The following comes from a website that I will not reveal the name of, I have however copied and pasted what has been written instead of linking it directly because the site has some content that may not be seen as appropriate for younger viewers, normally I wouldn't care, but I'm trying to stick by the rules of KHV here. So here you go: Catherine’s “Impossibly Hard” Gameplay Laid Bare Sexy puzzle game Catherine is being almost universally lambasted for being of the “sadistically difficult” school of game design, to the extent where many players report not even being able to clear it on easy, let alone normal. For the first time, Atlus has actually released a video concentrating on the gameplay and not the events – it is not hard to see why [video=youtube;PIJs6flkRQc][/video] Reportedly many players have been forced to abandon their games at normal difficulty, and not a few find it impossible to complete even at easy. A sampling of the player reviews which have emerged so far, with the game generally receiving an Amazon average of 3.7 out of 5: Practically every review, whether positive or negative, complains of excessive difficulty and overly punishing design. Its mature content and well developed story are probably at odds with it being an insanely difficult puzzle game requiring hours of repetitive block pulling – one player puts it this way: “If you keep at it you can probably clear it, but I think most adult players will not take kindly to wasting all their precious time on the puzzle parts.” That the game would be something of a disappointment was basically a given from the moment it emerged it was not an RPG and was (as the developers seemed strangely keen to conceal) in fact a block-pushing puzzle game, although Persona fans have generally extended considerable forbearance on the basis that it is supposed to be the immediate precursor to the development of Persona 5. Whilst producing a super-hard puzzle game with a strong story is all very well (if a little strange), the real issue is whether the shade of Atlus can afford to make a lacklustre game given its precarious position – as little more than a brand owned by a mobile phone software company, it may be in danger of being further downsized to the point where it is no longer able or allowed to make full-scale console RPGs. The game is available now for those with sufficiently masochistic personalities.
Finally! Today, I got my first bit of Rep since October 2009 A long time to go without getting any lol It's pretty random for me to post about this, but it made me happy enough to do a random post... So I figure I might as well turn this into something more than a me just commenting on me getting Rep post. And so... When was the last time you guys received rep? If it's recent (like in the last week or so) then also say about the rep you got before the most recent one. Again, I know it's random but meh, it's making conversation in a way right? :P
Pretty much as the title says lol This is the day were couples can celebrate their love for eachother. Or if you are single (like me) you can feel lame about yourself lol Either way, Happy Valentines day! :D <3 x PS: (I'm aware that some of you, might not have Valantines day upon you yet, but me being from the UK and therefore, from the future it seems. It is valentines day over here... so yeah, deal with it lol) x
