Eternal Reincarnation The ability to reincarnate forever. Your soul will never die. Pros: -Go through life many times. -Live life differently every time. -Live forever through different people. Cons: -Will die as many times as being born. -Memories of past lives wither away over time. -Cannot recall past life memories at an instant, no matter how recent. Immortality The ability to live forever. Your soul and body will never die. Pros: -Watch the world change. -Gain knowledge of many things. -Live forever. Cons: -Watch as the world withers away with everyone around you. -Life can be seen as meaningless. -Memories and, possibly, emotions wither away over time. Discuss. No comment.
'Nuff said.
"Putting needles through your hands/arms and hugging people is the new kind of emo." ......
[Click the picture]
Link ... :_:
Oranges ...
That big, red boss ship at the end of Assault of the Dreadnaught mission 3. It's harder than Sephiroth IMO.
Pick two songs, play at the same time(or mix them together), post results here.
Bears a striking resemblance to Ifrit in Final Fantasy X(Notably when the Dark Thorn stands in the journal).
The giant black heart behind the door to Kingdom Hearts. It's gone after it gets locked and disappears.
What exactly do you guys do? ...
Not a hybrid they say.
After building some ships in this one, I went back to compare it to KH1. I gotta say, the building system in KH2 is MUCH better in my opinion (especially since you can place weapon gummis inside the normal blocks to save space). Although it does take more time getting used to than in KH1. Your thoughts?