Hahahaha YES~ Another success. woott~
You want to tell me who are in fact super inactive? It'll be easier on the waiting list... And thank you for checking on me, boy...I've been sick and dying for the last week and all you can do is diss me. Dx Fine, I see how it is. Whatt?? since when?
DD: wut it's not good?
no. When you are able to stuff all the colors of KHV in your mouth and can taste the rainbow till you gag...you will be on the list.
Yes, I do. :3
DDDD: Rep, your time's almost up...PLEASE~ I just want a wee picture you drew of you and me on MS Paint in like, 2 minutes. It doesn't have to be perfect. I need to add it to my collection! Dx ;~;
Besides being a bunch of symbols...who are you? D:
Stickie the new poll~ Please and thank you. <3
asdfghjkl; :.-.: I know, delayed poll, but it's up. Vote away... Hold on to your panties guys, aaPOLL WILL BE UP IN A FEW.______________________________________________________________________________ EDIT:: Poll up. Go nuts.
Uhh...it was a site of free avatars... http://www.avatarsdb.com/funny/ <----that...
zomfg lets be friends! :'D
LIEHHSS!!! D: C'mon...don't leave a hole in my collection. :'< Have you seen WICKED? Will you see the Cirque du Freak movie? What's the first thing you notice about women? What's the first thing you notice about men? How do you feel about little devils kids? What are going to be for Halloween and what are your plans for the day?
So....can I get that picture now? It doesn't have to be perfect... ;~; What do you do with a bucket of cheese, 3 fishes, a corset, a piece of toast, mud balls, lubricant, lingerie, 8 credit cards, one and half bananas, a myotonic goat and a preserved human brain? All of these items and things must be used mutually.
But it's the good kind of stuck...I likes it! x33333
Fix le link, Cherry... o: And my...you are so very pretty. :=D: You're another one who reminds me of Hogwarts kids. xP
Thanks~ Took me a while to find, but find it I did. xD
Indeed. :lolface: Like daughter like mother. Now you must post some sexiness of your own. :'DD
Thaaaank youuu~
D: should i be scared?