:3 I do look forward to having you two up for QT. :'DD
Emo because you'll get sick. ;~; I actually did miss out on a lot. One of my classes are on the risk of dropping me since I missed too many...
You's not really payment if you keep giving it back. :.-.:
waaaaaat? You better keep away... O: I'd be so emo if you had the H1N1 virus. ;~; And thanks...the drugs do help
...aids? xDD No, not the H1N1...thankfully. I flipped out on the second day, but it was just the flu. I'm still a wee bit sick...and I'm high...
Go see the waiting list...your face is on it. D:
SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Dunn talk about reps! Dx
Sweeeeeeeeeeet~ Thanks~~~
I thought Famous was a very creative name. :3 Well, Pyro wasn't exactly my "original" name, but it's close enough. haha
I was just curious since people usually tend to go back to thier original username once they are done with switching UN' I keep going back...
Mhmm, mhmm.
You like that one or the original name? I'm just curious. haha
lol. Oh, will you ever return to being Famous?
:'DDDDDD And your awesomeness makes me happiest person alive~
Thank you~ I try to go for funny...good to know I at least reach the "funny line". xD
Silly Rissy...I nominated you for the polls. You're on the waiting list. :'D Sweet. Replace with: Kroshanks (Spike) please and thankkkkkkk youuuuuu~
Man, that show is great. If only I could locate some more of the videos as'd make my internet life. xD
Well, it wasn't my fault that I walked around in the rain and got the fl--oh I guess it was my fault. Meh...oh well. xD Can you replace Cherry's name on the poll?
I think I first saw it on TV, America's Funniest Home Videos. I lol'd so bad...and when I found it as a gif, my heart stopped for a second. xD
Oh *bleep* I guess I missed that...I've not been here for a week or so myself. Bahh..