I actually signed up in 2008 lol but haven't posted too much other than in the Role-play sections etc. I realised I don't know many people here, so I figured this is actually a good place to start etc. Um... a little about me I guess. Like most people I'm into music (can't live without it), I mainly listen to Japanese stuff, I like have so many anime theme songs etc, I swear lol video games (Would die without these too), I have every console going, all the way back to the original NES lol all in working condition etc :P I generally like RPG's, Shooters, strategy, online games etc basically any game other than Racing games... (excluding Mario Kart cause let's face it, Mario Kart is awesome) :D I love anime/manga (The best things on Earth) I am a self admitted OTAKU! and definitely proud of it ... .. ---'OTAKUS RULE!'--- .. I've currently seen way over 150 different anime's and it's still a rapidly rising number. I lost count ages ago, but if you ever wanna talk anime with me or something then, yeah, you'll make my day :P I've been picking up the Japanese language sorta, but I want to learn it properly :) I also dabble in drawing Manga sometimes (I'm getting better, but I'm not there yet :P) I also love Acting and Writing! Both hard professions to make it into... but hopefully I'll get there! I'm at Uni currently and studying Creative Writing. I'm currently working on my own Novels etc I'm quite a random person, but a nice guy (at least i think so../ and that's what people tell me... XD), I am a loud person too (as my mates keep reminding me lol) but I'm sure you'll get used to it. Anyway, if you ever wanna talk, chat whatever, feel free. I'm at Uni during the week, but I'm nearly always on my laptop when I get home. So yeah lol, I'll respond when I can. Peace out! XD
Yo all, I figure since I made a thread for Persona 3 FES codes before, I should also make one for Persona 4 :P So, just like last time I'd like to request the help of any coders who are interested in this game. (I'm no coder unfortunately... so... I turn to you ((again lol)) :P) I dunno if a freeze time of day code is possible for this game, but if it is, that would be great too. Thankfully, the range of codes on the codejunkies site is much larger this time than it was for Persona 3 FES. Thanks in advance. Just to make a start, Like last time, I'll post the codes found on the codejunkies site: (M) K18G-GM62-XFNRB MV0Y-QBEA-YG8KN Max Cash A5DT-EZM8-KEZWW HDHY-MTKG-8FBCH Max Cash After Buying an Item 9F6Y-4KDD-FE8TN ECAB-VJTE-BMZVJ Infinite Health WREF-TENH-E2R1X GTWJ-WDTG-K04YZ VG4E-4R4J-VEXYV Infinite Spirit 6T9Y-E2VG-W1U8J G54G-6PQQ-8DWUF AM1E-T7GV-HW5DT Quick Experience Codes: GQPJ-8AWT-V9G18 100 XP Per Fight 1YJP-PPK3-2DZA0 UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z 3EXE-F7WG-8C0FQ 1000 XP Per Fight X5YJ-6THN-MQQ2E UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z AJ5G-U4YT-TKH03 10000 XP Per Fight 3KA8-PWJR-40FC2 UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z MRE0-BXJ7-6AKK7 100000 XP Per Fight GEWD-QMN2-KXVF2 UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z P72D-5DHY-MFYUC EXP Gain x2 C79E-KEE9-XR8EE UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z PJCW-FEU0-15V26 EXP Gain x4 UUZN-G2JM-6BERY UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z GU1D-90AX-7W2X1 EXP Gain x8 CG4Z-UGJT-3JM2T UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z 5TJ6-3WN8-UAHUR EXP Gain x16 TCJU-QXFW-1HAJ0 UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z 8D4H-C6MT-5WT7K EXP Gain x32 TJAZ-ACW1-8Y1N8 UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z KMP3-MD6Q-1XE46 EXP Gain x64 YHC1-JV0P-475WW UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z F3RB-TNNM-22H84 EXP Gain x128 07QA-17ZA-50B80 UQ1G-U54C-08T3Z AH5V-6AMX-1FP0Y MAIN CHARACTER CODES: BH79-AH9X-0UZ6Q Infinite Health Points In Battle GJVG-NFWM-0JPM8 A3X2-H0Q7-H0CPD Infinite Spirit Points In Battle PK67-T180-F4H3P KJ9H-5MJX-UV93V Max Courage T0MP-DT3K-7P2R6 5RYZ-KCWG-K039U Max Knowledge Q23G-D26C-VH41A X3UB-C5NN-H32T3 Max Expression 6ERT-KU0K-MF06T