[video=youtube;GFLkou8NvJo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFLkou8NvJo&feature=g-u-u&context=G2353072FUAAAAAAAUAA[/video] Wow or Wau? ...That is some insanely messed up maths.
Just sharing this: http://www.animeph.com/spring-2012-new-anime-season-preview-list We've got a lot of goodies coming up. I'm very excited about some of the releases this year. To name a few (There are so many awesome manga being made into anime, however I'll just put a few of the older anime that are getting new seasons here)... Eureka Seven Ao Hanasaku Iroha 2 (Didn't expect this... but I'm really pleased.) Bakuman 3 (Well... I know we still have 2 airing, but I'm pleased to see we won't have to wait long for the next one as well) Dog Days 2 (We all saw it coming, again, I'm very happy about this) And a few OVAs. Kimi no Iru Machi (This manga is a sequel... well... it runs along side Suzuka, so I'm pleased to see it gettong an OVA) Mass Effect (I'm not a big fan, but I'll watch the OVA. Maybe I'll enjoy watching it more than I did playing it.) Movies: Ao no Exorcist (Duh...) Fairy Tail Evangelion 3.0 Kizumonogatari (prequel to Bakamonogatari... I don't see many people missing this) Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika – Movie Trilogy (need I say more?) Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 2nd ~ Anyway... those are just a few things I picked up on from a quick glance. As I said, there are a fair few I didn't mention just because of how obscure the manga are or that I couldn't be bothered (yes... I am that lazy) I know a lot of you will be excited for Stein's Gate and the like. But yeah, don't take my list of what I'm looking forward to to heart and be like "GAH! WHY YOU NO PUT THIS?!" because... I may have just overlooked it. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the link and I'm also interested in seeing what you guys are looking forward to this year.
Me and a friend were talking and we made something truly horrifying. *shudders*
Spoiler: What does the scouter say about his power level?
I stopped a mugging. At the cost of a bloody nose and a fat lip. Yay me. I have to say though... Train conductors are fricking useless, they are staff and they do jack sh*t. What on earth are they paid for? Thank god me and another guy were there to help the poor victim (he was in such a state... I mean... Jesus Christ it was bad, but the guy was so grateful afterwards that we at least managed to do something). Not that I was looking for a punch up past midnight, but hey... I guess sh*t happens. Anyway... when I got home, the usual was expected. My mum went ballistic at the sight of me. She called me an idiot for getting involved etc, but I have to ask... what would you have done? For me, I just couldn't sit there and do nothing while some poor sod was being beaten to a pulp, all for the sake of his phone and a fiver. I mean, I know it sounds like some stupid hero crap from something like that comic Kickass, and people may say it's easy to do something, but after going through that, I know it isn't that easy... And yet I feel that I can at least be proud of myself. I don't regret my actions even if my mum says I'm a dumbass for doing such a thing. Part of me has to wonder why I'm even writing about this... but after that, I feel I've just gotta say something to get it all off my chest. Sorry for the random vent session KHV, but you are my go to guys for this stuff. lol
So those who know me and have known me on here for a long time will know that since I joined, I always had that Sora with KHcheats avatar... That is now gone and all I can say is... I'm so gonna have fun in the 'Act your Avatar' thread. /win
...Somebody had to do something. And after careful consideration and a lot of talking about it. ...Me and Dark (although he doesn't know it yet) have decided to save the world's lolis! And so here we are folks. A charity! (or... something as I dunno what the hell to do yet) Let us save them as the lolicon we all are! IT MUST BE DONE! *cries manly passionate tears of manliness* Spoiler
So... this is my latest creation. I had some trouble making this one. Some of the curves ended up looking like straight lines in places which I had to try to fix via smudging and blurring and such. and meh... lol I like how it's turned out, but I don't think it's one of my best works to date. I was wondering if people had any thoughts? I am aware as I said about some of the circles being rough (I tried to fix... but, these things happen, hopefully I'll have better luck next time if I attempt this style again) and I know the text might be a tad too small, but since I'm using it in my sig on KHV, I had to make it that way. lol Anyway, anything that can be said will be much appreciated.
