this is what insomnia causes: Don't ask. Also, to my love, I have a present: Spoiler
[posted a thread in a couple weeks. So here, have a thread 8D]
Why is applying to jobs so depressing? I feel like crying for no real reason, and that makes me pissed off, which makes me lose focus and I just wanna bang my head onto something hard now. /venting.
Oh nostalgia, you fickle b*stard.
[I've got 1053 posts, and as of yesterday I've been here for three and a half years.] Just thought I'd announce that.
[Concussion by freezer door!] 8DDD *gets icepack*
I volunteered to take part at the faculty meeting at Second City today, since they needed students to show the other teachers what kinda exercises they're doing to their own students. The exercises are two levels higher than what I'm on at the moment. So in other words, I'm intentionally gonna make an ass out of myself in front of some of the best comedic acting teachers in the country. Yeek. Plus I'll have to somehow wade through a marathon >.<
I didn't see a thread for this (I even searched, I swear), so I thought why not start this thread. Share some of you favorite bloopers from movies/tv/another medium I'm too sleep deprived to remember. Seeing as how I'm obsessing over Castle at the moment, I shall give you the gag reels for all three seasons: Season 1 Season 2 Season 3
I'm doing what I should've done way sooner, and switching to Chrome. That's what you get for crashing on me five times in a night, you bastard! #late as usual
When you crave for coffee at 4:40 in the morning... I think I should go to sleep now x.x
I turned 20 a couple hours ago. But my birthday isn't till tomorrow. Time-zones ftw!
Plot number 1 was the clear winner, so we shall be going with that. Here's a refresher for Peace-and-War's great idea: This thread is for discussion about the overall plot-line and to decide on a few core characters. Once we've gotten those decided we'll decide on the writing order, and start the writing process. PS. I'm terribly sorry about slacking off with the maintenance of this group, I know it's not really an excuse but I've been busy with moving, my great-aunt having surgery (and the extra baby-sitting hours that brought), getting my drivers license, classes, and the assortment of injuries and sicknesses I seem to attract like a magnet. I'll try to be a little more hands on from now on (and not give dead-lines I can't clearly keep >.<). Hopefully we can get this in order soon and start writing!
Please tell me that you can get cold/flu medicine over-the-counter. Sincerely, I'm not sure my insurance would cover an actual doctors visit
Basically, sitting while leaning on something, and lying flat on my back is really painful at the moment. Tomorrow I have about 16 hours of traveling to look forward to. ;_; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU- (This is also my way of saying that I'll be posting even less than usual during the next few days. Bye for a while!)
I'm so sorry that I'm late with this again >.< But, here are the five suggestions I got that you shall be voting on. More detailed discussion will begin either on Saturday the 10th, or whenever everyone has voted. Make sure you give some reasons for why you voted for whatever you voted for. 1) Post apcalyptic setting, after human civlisation has been wiped out by a terrible disaster, the story follows a group of diverse characters who need to work together find a new refuge after being kicked out of their settlement for alleged crimes that they didn't commit. They will need to survive against the harsh elements of nature, outlaw bandits that roam the wastes and a mysterious gunslinger that slowly hunts them down. 2) What about something using gods? You can use like egyptian or greek but what if the god had many forms and went by different names but they were still the same gods. Anyway, long ago they were forced to go into hiding in order to survive. They made themselves mortal and unaware of who they really were, when they died they were just reborn as someone else. Although they made precautions that if they were ever needed, their powers would reawaken and they would discover who they were again. But until then all that showed they were a god was a mark somewhere on their body with the symbol of that god. Now, it's modern day and dark forces are rising. They had been going around with normal lives unaware they were gods, as they are needed their powers reawaken. It is up to them to quickly discover who they really are and save the world before it is too late. 3) So the story starts out in an area that sort of looks like the previews of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Steam-Punkish, maybe? The main characters parents are killed before his/her eyes, and seeks to avenge the death of his/her parents. Kinda like any movie you seen before, but this story has a twist. I thought it out till the end, and it's really psychological on the main character's part. He/She embarks on a path around his entire world, making new friends, enemies, and gaining advice from wise people. The twist is that along the way, the main character starts remembering fragments of what happened on the day his parents were killed. When he/she has all the fragments put together in one piece, he/she realizes that he/she was the one who killed his/her parents. 4) The story begins with two rival gangs/families waging a war for control over a city. The people not involved in the war tend to stay out of the way until they are forced to fight. A group of people not involved in the war and with no desire to be part of it decide to try to leave, which has always been seen as impossible. While leaving somehow, they all get tangled up in the war and still working together, try to stop it and bring peace. 5) You could have a pirate ship, or just a ship where it's crew have to survive, a little boat on a big ocean/or a small space ship in a large universe. The premise being they either have to somehow get home or someone could inherit a ship and against all the odds find a mismatched crew and survive on the sea. You could have them going up against pirates, sea monsters or aliens (for the space ship).
