So... There is an ignore feature, which if I'm honest, doesn't really do much. I was wondering if we could implement a full block feature? It would be a sad day should it have to be used, but let's say I'm getting grief from a member. I've removed them from everything else, MSN facebook and whatever, but they cans till access my profile on KHV. I'm not gonna really want that am I? Now I'm not talking about making it so posts cannot be seen on either side, that would be stupid. But what I'm saying is, is it possible to block someone from viewing your profile. sending you VMs and PMs and such? I mean, say I know this member likes to snoop through my VMs that I have with people? I know people against this suggestion can say, oh just use PMs, but then I'd be using them for like every message ever. It might be a case that I don't mind if people can view my VMs, I just don't want this one person to view them and snoop around. Can we do such a thing? Ignore mode doesn't do that, (in fact, I just see Ignore mode as pointless as when I used it before, all it did was make it so their posts were hidden) I'm talking about making it so they really are BLOCKED from you. Just thought I'd throw this out there. I'm hoping it wouldn't have to be used, but I'd prefer it if we had the option should a need ever such arise.
The spam zone would be a lot tidier and the repetitive posts would not seem so repetitive since the threads would be gone. ...on another note. If Admin's banned them, then someone else would just make a 'If **** were mods' etc. So this thread is already rendered moot. I'm going to go and sip some tea now. *leaves to do British things and be British in general*
[video=youtube;hJ5v6M6ie90][/video] My latest Vlog, a response to another Vlog from our very own Garxena and Snow Princess. I link you guys in the vid... but here is their video I'm responding to just for convenience. [video=youtube;rrsZxw16VgA][/video] Enjoy and the usual stuff! Look out for the SPOILER ALERT in the credits for a clue on my next Vlog. XD
...I just figure, it might be something to consider? XD Something I might actually have a chance at winning in... Tell me what you think KHV-ers?! Oh shi-... 4:19am (leaves and will check back when I wake up)
I fancied a snack... so I heated up some left over rice. Where is Luxord (Muscle Glasses) ?!?!?!?! I must share this amazing occasion with the owner of all Rice everywhere! O_O
[video=youtube;j5bl2-qU30A][/video] ...So, I still think I'm going to write out my words properly, but this video was very educational for me. (seriously though... Imagine if people did speak like that in every day life.) :P
Kingdom Hearts: Maiden’s Focus Why hello there everyone. I have never written a fan fiction before, albeit I’ve read my fair share. For those of you who know me, I’m a Creative Writing student and am currently writing several novels of my own right now. However, a while ago, I had an idea for a Kingdom Hearts story and never chose to act on it... until now that is. Don’t ask why... Even I don’t know. I just had the urge as more ideas rushed forwards. Now, I need to go through some business before the story begins. This is set in the Kingdom Hearts universe. That much is obvious. However, the characters from the series will not be in this... they will be mentioned and yes they do exist, but you’ll see why they aren’t a part of this... physically so to speak as the story progresses. All newly mentioned characters in this story are made by me and in fact come from my previous novels (of course, they have been edited to fit into the KH universe.) The exception to this is as follows: • The character Garxena who is a cameo of... you guessed it. KHV’s very own Garxena. I take no credit for the usual KH terms and characters that you guys should all know. They belong to Square-Enix and Disney respectively. All other characters belong to me, (again with the exception of Garxena). As for updates with this story... they may be fast or they may be slow depending on my real life situations. I do apologise in advance if you don’t hear from this story for a long time. With that... Let us begin. ################################################################# Prequel – Part 1: A Maiden’s duty. ‘It is said in every world... that where there is light... there is darkness... and between that, there is nothing. But what is the parallel? The answer to that question is shrouded in mystery... If one universe exists...Is there another that runs beside it? Just like Light and Darkness? Yes. There is...’ ~ There she knelt, praying... The Maiden. Divine and pure, she was the salvation to keeping the balance in this universe. Just like the other universe had those known as the Princesses of Heart. “You’ve had another vision?” she was asked... “...Yes, Three will fall due to one man’s desire. But where they fall... three shall rise, and save the balance. Everything is linked by one of the three. He will hold the ‘key’ to the future. He who will experience all sides. The balance of light, darkness, and nothingness.” She spoke softly, her voice like a melody that sung around the empty room. “The other universe... it truly is a marvel... unaware of our presence and yet... it depends on us as we do on it. If one of us falls... so will the other.” A somewhat aged man spoke, stepping forwards from the darkness. “Master Xeffrey.” A second came forward to address the first. “Our universe... the balance has been undone. If this universe falls, then the other will too... We are desperate. This is our ultimate time of need. Do you in all of your wisdom have a solution to our plight?” Master Xeffrey looked towards the man. “Stay calm, Sakai. The answer is already known to our dear maiden.” Sakai looked towards the Maiden... his wife. “Renka, is this true... is there no other way?” At last she stood, and revealed her beautiful green emerald eyes, her long black hair flowing to the ground and reaching her ankles. “It is unfortunate... but it is true. As Maiden, it is my duty to restore the balance.” She gave him a warm smile to show she held no fear, her beauty was enough to calm any soul... but this time, Sakai was not easily convinced. “But it’s not your fault that the balance inside Kingdom Hearts was disrupted! Why must it come to this?!” Sakai shouted, he then dropped to his knees, his voice barely audible. “...What of our daughter?” “Enough!” The old man, Master Xeffrey announced. “This is hard on everyone, but the Maiden’s duty is absolute. Yes, we do not know who threw Kingdom Hearts itself into chaos, but it is done! I will make sure your daughter is safe... You have my word. Renka, is our last hope right now. For both universes.” Sakai slowly nodded and stood up, taking a deep breath. “Then... I’m coming too.” Renka smiled at him warmly, taking his hand. “Thank you. Everything will be alright.” She told him as she pulled him into a hug. However unseen by Sakai, she gave an unreadable look to Master Xeffrey, who just seemed to ignore it like he too hadn’t noticed it. The two lovers separated, as Renka walked gracefully to a nearby crib. A baby girl, lay asleep inside, unaware of what was going on around her. Renka bent over the crib and whispered some words that were not heard by the others. Then... she removed the blue flower from her hair and placed it in her child’s hands. She placed a finger on the flower for a brief second before muttering a single word... The flower briefly shined and sparkled before returning to its regular state. “Leon.” She then called softly. The doors to the room opened and in walked a man donned in armour, his helmet under his arm.”Yes, mi’lady.” He answered. Renka also smiled at him and his usual formality. “Leon, you don’t have to be so formal. You are our friend.” Leon moved to stand next to Sakai, his best friend since childhood. “Yes, but I am also your knight.” Renka slowly picked up her child, cradling her in her arms before walking over to the two. She then looked at Master Xeffrey. “If it’s all the same, Master. I would like it if you come with us. Instead, I would trust the well being of my daughter to Leon.” Master Xeffrey looked surprised for a brief instance, but then he nodded. “Very well.” Leon looked at Renka in surprise as he was handed the child. “Me?” Renka kissed the baby’s fore-head and then Leon’s. “Yes, you are her knight now. So... please...” Sakai looked at his best friend with a serious look as he went and kissed his child’s fore-head too and then patted the knight on the shoulder. “We’re trusting you. You know what we must do.” Leon’s face showed realisation and shock, but he quickly hid it. It was all a matter of duty. “I will make sure your trust is well placed.” “We don’t doubt it.” Sakai laughed. Then his face turned grim. “...It is time.” He looked to his wife and then to his Master. Both nodded, and then the three turned to leave the room at once. Renka, arm in arm with Sakai as she took a glance back at her friend and her daughter for the final time, a look of sadness on her face for one brief moment. A look that Leon barely managed to notice