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  1. rikurep
    "I'm sure it was this way" Daxent said while walking along beside her. " Kun?" Daxent whispered to himself and turned to see her blushing face " What's wrong?" he asked her
    Post by: rikurep, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. rikurep
    What's funny is that just like the show, Speed will hardly do any acting, just making intense faces in front in a green screen while they make it look like he's driving. And what's with the little boy? It used to be a little girl the went with the monkey into the mach 5
    Post by: rikurep, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. rikurep
    Those are wonderful drawings, you really have talent!
    I'm not that good at drawing realism
    Post by: rikurep, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. rikurep
    Do You Beleive the 358/2 days is really worth buying? Although it is something about we don't know about in kingdom hearts do you think it's going to be good gameplay wise? As far as I can tell it will probably be pretty repetitive, constantly killing heartless at Twilight Town and although multi-player is avalable with the different members it might get a little boring once you've tried them all. Also It seems that the only major boss we will get to see Riku, but we already know the outcome of that battle. However if it does show what Riku was doing for that past year I might consider it enough to buy a DS.

    So what is your opinion on this, buy it or simply look the 14th member up on wikipedia once it has been released?
    Thread by: rikurep, Dec 11, 2007, 39 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. rikurep
    (A Death Note RP, since the one made by deathsight44 had died I thought it was due time that we had another one)

    The year is now 2020, It has been exactly 10 years ever since the legacy of Kira had vanished from the minds of the citizens of japan and the rest of the world. Ryuk has returned to the Shingami realm, with stories to tell of his adventures with Light Yagami. With the Absence of Kira, the world has reverted to it's old ways..crime, violence, the world was as if nothing had happened except for the fact the Near had taken L's Place. The time has come when a successor must be chosen for him now that he gone, and so we turn to Wammy's Orphanage where you minds are tested to see who is capable of taking his place. And this time, as some shinigami come down to visit Earth in an attempt to "entertain" themselves it will be a lot more interesting.

    There are only 2 characters allowed per person , however there are 3 different kinds of bios that may be used. A person may not use the same bio twice. You can either be a civilian, which is a normal civilian of the city, but has the oppurtunity to obtain a death note. Your second choice is to be a death god. Now, whenever someone create's a death god charecter, then, that only means that there is anouther oppurtunity for someone to gain a death note, but here is the catch. If you have a civilian charecter, and a death god charecter, then you are not aloud to let your own death god give yourself a death note. Your death god must give someone else a death note, while someone else's death god charecter must give you a death note. The last choice would be an officer, meaning that you will serve under the law, and your purpose will either be to help kira, or to try to stop kira. If you are a canidate for Near's successor in the orphange you will have the choice to either try to prove yourself as a detective or obtain a death note yourself to fulfill you goals.

    Civilian's bio

    appearance: (a pic would be nice)
    line of work: (what job does your charecter have. Depending on the job, it can make all the difference if you are one of hte lucky few to get a death note)

    Death God's bio (Note, all death gods have atleast 1 death note. the human carry's a spare. if the death god loses his, then, he/she will die. )

    appearance: (you might wnat to use a pic for this)
    reason for coming to the human realm:

    Officers/ Canidate bio

    Habits: (such as Mellos addiction to chocolate etc..)
    ranking: (could be a normal officer, could be a detective, could be the cheif of police)
    family members: (if you plan on involving family, then put them down in your bio, but otherwise, you won't really need this part)

    As for the Death Note Rules, you are able to read them on the old death note rp

    I myself will be a detective and a shinigami:

    Investigator (Canidate)
    Name: Theodore Mikou (T)
    Age: 17
    Gender: M
    Personality: He is very detached from others around him. his emotions get in the way of his judgement often.
    1) He carries around a small sketchbook that he doodles in constantly, he also is seen chewing his pencil or with it behind his ear
    2) He wears a dog collar around his neck, when people ask him why he just changes the subject
    3) He prefers being on the floor, he will either sit on the ground or stand up
    Ranking: Canidate for Near's Successor
    Family: orphan, grew up in Watarti's school
    History: Has been in the orphanage for as long as he could remember

    I'll make my shinigami later
    Thread by: rikurep, Dec 11, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. rikurep
    "Right Behind you, " Daxent said before hurrying to catch up with her
    Post by: rikurep, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. rikurep
    L actually had a heart attack from eating too much sugar.......
    Thread by: rikurep, Dec 10, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. rikurep
    Fan- character for the Organization in Naruto



    Imma going to be using this for an Akatsuki RP here
    Thread by: rikurep, Nov 30, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. rikurep
    thanks alot, I think I might actually do that now to find out what he would look like XD
    Post by: rikurep, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. rikurep
    Yup here's some new drawings XP
    if you have a devart account I'd appreciate comments

    Late Birthday gift for CtR

    My nobody
    Thread by: rikurep, Nov 29, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. rikurep
    Hmm, i see your point but I don't think that coded would be the most improtant out of all three games. What's funny is that all three share something that happened in the past of Kingdom hearts. BBS is about the keyblade war, 358/2 days tells us a little more on what happened in the Organization before Sora awoke and, Coded tells us what mickey did in kingdom hearts 1 ( I'm guessing) . So I consider all three equally important to what's in store for KH3. If coded was really that important, they'd have it on a better system rather than for mobile.
    Post by: rikurep, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. rikurep
    Yes you can be judge, or draw for it. It doesn't matter which :D

    Also it doesn't really contradict itself, I excluded Roxas and Xemnas mostly because we already know who they were when they had hearts while the other members are still unknown and because of that people will have to put more thought into it instead of making a sora/ xehanort ripoff.
    And it actually doesn't really matter whether they do someone in the organization or make up a character and their nobody all on their own, maybe i should add that to the first post.

    and for everyone else, yes you can enter the contest XD
    Post by: rikurep, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: The Playground