Fuck you ***** we ain't gay, so get yo negro ass outta here before I slash yo tires.
Your girlfriend knows plenty about "small things here and there" Your testicles say otherwise.
Suck a dick.
When everyone gets involved that's called an "orgy", sir.
Baby, when you and me are together threads are always going nice places like your chest and hair
It's okay, bitches don't understand metrics, I just tell em it's 12 and they're impressed.
I put my "long cat" on your girlfriend, if that counts for anything.
Did your bi-sexual ex happen to use English as a 17th language, because that response makes no sense whatsoever in the context of your question.
That's what she said.
Tears work great as lube. That's too bad.
I'd rather give it a lay ... to your ex-girlfriend.
The tingling you're experiencing in your downstairs-mix-em-up is completely normal.
Her orifices are presently occupied by phalluses.
Non-committal relationships with your own hand will only end in tears There's no one out there for you that doesn't run on AA batteries.
She turns it inside out when you're looking.
She's got a penis.
She fantasizes that you're a husky native american orchard worker with diabetes and you've never satisfied her sexually.
She's cheating on you with a mexican.
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Hmm, tried it twice, not much ever happened, didn't really care for it. Has anyone ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?