Episodes: 50 Second Season?: There is actually going to be a sequel series coming April 2012 apparantly. There is also a movie which is a completely original story using the same themes and characters (although, most of their histories are significantly different and as such their personalities can be too), but with a different plot behind it and a different overall feel to it. I personally prefer the series. Plot Summary: My thoughts: Personally... I can't say much in the way of words to convey my feelings and give it justice. I mean, this anime was pretty darn incredible. It's in the list of 'Most Legendary anime of all time' for a reason. I'm not the biggest mecha fan even though I've seen my fair share. (One of my all time favourites being Gurren Lagann) but this anime was absolutely fantastic. I mean, it was mechas on hoverboards, and it was filled with incredibly fight scenes... but... even that isn't truly what makes it awesome. The story is a work of genius, and each of the characters are amazingly fleshed out. For me, one of the best things about an anime is seeing the relationships of the characters and seeing how the characters grow and develop as the series goes on and this anime did that perfectly with nearly every single character introduced. While the fights are an important aspect of the anime, what is more important is what they are fighting for and part of the journey is that they learn (specifically Renton and Eureka) what they are fighting for, why they are and how they should do it. Some of my favourite anime include the likes of Clannad and Gurren Lagann (as mentioned previous) and in those anime you get to see, experience and grow with the characters while they are on their journey and Eureka Seven is no different in this regard. 50 episodes might seem long, and compared to a lot of anime it is. But... it is the perfect length for this show allowing enough room for both development in the story and the characters while not being a bore even once. I'll put it this way... My personal record for a day is having watched 28 eps (or I think it might have been more...) all at once. This anime, I ended up watching 14 eps one day, then 16 in another and then the rest alongside all the other shows that have been steadily released this new season. In total, it took me 4 days period to finish this 50 episode series (thank god it's the holidays and I have some spare time on my hands lol) I was hooked from the beginning to end. I may be a die-hard Otaku, but this show is impressive enough that it was able to do this to me with ease. I think this anime should be in the list of 'must be watched before you die' As I said, it's considered a legendary anime and I definitely back up this statement. While I admit, it might not be for everybody (and let's face it, no single anime can be for everybody) I find it hard to believe that many people would out-right hate/dislike this anime, I feel that strongly about it. Over all... Amazing story, themes, emotions, characters, relationships, soundtrack, animation... and so much more. I have so much I wish I could convey about this, but I really can't put it down into words, It's so hard to explain lol. I am sitting at my keyboard and I want to say so much more than I have, but I'm finding it impossible, and so I'm going to leave it at that. I must simply say, watch it for yourself and hopefully you will feel what I feel from it. That is the best thing I can say to convey anything else lol ~ Anyway... Anyone else watch this anime? Any thoughts etc? Discussion time? XD (Please remember to spoiler tag things if you're gonna talk about story elements, so as not to ruin things for people who may wish to watch it but haven't yet. Thanks. XD)
[video=youtube;-_MfHMQWmiE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-_MfHMQWmiE[/video] Epic win. That's all I can say.
[video=youtube;NUcmjnaFCAU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NUcmjnaFCAU[/video] I'll just leave this here. And before anyone says this should go in the game section, watch the vid, and you'll see why it isn't. XD
After a few more years of marriage... or maybe even tomorrow. Our lives will end up taking on this sort of direction from then on: [video=youtube;0YZzXd0GA5s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YZzXd0GA5s[/video] First we shall take over KHV... And then... We shall take over the world! ...and then give it back so we can do it all over again, because just keeping the thing would be boring. XD
[video=youtube;NGfUOybGV40]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGfUOybGV40&feature=share[/video] I'll let the vid and my title here speak for themselves. lol
So... much like my birthday issue before... It has occurred to me that when the New Year hits, me being in a different time zone to a lot of the community here (mainly ranging from 5+ hours ahead) I've realised that it will be 2012 here while it will be 2011 where everyone else is... So... I'll be a year in the future. (Well, a day or so if we get mathematical, but looking at it from 2011 > 2012...) Yeah. XD I just like noticing random stupidities like this. lol *waits to be shot for stupidity*
I've noticed that when I try to customise my profile page that well... I can't. I click the customise box so I can change my profile's background image etc, and my profile drops to make room for the box, but the edit box doesn't appear at all. Just thought I should point this out and ask if this is effecting anyone else? I'm using the KHV 5.0 Dark skin. Dunno if it's the same for light, or if I'm the only one experiencing this. :/
So... between a whole lot of uni work and being stuck at uni and more stuff about uni which I shall not bore you with, on occasion I've taken a break from the usual work to work on some other work... (lolwhut?) essentially I've been working on a few new projects as I've found my skills with GIMP are starting to branch out more... As well as my dislike of pointed edges as you guys seem to like to point out... XD For the Inheritance RP on this site, my newest and one of my favourite banners yet (made it like an hour ago before I posted this :P. Essentially my Rider and her Dragon. I'm pretty pleased how the melding of multiple images and the brush effects turned out as well as a faint use of Supernova. ~ Also... I have these for a few other RP things, but essentially these aren't as good as my Inheritance one. I need to do a bit more work to them I think, so when I get some more time (winter holidays when they eventually approach... I'll sort something then) Regardless, I figure I'll share them too: I tried to do something different with this in terms of shape. This was more experimental if anything. It looks alright-ish, but I might try again later and make something better. I plan on downloading a bunch of new brushes so that should help me out too. and... This one is pretty plain, I'm tempted to download a splatter effect brush and do some more work on this, but I'm not sure yet. I'd like to call this one a finished work in progress... Which makes no sense. but yeah.
[video=youtube;mO1QBTG6EXs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO1QBTG6EXs[/video] Hey! Hey! Listen! *shot*
So, I had to retire from being a judge of RP Idol, and as such, I was naturally removed from the group. However, I can't unsubscribe from it, and it's taking up space in the user CP. Essentially, I looked at the other thread about this: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?117682-Unsubscribing-to-Groups and the problem I face is there is no unsubscribe option when I click the group tools thing. So... help? Please..