himself. ################################################################# Prequel – Part 2: A Maiden’s Sacrifice. The Maiden, the wielder and the master entered the large chamber where an engraving of a heart with symbols on the floor appeared the moment her foot made contact with the centre of the room. She took in a deep breath. “Let us begin.” ~ Leon walked back and forth frantically... the baby still in his arms as he rocked her back and forth gently. His helmet on a table not too far away. it had come to this, there really was no other option? Well... it had to be. Sakai wasn’t the type to give up. He must have contended the option many times before. Sakai was always stubborn, but... not with Renka. She was the only one ever to change his mind on anything. If even Sakai was going along with this, then it must be the only true option. But something felt wrong... It was the way she had looked at him before leaving. It was natural she would be sad, but it was like her look conveyed something else. There was also the fact he himself had been entrusted with their daughter. Yes... he was Godfather, but... it was the way she had emphasized to Master Xeffrey that she wanted her daughter to be cared for by the young knight instead... ...There was something he was missing. A fear beat heavily in his heart as he left the room. He had to do something. ~ Renka held out her hand as a bright white light shimmered from nowhere and a blade in the shape of a key appeared. Sakai too mimicked her as there was a flash before him and a key shaped blade finally appeared in his hand. This was followed by Master Xeffrey who in a flash of black sparks, made his Key shaped blade appear. They crossed their blades in front of them and pointed them upwards in unison, lights emitting from the tips as a giant door appeared in front of them. “...There is no going back.” Sakai muttered to Renka, a worried look on his freckled face. “Thank you for coming with me.” She told him taking his hand. She then stepped forward, her hand separating from his and she knelt in front of the door and placed her weapon in front of her. Both Sakai and Master Xeffrey took their places either side and slightly back from her as she began to pray. Kingdom Hearts. Like the other universe, this universe also had a Kingdom Hearts. Both were the only connection between the two universes. If the Kingdom Hearts of this universe plummeted, then the other Kingdom Hearts in turn would be effected. At last... she stood up taking her key into her hand swiftly and she spun around pointing it at the door as a bright light yet again emanated from the tip and pierced the door, it slowly opening. “Under my divine protection... we shall enter.” She whispered. She took a few steps, and entered the door. The other two hit buttons on their left sides as armour magically equipped to them both and then they swiftly followed their maiden to the inside. ~ Leon ran down the street... he looked up at the sky to see the heart shaped moon above them, a big crack in the middle, but not completely severed yet. He now wearing his helmet, held the child in one arm as he summoned a key shaped blade of his own. He pointed it forward and a portal of light appeared... he stepped through it into a new world. ...He had a hunch, and right now... he had to act on it, yes he was told to protect the child. But... surely the child would be better off with it’s own parents. He stopped outside a building, dispelling his armour. She would be safe for the meantime in this world, he could always come and retrieve her after he was done. He placed the baby on the step making sure she still had the flower her mother had left her. Then... he dug into his pockets and found a photograph along with a sealed envelope. He also left both with the child... He then knocked on the door and left swiftly, stepping back through a new portal of light as he donned his armour again. The sign above the door read... ‘Twilight Town - Orphanage.’ ~ The world through the door to Kingdom Hearts was literally swirling chaos. It could not be described in words... it was something you had to see and feel for yourself. The chaos started to shift and form into physical manifestations that began to lurk towards the three. “We shall protect you.” Sakai told his wife. She nodded and knelt down to pray again, the key shaped blade laying in front of her. Memories of her life and images of her happiest moments flashing through her mind. The other two also set to work, their blades slashing easily through the chaos around them. But... they wouldn’t hold out for long. They were literally in the Lion’s Nest. They were being surrounded at an alarming rate. The Maiden slowly stood, picking up her blade and began to dance, whirling her weapon around her in a graceful manner. If it wasn’t for what they were facing... this dance would be almost beautiful to behold. Her movements picked up speed as the dance became more desperate... The fighting of the Old Master and younger Wielder matching it in tempo. Then at last, she took her final pose. Holding the weapon of balance towards herself. Then she thrust the ‘Keyblade’ towards her own chest as her body dispersed in a blaze of light. Immediately, the chaos inside Kingdom Hearts began to calm as Sakai watched the heart of his beloved float away. ...There was a gleam in Master Xeffrey’s eyes as he smirked darkly. It had gone as planned. He turned his Keyblade on his ally, thrusting it through Sakai’s chest. Sakai’s eyes opened in shock... “But... why?” Xeffrey started to laugh. “Just fade into the darkness that is despair and join your wife.” Sakai began to fade... but this didn’t go unwitnessed. Leon screamed out having arrived just too late. “No!” He charged forwards, ripping his helmet off as he summoned his Keyblade and slammed it against Xeffrey’s. “What the hell are you doing?!” The Keyblade Master chuckled. “It was I who threw Kingdom Hearts into chaos.” He revealed... as he swung his Keyblade in a wide arc and forced Leon flying backwards. “I tried to claim it’s power for myself. But alas... I failed. But now I know why. So... I needed another chance. But how could I claim that chance if the universe itself was going to end. For that, I needed our dear Maiden.” Leon charged forwards again. “We trusted you!” “Oh did you? I don’t think the Maiden did... I think she knew all along. She probably believes that the child she wisely left in your care instead of mine will be able to put things right. Well, I’m afraid not. After I dispose of you... I shall take care of the child too.” The two clashed desperately, Keyblade against Keyblade, magic against magic. It became quickly apparent that Leon wasn’t going to win, as he was smashed across the face hard, cutting his left eye. He clutched his face... but it wasn’t over. “...I made a promise to Renka and Sakai... do you honestly think I am going to let you have your way. You will not harm the child.” He yelled positioning himself just right. Xeffrey smirked as his Keyblade became engulfed in Darkness and sent Leon flying backwards. “As if you could stop me.” Leon went flying through the door of Kingdom Hearts, but this time it was his turn to smirk. He threw his Keyblade towards one of the double doors. It bouncing off hard and forcing the door to close shut, it rebounded across the room and hit the other door closing it shut too before returning to Leon’s hand. “WHAT?!” Xeffrey roared as he ran towards the door in a swift manner for a man of his age. But it was too late... Leon pointed his Keyblade towards the door. The kiss on his fore-head earlier hadn’t been an ordinary kiss. Normally, it required people on two sides to lock the door to Kingdom Hearts... but... It seems Renka really had predicted all of this. Leon had received the Maiden’s Blessing... it meant right now. He had the blessing to do one thing that was needed most. This was for the future. A light erupted from his Keyblade and charged to the door. Locking it instantly. Leon slowly got to his feet... panting. ...Master Xeffrey was locked inside Kingdom Hearts. But... there were ways to escape. That was for sure. Leon slowly skulked away. The universes were safe thanks to Renka’s sacrifice... but at what cost? ...No. darker times lurked ahead. Leon felt ashamed, he had failed to protect the two people closest to him. He looked to the ceiling... and screamed. A single tear tracing down his face. ~ Inside Kingdom Hearts. The Keyblade Master laughed after his fit of rage... So... his plans would be delayed. No matter. He had waited this long. He could wait some more. ~ In another world, a young child was sleeping in a crib. She had a blue undying flower next to her and a photo of her parents, who looked so happy together. In her dreams... she heard the last words her mother had whispered to her not so long ago. ‘No matter what happens. No matter what destiny awaits you. Me and your father, even if we are no longer with you... We will love you forever, Suki.’ ################################################################# And so... that is it for the prequel. Let me know what you guys think etc? XD If this has a future and such.
