[video]http://www.geeksaresexy.net/star-wars-episode-vii-viii-and-ix-1/[/video] *Waits for the reaction I am expecting*
Aragorn has spoken. ~ Although, I wonder if Kitty counts in this rule with her being the manliest member of KHV... *thinks* And by extension... Makaze and P... Something tells me no one would beat them in any argument. XD
From my usual site: As a fan of the To Love-Ru series, I find this to be an exciting prospect, but yeah I just pray it isn't a single OVA. :/ And the censoring will likely be ridiculous regardless, but meh, believe it or not, I was actually more interested in the story than the fan-service. I really want to know who Rito will go for. lol XD
From my usual site: So yeah, you'll remember me saying before that there were three movies due anyway, but I figure this is new good information that deserved it's own thread since I last mentioned this in the series thread which may cause confusion, and this just makes it easier to find.
Well, over here in the UK... it is officially April Fools day... While it might not be for the rest of you yet, it makes me wonder what the staff will do this year. Turning everything pink again is just not gonna be good enough this year I think. Meanwhile, I already suceeded in my prank against DarkTraitor. XD It was very amusing. But yeah... So KHV Staff... I eagerly await the merriment you clearly have planned for yourselves. *goes to change my forum skin back to Isn'tItPretty...* YAY PINK!
[video=youtube;Liudw5xlkU0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Liudw5xlkU0&context=C4dc27d0ADvjVQa1PpcFPZt2ab-UnbbuYekJYYooaFrIAPMrhjW4E=[/video] Sent to me by a friend. lol
The title says it all. *double thumbs up*
Episodes: 22 Second Season?: Nope, It's finished. Plot Summary: On Christmas Eve, 2029, the unidentified "Apocalypse Virus" spreads and plunges Japan into a state of emergency in a chaos known as the "Lost Christmas" incident. An international organization known as the GHQ intervenes with martial law and restores order to Japan at the cost of its independence. Ten years later in 2039, Shu Ouma, a 17-year-old high school student who keeps to himself in school, meets Inori Yuzuriha, the lead singer for Egoist, while visiting one of his favorite places on his way home from school. Shu is a big fan of Inori, a singer who has taken the Internet world by storm. However, he also discovers the other side of her, which is that she is a member of "Funeral Parlour", a resistance group that aims to liberate Japan from the GHQ. Shu starts taking part in the actions of "Funeral Parlor" and the "king's mark" appears on his right hand after the Void Genome in his pocket was shot by a GHQ Endlave. This "mark" bestows on him the power to reach inside another person's body and extract and materialize a weapon from it. The anime tells the story of Shu's reluctant involvement with Funeral Parlour and the hardship involved in using his power, and how in time, he grows and becomes a person who finds a reason to fight and protect others. My thoughts: This anime was one of my favourites from the end of 2011 into 2012 lineup, alongside some of the other greats like Mirai Nikki. I'll keep my thoughts short due to lack of time while writing this but the story of Guilty Crown is highly engaging and pretty easy to follow although with enough complications that it won't leave you bored. If anything, I'd say the story is really well fleshed out and will leave you satisfied episode after episode (of course... some events and cliff hangers might leave you frustrated, but I mean this in the good sense where you want to go straight to the next episode). As many of you know, one of the things I love about anime is seeing how well the characters develop, and Guilty Crown does have some amazing characters as well as character development. You can really see and feel how they all change from the events that happen throughout the story and how many bonds are created and/or destroyed. The protagonist might evoke mixed reactions at first, but as the series goes on, you usually find your place with him as he does in his own world. The action is amazingly well done and put bluntly, Guilty Crown has plenty of moments of badass that make the series memorable. The soundtrack is great and compliments the series well, and I do have to say I particularly enjoy the opening and ending themes. The ending did give a feeling of closure, but at the same time, it left a void (no pun from the series, I swear) in my heart. I won't spoil what happens of course, but for those that watch it, you'll see why. I do highly recommend this series and I am pretty confident ~ But yeah. Anyone else watch this anime? Any thoughts and things to add etc? (Please remember to spoiler tag things if you're gonna talk about story elements, so as not to ruin things for people who may wish to watch it but haven't yet. Thanks. XD)
Yup. *double thumbs up*
...lol! Not really. I'm not really going to make an RP about KHV XD Albeit, let's just pretend that I am. *coughs and dramatic music plays* This is an RP for all you RPers and none-RPers! I am making an RP about KHV and for KHV! *dramatic music ends* Let's just cut to the chase. In this event (should you choose to join)... Which character would you be? (Ergo; which member on the site would you choose to play?) How would you play them and why? (Bear in mind that it would be preferable to play them in character.) No, you can't choose to play yourself... that'd be no fun. XD ~ Anyway, I'll start... I'd play SPdude. How would I go about doing that? I'd never post... ever. It seems pretty accurate to me. XD I'm sure I actually don't even need to explain why. ~ And now... GO!
[video=youtube;m8rzkCkFIus]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=m8rzkCkFIus[/video] I must say... I was curious as to what happened to the old chap after his 'supposed' death. Question answered... XD
You know it can't be denied. Just saying. XD /waitsforpeopletotryandprovethiswrong...
That is all, feel free to go on with your daily business.
Roses are red, let's make a toast. Violets are blue, You just won last person to post! Congrats, my dear wife. May all who post here bow before the awesome-ness that is Enzy!
From my usual site which I again can't leak... I feel saddened. What are your thoughts? Also... I should add... ...Oh dear.
From one of my usual sites which posts statistics and other anime news (can't provide a link due to some on-site content, but yeah). I'm curious as to whether people agree with this list or not. XD Enjoy:
Here is an interesting update for you all on KHV... You remember that thread I made a few weeks ago about how I stopped a mugging. Well... the chav who's hood I was able to pull down... he's been arrested for it. I was pretty surprised to hear about it, but yeah. He actually got arrested for it. "My faith in humanity has been restored" (not that it was that shaken to be honest... but I always wanted to say that dramatic line at least once), it does seem that sometimes some justice is done. Meanwhile... Happy Valentines day to you all. /foreveralone
Source: http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=386981&fb_source=message Additional source: http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh419/dtshyk/wwwdotuporg2496597.jpg This is an interesting revelation. I'm slightly saddened that Nisemonogatari is gonna be so short, but I am pleased that it looks like we'll getting all the Monogatari novels and that is definitely a good thing I think.