The year passed by so fast. Fuuuuuuuuu- I've already been a more or less active member for a year now! =0
at my post count, I must be the devil now or something =0 'kaythanksbyenow
I'm supposed to be writing an essay... And I can't concentrate... Every time I actually start concentrating I only manage to write one somewhat intelligent sentence... And I only have about a 100 words written out of 500 X_X I really should get off the internet for now <.< But I don't wanna T_T I hate homework. [/semi-rant]
Our school's like... completely empty. It's not even one PM yet, it's recess. Yet I can only hear a few people talking. Usually it's like at a rock concert at this time of the day >.< What the hell???
I miss you soooo faaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaarrrr! And the collision of your kiss that made it soooo haaaa-aaaaaaa-aaaaaaarrrrrrdddddddd! Good evening everyone xP
This just suddenly came back to me... Anyway, one of the guys in my class had been in a student exchange for a year in the US, and he said that American high-schools seemed exactly like the ones you see on TV. So I'm asking from all you former/current high-schoolers from the States that is this true, or was he in some really weird high-school/talking trash.
That's so going in my next chemistry test.
I just had my last philosophy class till like, maybe university, I still don't know what I want to study later on... And it was my favorite class DX Even though the teacher was kinda annoying <.< But still... I'm gonna go brood under my desk now for the rest of the day ;_;
I won't be on-line that much for the next few weeks, I've got a lot of exams and theatre performances coming up in the next month or so... Plus our computer's adapter broke, so I can't use the computer home for a few days anyways <.< I'll try to be on the school computers, so you can PM/VM me if you really want to talk, but don't expect too much activity in the forums ^^'' See you in a few weeks though!
[I need to figure out a a good perspective to judge Romeo&Juliet, preferably a point of view that can turn in to an lengthy essay. I was thinking of either explaining the story through the supporting characters, or introduce the characters through a performers point of view... Buuut I'm not sure how far I'll be able to go with that, so any other suggestions would be appreciated. Btw, the story below is true, but not exactly my biggest worry =P] My sister wants to eat me!!!!! Seriously, the first thing she says to me whenever she sees me is "Divy... I'm gunna eat you >8D" and then she holds up a knife and a fork!!!! *is traumatized for life* According to another source the student victims were only 14-15 years old. I'm just so... sickened by this.
[>.< I know there was a thread for this, but it was a year old so I didn't wanna bump it...] So, how many of you like this band, and what are your favorite songs? I don't like it as much as Evanescence, but it's still one of my favorite bands, their music is so beautiful. My favorite songs are Angels Jillian (I'd give my heart) Somewhere Pale Forgiven The Truth Beneath the Rose Frozen Hehee, long list...
Here's a few drawings I'm sharing, no need to CnC, they were just drawn for fun. The quality isn't too good, 'cause are scanner isn't working, and for some reason I can't flip them the right way DX< But enough rambling: ^My personal fave ^Okay, I totally suck at drawing faces >.< And I just gave up on the lips... ^The 'black-clad angel', turned out rather shiny @_@ Most of them are character/clothes-designs for stories I never had time to write XP
I never wanna get up this early on a Sunday. And I'll have to do it again next week X_X I miss making sense.
Basically, I'm tired of almost everything, and I've got no energy left. I'm continuously sick, sometimes because of allergies, sometimes because my immune system is pretty weak and I seem to catch a cold every time it's on the move. This then leads to me being away from school quite often, so I fall behind. My motivation has never been too good, but right now I can't get myself to study/practice things that I actually like or liked. My already poor self-esteem then suffers from me feeling like I can't do what others can seemingly easily, and then I feel even less motivated to practice. And even on the occasions that I manage to psyche myself in to studying/practicing and I get good results from that, I still feel like I could've done better. Nothing seems to be good enough for me. I usually get about 7-8 hours of sleep, I eat properly, and I even do light exercise a couple times a week. So I really don't get why I'm sick and feel crappy all of the time. This has been going on for quite long now, so I'd really appreciate any advise you can give me.
reading in class/school. It's a bit hard to explain why you look so miserable after reading some emotional scene while the teachers been rambling about the atmosphere =P
that Vader can sing! I like his falsetto 8D
Okay guys, should I: a) Stay up late to study, but probably not learn too much since I'll be tired as hell or b) Get up really early to study, and risk sleeping in and thus not study at all?
[–and I was wondering that has anyone had one due to an allergy attack before?] –right when I was reading a scene where a rather good looking CO orders one of his even better looking pilots to strip @_@ I love that scene xD