DCPY-TBPF-J3NHV Max Understanding NV4T-RQTW-9RZV6 ZY44-GYNH-TQC5C Max Diligence 6JD3-MPC2-4WCWM FCW2-YAJT-BQTXT YOSUKE HANAMURA CODES: HACJ-MY8H-V9ZNN Infinite Health Points In Battle JKA4-VJF8-4MWGJ 2P1T-XYKB-YNXF1 Infinite Spirit Points In Battle UQ8Q-WNNE-PMV25 KEQ6-Q17G-WUHWJ CHIE SATONAKA CODES: DJDB-Q08E-4AZ0T Infinite Health Points In Battle MQ9M-2FVB-4HRNX 79Z6-5WQM-XY3FN Infinite Spirit Points In Battle WNNC-B6VB-80MT7 Q244-MGRK-2TPH3 YUKIKO AMAGI CODES: 8YQ1-EPZD-2DYNB Infinite Health Points In Battle 6HU3-QC72-CTQDD YRKG-KWD0-7ZUQH Infinite Spirit Points In Battle T0GZ-QHYD-VJ1RP JZA1-3D2Y-EFCRB SOCIAL LINK CODES: 8UGP-6DQ2-NB74V Max S.Link Rank: Investigation Team G12R-6GDQ-3YE0A 8MHZ-YW5T-6Y2VZ Max S.Link Rank: Yosuke Hanamura MYZN-MYC5-C4A5E GXMX-CRR4-ER8BW Max S.Link Rank: Chie Satonaka GMMJ-HTJF-5W3UF CDF0-TJT1-1GUJD Max S.Link Rank: Fellow Athletes 6X2U-YFPZ-7BRP1 39B1-WD0R-0T17E
Yo all, I'd like to request the help of any coders who are interested in this game. (I'm no coder unfortunately... so... I turn to you :P) Now as you may be aware on the Code Junkies site, there are a few codes for this game... But I'm hoping to find certain other codes such as: Max Charm Max Courage Max intelligence etc A freeze time of day code like what the PSP version of the game has would be an amazing thing too, any of those sorts of codes would be great, and anything else if you guys can think of it ;) Thanks in advance. :D Just to make a start, I'll post the codes found on the codejunkies site: (M) J1WK-VJ56-QZBVN 3GXG-GDUA-QYM1H Max Cash After Buying An Item 7346-5C0P-DY40G DV6V-86XK-JEQR6 Max Cash W1KW-UC8Z-18JPC KH10-VHHK-WXKQ4 Main Character Codes: GJ8V-K1J0-RRZ4V Infinite Health GPTH-J4GW-PXZQY ERKE-UWQ2-UW84C JW6E-KE1R-M27MN Infinite Health & MP K0XN-FUM7-K4V82 ERKE-UWQ2-UW84C JW6E-KE1R-M27MN 00AM-EP1U-MEE8U Support Character Codes: CDY4-KYGK-U3FMH Infinite Health 09F8-F5GB-0669W HCGA-PVQE-UVY53 TRKT-60KA-X10Q7 Infinite MP UJJH-UNXQ-4Q2NA EKNY-4Y5C-DRZHQ AT29-PUA4-3GXZW Quick Experience Codes: M5CA-663K-F242F 100 XP Per Fight D81T-24BY-18Y6E C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW NUBJ-D35F-B9Y2H 500 XP Per Fight T3RD-NBBM-V7K45 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 6JA1-1M78-T4U2X 1000 XP Per Fight P8U5-3M7P-GRJYV C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW MT69-9WPM-UR033 5000 XP Per Fight 1Y6X-QV4R-2P837 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 3286-CK21-7F8GH 10000 XP Per Fight 08JY-1PH7-NR86X C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 74JF-FWMV-NKZDW 50000 XP Per Fight YJPE-YE88-G13H7 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW UXBZ-DX72-2NWB3 100000 XP Per Fight 6CXJ-A4U2-MXWN2 JZ1W-9T8Q-RB330 FH4Q-QD5Y-HQGBA 500000 XP Per Fight 4YQY-ACY3-CJG39 UFZN-190T-QUYC3 6JYF-1CTZ-MTD46 Max XP After A Fight Q8FP-F0C2-5KM6J C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW H4FP-EH0H-1481U EXP Gain x2 11A2-0H9B-8PV4E C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 8MFU-C5AH-WM887 EXP Gain x4 KDBW-61HQ-QB69C C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW PJF6-JQU5-7RPAX EXP Gain x8 2PR7-RECE-80R9H C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW 2P0M-ZZHJ-FQTCZ EXP Gain x10 413F-EBGR-E0EP5 C9BE-HPZ4-MG1FW NBNV-DDH3-V3FX1
Yeh, ive made this thread to find somebody who has the ELF file for both PAL and other regions in order to port the codes for Naruto Uzumaki chronicles 2 to PAL code form. Can anybody help with this, there loads of codes for the other regions but so far none for PAL, i would be really greatful if someone can help with this, thanks in advance i'd like to add that hopefully this could also be used for other games not just uzumaki chronicles 2 :D