Mike, don't let people shove you, only I can do that shove 'em back and be like DON'T SHOVE ME, BRO.
Beeeeeewwwwwwbies. So soft and squishy and bouncy.... Ah.
I play with them all the time. Feels nice.
definately the most epic moment in KH history.... I LOVE YOU LEA, KEYBLADE WIELDER.
Yes they are...I would do all of them, frankly. DEAL WITH IT. I had to deal with stupid Twilight so this is revenge
Yup! Saw it on premier day a week ago and today. I read the books, too, so I know what's going on and stuff. It is really good, I'm not even gonna lie. I haven't watched a movie twice in theatres since, like....never, lol
Why can't it come out on DVD already so I can watch it 20 more times? X] (only to watch Jennifer Lawrence's face close up, really....oh and those other two guys, too)
Hey there and welcome! I'm glad you made the wonderful choice of becoming a member of KHV, it really is an awesome forum~ Make new friends and have fun =)
I'm glad you can unlock the secret ending in beginner mode~ It's good for the crappy gamers like me, lol Wow, I didn't expected to be called a Masterpiece...I can't wait! I might spoil myself...
Hohoho, now is my chance to take over the woooooorld! ...or not I'm interested in being a mod, hehe
Wow...I feel so old... I didn't get to play KH2 until 2008, though, because before then I didn't have a PS 2 But OMG IT WAS THE BEST THING EVERRR
I'm glad...I mean, I hope it's not just fan service, lol. He seems to actually be a key in the plot, which is awesome~
I did tell him, so did What? and Ace, I think. It's okay, he just gets annoyed when things don't go his way... what a baby--cough
Llave, don't leave... ;~; STAY WITH ME US~ Always.
Who let Makaze in the thread?! OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!
Hi there, welcome back! I was also inactive for almost over a year I think...but now I've been having a little more interest in being active again, so yeah. Make new friends~
Llave, Mike was a litte peeved at you 'cause you were not reachable for the podcast. It's too late now, maybe next time? YOU SHOULD GIVE US A...
Ahaahahah shorty~~~ It's okay, I'm sure you make up for it with heart X]
I'm jelly. Oh well, maybe one day...we can all meet up and cause and explosion of nerdyness and KH fangasms XD
Hello and welcome! Enjoy the site, and don't worry, the forum is pretty diverse so don't feel left or or something since you haven't played the KH games... Oo, you sound like a smart cookie, lol Have fun~