but,,, why? why Hod? I know u love her,,,
Stop calling me will, my name is william! :(
^^ ehehe... ^^ Wohoo Now i can be emo for a while xD
Hello every1, any1 who have read heart of darkness Thread "A friend or a dearly beloved" ? well if you have i´m the guy he talks about,,, you know the one that´s in love with the same girl as him and i don´t know what to do, so please, please help me! :(
not really,,,
oh,,, right we must behave
i´m just fine, You miss?
=D hello guys you look all like really nice persons =D
kill him xD
do that ^^ *points at despair*
nope ^^
he doesn´t like you =(
he is mean =(
oh, oh, kill despair, kill despair ^^
Hello i´m heart of light and this is my 1:st Thread, Hope any1 awnsers me ^^
ska göra en thread nu ( hoppas nån skriver där )
Thank u XD
Vet du vad? =D Du e´ cool! xD
Kom dÅ!!! Xd
men lol avslöja mig inte -.-