Ansem=Names Names=Ansem See?
Any suggestions? Anyone?
Show everyone that you have the best spin/twirl/spiral/twist out there! RULES - You must have at least ONE person in it and that person is the main spinner. - Spins will be judged on difficultiy, uniqueness, performace/execution, creativity, and showmanship. - Props/music/effects can be used. - Spins must last between 60-90 seconds and can be animated. Any longer of shorter will be disqualified. - There will be a judge (hopefully) for each part of the judging. - Each part is scored from a scale from 1-10, 10 being the highest. The final score will be averaged from the five scores(rounded to nearest hundreth). - For Judges: Don't be biased when you judge. And don't just give out a random score based on how you feel like. - Registration deadline has yet to be decided. Judges Difficulty: Uniqueness: Performance/Execution: Graxe Creativity: Showmanship: Prize(if one) has yet to be decided.
Got this idea when I was watching something about replacing evolution with creationism in schools. Basically it's what the title says. If the Christitan religion was never started way back in the time of the Roman Empire. What would be some of the different causes and effects of some major or minor events? How would it effect and change the lives of people in the past, present, and future?
Define it as if you were to describe it to a person who was born blind and has never seen color in his/her life.
What the title says.
No matter what the reason, you still ate it. A milk carton.
"Hello dearest pig." greeted the farmer, "May I eat thee?" "Shant." said the pig. "I beg thee pardon?" the farmer asked. "Why can't I eat thee?" "Thou hast seen it happen before." answered the pig. "Bosh! That monkey was asking for it." replied the farmer. "Monkey? I was talking about the doe!" the pig cried. "Nevertheless, you're still on my plate." the farmer remarked. The farmer took the apple out of the pig's mouth.
IT'S HUGE!!!! RUN!!!!
546465464852145484987841313005654846454654046464056484746513156549746454516546846876465415468789784879768797864754343211565456465478675612358594845454005456451564561431105465748978546515345616146546446465468789456456546845646514564867445647684564564313546546875645054654564564054216878679874654141564987489465465456489745110548808078846165048978649415304608480 Key: 0=G 1=C 2=T 3=H 4=A 5=P 6=X 7=J 8=W 9=F
Saw this on a show one night. Basically, tell a joke(only ONE) when you have the microphone. When you're done, pass the mic. DO NOT HOG IT. So I'll start off. One day when I was babysitting for a friend of mine, I was sitting in the park on one of those, y'know, rocking things that go back and forth. ANyway this one was I was on had two seats, front and back. I was sitting in the front. Then suddenly out of nowhere, a cop approached me. He had his handcuffs out and I just had a whole OMG moment until he said, "Hey, mind if I, 'join' you? *wink wink*" *passes mic*
This is a lot different the wierd food combos thread. It's what you do with food. Not only do I freeze Jello, I also freeze flavored, culturized bacteria derived from milk(yogurt, for those who don't know).
Anyone here had any before? It really good...
Make a worst case scenario, answer a previous one, or you can do both. You're in the Atlantic Ocean in a shark cage with a friend of yours. The people on the boat are worried since the two of you have been down there for quite a while now and can't raise you back up without a signal from your radio. Underwater, the bars began to rust. Seven great white sharks surround you and constantly attack, bending the cage. Your friend dropped the radio when frightened by the sharks. The top door is loose and you just realized that you had the flare gun with you, but you can only use it once. The flare should scare away the sharks, but something bigger might come. Oxygen is running low for the both of you, making it harder to breathe. The water presure is also taking its toll on you two. What do you do?
In a suit of cards in a card deck, there are 13 cards. Now think of Org. XIII like the hearts suit specifically. Xemnas would obviously be the ace since the ace is the lowest and highest card. Then fill in cards 2-10 with their corresponding member. Funny how Luxord's 10, the highest number card, and his weapon is cards. Then come the face cards. Being number XI, Marluxia matches the jack card since he is kind of like a jack-of-all-trades. Out of all the jacks in the deck, the jack of hearts is the only one holding a leaf. Larxene, being the only female, takes the queen. She also fits the queen since the queen of hearts in wonderland is easily irritable, impatient, and won't really think twice about killing someone. Roxas is the king, since they both weild two blades. I don't think that this was a coincidence at all, really. I think that it was planned like that. There are probably more ways on how they resemble their card counterparts, but that's all that I can think of right now.
Should I take the cookie off the plate? Or should I take the cupcake and have the risk of getting shot?
I've thought about this alot and it bugs me. The only conclusion I get is that everything is nothing, just more complex. But that can't be right, can it? I mean, it doesn't make sense if that was true. Yet if you look at it in a way, it kinda does. I don't know. What do you think?
If time stops, and you're not affected by it, you're moving faster than time! Wouldn't that be cool?
*points to title* you get the idea.
...that some dude stole an eight-foot tall statue of Jesus?! O_O