X) x) x) x) x)
Cloud: Die! Die! Die! Die!!!
When we saw the trailer for this movie in the theaters, the audience applauded. Lol.
Cool ill check them out :) right now I'm watching bleeach. I love it!!!!!
Might have to X) Thanx
Not forgot. Still working on that.
Never heard it. To be honest I haven't even heard the original all the way through.....
XD wow! Nice one! Not the song I was expecting, much better than I thought X)
I didn't watch it yet. But I'll tell you when I do...
Where do you get that done?
Tehe. Sounds silly. Styling your wig! Tahaha! It sounds like lots of work too...
I cosplay riku too :p I don't have a wig tho
No. Can I see now?
XD I have lots of imagination... sometimes.....
That's good XD I dont mind :) I think you're doing a better job than I could
I'm fine with meat and cheese thanx :sweat:. Don't like that other stuff.....
Ham and cheese yum XD
I'm back. My cat is tryin to eat my sandwich
Good. I'm gonna go eat somthin ill be back vry soon
Hes a moogle kupo! Lol I was bored so I drew that on him.