...correction, Super Mod.
...please... you're on a public forum... and i can't understand... a single word... plus you told a mod to bite you :o if you hate it for the anime stuff... you leave... NAO
...what the crap's a hot topic?
flaw: how would you be sure the victim would imagine their own face while writing?
this was just so damn epic i had to post it.
impossible... i wrote your name in... unless 'tis not really FinalForm... >.>
a waste... one cannot find my exact location unless i reveal it... >.> HOW THE **** DID YOU GET THAT! I-I mean, that's not me...
Impossible, one needs a name and face to kill... i am sure you have neither :3 in fact, no-one knows my face.
physically impossible... victim will merely die of a Heart Attack... now as for reading, while reading the victim drops something and bumps the table, which hits the shelf and falls onto the victim...
and i started making up insane and evil ways of killing people with the Death Note example: I feel so damn evil :3 ...so my screen name is Raito-Kun... shaddap...
...fool, your name was written that's a fake, the real one is in a location i will not reveal and you haven't seen Kitty's face :3 also... please man spellcheck... also, your details of death are physically impossible and you did not first state the cause of death i outsmart you :3
...all i can say is... i had a good reason but no... it was technically skipping...
yes... 3 years ago... a whole week in fact... i'm not getting into the details...
ahem... erm... my fault... Death Note... sorry RvR... :sweatdrop:
...i have a feeling you're all saying Kairi for "certain" reasons... *coughubershortminiskirtdressthingiecough* anyways... i want to say Aqua... but we haven't quite seen much of her... i'm undecided...
what to dance like... hmm... *dances like a blueberry(?)* 32777
I know... it was a joke -.-;
I think we'll have to switch to veggies soon *dances like a Tangerine* 32775
....O.o Virgin Mobile... or 40-year old Virgin advert?
i decided to start contributing to this thread again *dances like a Pomegranate* 32771