I feel you, bro....I feel you (yeah I just took off the cover of the hard copy and read without it)
;_________; so beautiful
Yeah...Peeta is in the first book/movie and the whole story is sad so...I'm not really spoiling anything specific... Yeah, just...*holds finger to lip* shhhhhhh
I'm not spoiling anything.... Really
I thought it was good but so depressing... :/ Mmmmmm, tasty. Bread is the new sex symbol...
Cool, maybe we might get some useful tidbits...or maybe more confirmed roles?
Lol she doesn't know a lot of English, but she does know about KH from me...although she hasn't really played the games XD
Hey, hey....bread makes you sturdy, okay? ;P But I don't have a 12 yr old sister to volunteer for... oh wait, yes I do... I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! >:[
;____; Whyyyyyyy, Peeta, Whyyyy? (yeah, reading all of the the hunger games books just made me a little more depressed, heh)
I like guys better if they are taller than me...XD
I'm 5'8-5'9 I always feel like a tower above everyone, lol. Girls need to eat something for that, geeez
...you guys won't have to fight to the death for my love...just sayin'
I saw the movie yesterday and finished all three books just these past few days.....I feel so many things...;___; The movie was pretty good, though
Woah, Mike has this down pretty well...awesome!
Omg, all of the emotions I was feeling while watching that video...I can't ;_; This is definately more than just a game, it's my childhood and still an important part of my life ^.^
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooomuuuuuraaaaaaaaa My body is ready, please...just release the dang game!!
Hey, there! Welcome to KHV! Have fun running around the site, make new friends, and be awesome~ Don't be a stranger ;)
Awwww that's so cool!! I love the whole thing with the key blades and the little mini games....and I how everyone got all emotional when they saw the opening... Wish they could do something like that in the U.S :/
You've voiced the thoughts of countless fangirls...way to go! Ugh, this game needs to leak already.........