Sorry for being unresponsive during the last few days, but at first I was busy with family things, and that business lead to me spraining my (dominant) arm. So writing has turned into a slow, somewhat painful process for me now ;_; This has lead to a bit of a plan change. My original idea was to get the plotting done during this week, so that I'd have enough time writing the opening chapter before the 7th of September (when I'm moving), but due to the injury and overall busyness, I'm not gonna be able to do that. I'm giving an extra week for you guys to send me plot ideas (so far I've only gotten 3 iirc, and I'd prefer having more), so PM them to me until Sunday. We'll vote on the plot ideas, and work through the possible problems the following week, so that I can begin writing hopefully on the week starting on the 12th. I'm really sorry about this, I was hoping for a swifter beginning, but c'est la vie, I suppose.
Thanks P for taking the screenshot and telling me to put this up here. How to subscribe to the group:
Beta-readers review the suggested chapters before they are actually posted. In a nutshell, they correct spelling, grammar and spacing errors, so that the chapters are as easy to read as possible. As we wish to respect everybody's personal writing styles, the beta-readers won't themselves make changes to the content, and instead they give suggestions to the author on how to make the individual chapters mesh together with the whole story. Now, as I said in the General Information thread which you should already know, as you most definitely read that thread already, right?, I'd like to ask for two beta-readers. Alternatively, if you don't wish to become one yourself, suggest someone from this group. Once the beta-readers have been picked, we'll work out the individual details amongst ourselves.
So, what the heck is this? Basically, we have multiple authors writing the same story. How will this work, you ask? •Before the actual writing process begins, we're going to plan a basic outline for the story, meaning the setting, the premise, parts of the plot, and a few of the main characters to get the writing going. •The authors will be assigned an order to post in. After the previous author has posted their chapter, the author next in line has two weeks to post their chapter. As I'm hoping that this would reach the length of a full length novel, this process will be repeated a few times. •We sit back and enjoy this awesomesauce piece of story telling. Plotting, we're supposed to do that together? Well, sorta. I've been asking in the original thread for you to PM me ideas for plots, settings, and so on. I urge you to still do that, and DO NOT POST YOUR SUGGESTIONS IN THIS GROUP. Depending on the amount of suggestions I receive, I'll post some, if not all of them anonymously in the group, so we can all vote on the best suggestions as objectively as possible. Not to worry, this doesn't mean that you won't be credited for coming up with the plot for this entire thing. If your suggestion is chosen, full credit will be given to you. And even if your story-line doesn't end up being used, if you wish I'll mention whose suggestions we were considering here in the community. ALL SUGGESTIONS MUST BE SENT TO ME BY SUNDAY AUGUST 28th, 11:59 PM PST (UTC/GMT -08) This is also when sign-ups end, unless we've already got 15 people by then. Voting will take place for the next three days, meaning that it will end on WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31st, SAME TIME. As for characters? We're gonna be a lot looser about that. After our basic plot has been chosen, I will open a thread here where you all can leave templates for characters you think would benefit the story. This doesn't mean that the characters will be used. On the other hand, this character might be used in ways you did not intend them to be used. As this isn't an a RP, we the authors get to control every single character introduced in the story how we wish to, as long as it services the plot. I'll give more details on this in the character thread. There is no deadline for the character suggestions. Well, maybe the end of the story >.< Writing process? Aren't you jumping the gun here? Maybe, but I like to be thorough. All of you who signed up will be placed in a random writing order, apart from me, as I will be the one starting the story. Like I said before, the person after me will have two weeks to write the second chapter, but if it is finished earlier, you can post it as soon as it's been approved. After this chapter has been posted, the third person in line will have two weeks to post their chapter, and so on, and so on. What's that you say, you're not sure if you can make the deadline? No worries, just let me know as soon as possible (i.e. not two days before the deadline), no questions asked, and I'll either give you an extra week of writing time, or shift writing duties to the next person in line, and put you at the end of the loop. Unless you are the last person in the loop, then I'm gonna hafta get real clever about this. As for the actual chapters, I do want to review all written material before it is posted, to ensure some grammatical standards, and that the story stays on track and respects what the other authors have posted. Because of this, I'd greatly appreciate if you sent me the chapters at least a couple days before the deadline, so that if bigger chunks of the story need to be changed, there is enough time for that. After I've given permission to post the chapter, you may do so. I'd like to ask for two other 'Beta-readers', so that the work load can be distributed to more than one person, so that this won't turn into a complete dictator ship, and so that my material will also be checked. More on this in the Beta-reader thread. Now, a little bit on the content. I'd like to remind you of the fact that Kh-vids is a site dedicated to a childrens' video game, and the overall rating for the site is PG-13. Let's not go over that rating. This means no graphic violence, sex, or overall disturbing imagery. As I personally tend to curse like a sailor, I'm gonna say a little profanity is allowed, as long we stay away from the f-bomb and other words not allowed on basic cable/pre-watershed. I'd also like to clarify that this doesn't mean that we won't allow any violence, implied sex, or somewhat unsettling imagery, as long as you give sufficient warning. Of course, if the mods aren't okay with this, we'll change the material to suit the correct standards. There will be a word limit, with a minimum of 700 words per chapter. If there is a need, we'll also include a maximum limit, but I'm kinda doubting that we'll need that. Thanks for reading this, and happy writing! Questions? Suggestions? Post 'em below!