...Yup. I am 'Destined for Ballads.' I am no longer Super Special Awesome. ... Essentially, this is another Rep Thread by me like the one from ages ago that started it all. XD about these rep titles... discuss? Do you like them? Which is your favourite? If you could make a rep title, what would it be etc? List of existing rep titles for convenience: -100= User fails at social skills. -50 = User is blissfully ignorant. -10 = User needs to think of others. 0 = User's future has not been written yet. 10 = User is starting to make an impact. 50 = User is rising the ranks. 150 = User has that unique charm. 250 = User knows what they're talking about. 350 = User is fun to have at parties. 450 = User is socially entertaining. 550 = User is a KH-Vids fanatic. 650 = User is super special awesome. 1000 = User is destined for ballads. 1500 = User is an undeniable friend to many. 2000 = User is a forum legend. 5000 = User is an omni ultra epic individual. 6000 = User is flying top gun.
[video=youtube;9-CvRKpmkRQ][/video] [video=youtube;8KopWDqWTkw][/video] Found these and thought they looked pretty good. *sigh* If only they did release a Dissidia KH right? XD
So... I'm feeling.. fed up, and discouraged among other things... I however don't feel this warrants a post in the help with life section. I don't even have much to say about why this is really. August just isn't my month despite being my birthday month etc, due to events of the past and... I dunno :/ Basically my Augusts tend to suck.. and so... I'm just posting this little thing here. Members of KHV. A penny for your thoughts?
2 days later... I finally get my birthday cake... Due to some complications, I didn't get one on my birthday. But this was so funny.. I did not expect a Cheesecake with a Candle in it. Epic win! I LOVE CHEESECAKE
[video=youtube;hruzc5TGkjM][/video] Read the details for... well, more detail XD Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one. :P I think it may be one of my best and certainly the most random yet. Let me know what you think etc lol
[video=youtube;-_SwZ76Hmkw][/video] This was a quick one today... done on short notice. It's not as brilliant as the last but meh, you may find some enjoyment from it and wish to help me out. XD
Is auto PM really working? It's just that I was definitely on 330 posts earlier... now I'm on 326... and no PM. Also... I could have sworn before earlier, I was higher than 330... but I took that as a mistake due to having no PMs... now, I'm positive I have lost posts... so I'm curious about this for everyone else... :/
[video=youtube;YEAwZWtCugs][/video] My latest Vlog entry after a while of nothing... I wonder what you guys will think of it. XD I think this is one of my better Vlogs personally. XD Also... this vid supports 720p for super high quality, so make sure to select that if you haven't already. lol
So... I was playing FFVII-Remix (The modded to death awesome hard difficulty version) for the umpteenth time, and I recalled something. In a thread that Kubo made about FFVII-Remix a while ago. Someone (I think it was Kitty) requested screen shots of Cross Dressing Cloud with the new mods on the game. So... I figure, I'm passing through this point anyway. Let's go for it. Anyway, as requested by whoever it was (and therefore I hope they see this thread) Enjoy. Spoiler Sorry for the quality, I was in a rush while playing this, so I took a few quick shots, but yeah. You can also enjoy Aerith and Tifa in their dresses. lol
So... me and my good friend Amy, as well as some of the other members of our little crazy world of fun got together to make a special crossover Vlog! Enjoy! [video=youtube;6j9Aa9K89S0][/video] This one should be a lot better than the previous. XD
So... I wanted to randomly make a thread... but... I didn't know what the thread should be about. I figure... why not make a thread about the thread itself... Don't follow? Talk about this thread! However you want! Why? I don't know! Just do it! I'll give you a cookie if you do. *does the 'pwease' face* Alright... you guys can tell I'm pretty bored can't you? lol
So... I'm using Hotmail as my main email address for this site and everything else... and now, recently (today... dunno if it's because of the new server or what), every single subscription email from KHV is going to my junk folder... I say it's not Junk, but that doesn't seem to make a difference... I have no idea how I can make it go back to normal and send KHV email to my normal inbox again... Anyone got any ideas?
I need to ask two different questions in this... so here goes... 1) I want to download an Adblocker (not to do with the recent Ads on the forum) But I'm not sure what to go for. So far I've managed to find this. and it seems to be the best one, but I wanted to ask you guys before I do anything. ~ 2) I'm looking for a decent video editing software that is preferably free and not Windows Movie Maker... any ideas? If there is such a thing?