Fantastic mr. Fox XD
Red robin: * jumps out of the way and hits joker in the back of the head *
- ya. Y? U don't like me? :(
Luxord: *picks up roxas* come on little one. Zexion: I'm coming too!
Zexion: that's IT!!!!!!! * pounds him into ground with book * HA!!!!
Zexion: if any of you even thinks about even toutching me, I will kill you!!!
No one has her thou
Zexion: xemnas! Help me!!! *grabs his leg* there trying to kill me!!!
Zexion: if I ever decide to have kids I'm going to adopt them to save them from being burned with the rest of the orphans Luxord: that very thoughtful of you
Zexion: >:( Luxord: poor zexion
Zexion: I'm tired of all the violence.
Zexion: I didn't know you read harry potter
Red robin: whaa- Whats going on!?
Luxord: I will do no such thing
>:( what are you saying?
Zexion: ;~; stop it! Luxord: violence is never the answer! Unless you're in vegas......
Luxord: are you talking to me? Cause last time I checked my name was luxord. Begins with an L Zexipn: so does loser
Zexion: HOLY F***ING HELL!!!!! Luxord: what he said.....
Luxord: I do not! Zexion: um..... Larxene are you okay.....?