, but the moment you become a threat to him he will bring you down. His ability to control time combined with his cold and calculating nature make him a force to be reckoned with.
"Hey, hey, let me take over!" Bartz anxiously exclaimed as the Warriors of Chaos approached. "Fine, just don't do anything too strenuous," Isaac said as he put his hand over his chest, causing light to envelope his entire body. As the light faded, his hair became brown in color and somewhat messy. His eyes became a muted gray color, a golden shoulder pad appeared on his left arm. His clothes became white and blue in coloration, with a cape falling down his back. A bright flash made the Crystal Sword appear in his hand, another flash made it into the Buster Sword, and another caused it to disappear. Bartz smiled as he rushed over to his enemy.
Name: Isaac Landers Age: 17 Appearance: Click Personailty: He's generally quiet and withdrawn, and only talks to people when other people talk to him. Host to: Bartz Klauser Bio: Isaac started playing Final Fantasy games because of his brother. He was hooked after seeing his brother play the games when he was smaller. While he does play other games, he tends to play Final Fantasy a lot more than the others. One night, while he was playing with his PSP in his bed late at night, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he wasn't in his room anymore. He was shocked when he looked around to see a shallow lake around him, with Cosmos in front of him. Isaac decided to help her and is now the host of Bartz, the carefree mimic that is as fickle as the wind.
Isaac put the book he was reading back to where he found it. He left the library and made his way out, Well, I guess I should go to the hospital, my appointment is in half an hour from now... He left the school grounds and made his way to the hospital.
Isaac packed up all of his things when he heard the bell ring. He left rather quickly and went straight to the library. As he went to the library, he thought about the girl that left his class early. Hmm... I wonder what happened to her, umm... what was her name, Leila? Yeah. Maybe she got into a scrape with someone... Ah, whatever, I shouldn't be concerned with other people's matters. He finally got to the library and perused the vast collection of books before finally deciding on a book and pulled it out. He sat down and started reading it to pass the time.
Name: Unknown Age (Now/When he died):37/19 Looks: Click Bio: Zeromus died in the year 2003. When he woke up from his death, he wandered around with no idea who he was. Not remembering his name, he chose a name that he saw on a card that he saw on the ground, Zeromus. He has Telekinesis, the ability to control lightning, and super-hard skin. He also falls asleep often, during his daily activities. Did you die?: Yes If you're dead what's your new name?: Zeromus
Talia was in her room, changed into her clothes that she wore for sleeping. She was asleep on the top of her bunk bed. Garrus was in the bunk below Talia, his arms and and the right side of his face were bandaged up. He was wearing a uniform because the clothes he was wearing underneath his pilot suit were torn up and burned pretty badly. Garrus was up working on a Portable Data Terminal that he always has around just in case he had ideas. On the screen that popped up were blueprints for an MHW. The Blueprints were incomplete, parts of the MHW on it were missing and information was not complete. Hmm... This could be used for... Yeah... He was quietly thinking to himself as he added more and more detail to the blueprint. Talia woke up and looked down to see Garrus working on blueprints. She wanted to tell him to stop working, but she couldn't do it for some reason. She just put her head back on her pillow and went back to sleep. Garrus looked up briefly, and then went back to work.
Sorry I haven't been on for a while, I've been doing final projects and cramming for tests like crazy. So what's happened so far?
After a short tussle, they stopped, and looked at Robbie. "Uh... so... Run that by me again dark boy?" "You're joking, right?" "Hell no, I'm not joking. I didn't hear him." Isaac slapped his hand onto his face, "Jeez, how the hell did I get involved with you in the first place?" Morgana just shot him a dirty look as she pulled out another cigarette and lit it.
Garrus was struggling in his suit trying to pilot his MHW. "Finally, they left..." He was breathing heavily in his suit, his visor fogged up by his breathing. "Are you alright?" Talia asked Garrus through a comm-link from her MHW. "To be honest, I didn't think you would manage to even move that thing in your current state. Guess I was wrong." "Yeah... you were..." Garrus's MHW was slowly moving toward the Shangri-La. "Huh, I guess I'm going back to that place." Talia thought, "It wasn't that long since I came to this place, now I have to go back." "Don't... Worry about it... Just go..."
Morgana and Isaac just looked at each other, smoke wavering out of Morgana's mouth. They both just stared at each other for sometime, blank expressions on their faces. "Uhh... guys?" Ashley looked at both of them, trying to get their attention. Suddenly, they both looked at Ashley and said in unison, "Hey, which one of us is stronger?" Angry looks came over their faces as they asked her. "What?! Why are you guys asking me?" "You watched our battle, so who's stronger?" "Yeah! Who's stronger, me or the momma's boy?" "Again with the names!" "Don't get snippy with me boy, you only got lucky when you deflected my attack!" "That a fact, ya hussy?!" "Hussy?! Oh, you're gonna get it now" "Bring it on, witch!" "Oh crap, they're gonna go at it again."
So hey, what's been going on?
Hey guys, I won't be on for a little while since I'm on a band trip in Anaheim. I won't have a lot of time to go on here and check what's going on, so if you guys could update me when I'm back that would be great.