What's the probability and odds of it getting a head shot at the exact peak of its jump?
A day just goes by too fast. White Holes Discuss
http://residentevil.com/5/kijuju/?fbid=iI11_GqqLKV Click on the 1 and type in refinery. Something special happens. (The other numbers don't work for now.)
You are the hairy one.
Guess who's waiting at the top?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJLBZCr3D0 [Screw it if it's old.]
*sets up drinks and glasses* Begin.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJt1U_8UYBs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7XC-c70VyI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj9oCSu9yYk Oh my god...
Chuck Norris vs. Chuck Norris Who would win?
I like cheese.
["A dessert to cherish our remaining years." "Bread begins the meal of life." "Meat to savor the time at hand." "One last drink and the bottle breaks, returning us to the dust whence we came."] In other news, who would win: Blade or Edward Cullen?
Sag. Nothing to see here folks.
Measure it using Zero Division.
Speak in old english.
A rip off of the counting threads. Count to 100 without being interupted by another member's post. It's you versus everyone... NOW GO!!!
Predict what will happen within this time and after the said amount of days.