Wow that's interesting. Although Jessie McCartney as Zuko surprised me a bit. I can't find a pic of Noah but I did find this, with pictures of the other cast members.
I took what you guys said and updated the picture on the first page, the face and coat now have shading on it! Enjoy! :D
I know ;^; and unfortunately I can't remember why I did either, I left you and the others here, I'm such an idiot *hits self* XD Yeah Sarx is...
Wow, this HD is so freaking real!!! *dies*
Lol don't worry I won't XD I missed you to, it's great talking to you again, really. And yes people love Sarx, we actually have someone who...
Very nice Job there ^^ I think Sora was done the best. I love the details on the keyblades
Hmm..Quite Do not forget that she also pwns Xaldin :P
...Makes a thread like Gaston = }
7 How now brown cow?
I like it alot, I'll just say that like others have said the proportions need work. And that it sinks in a little too much between her nose and forehead, but who says I don't have the problem with the exact same thing? :D Any way it is great. nice job!
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Sure it's a short book, but fun to read and the nonsense that happens is always clever.
That's good, and Keep working on it, I'm sure you'll get better in no time. And thanks :D I'm glad that you like it CtR. And I heard you do from...
Ah, the goverment at work does me proud. Fight on little ones!
Alright then, cool :D
Sure I do, What is it you want drawn? You can tell me here or PM me
Oh okay then, I think I remember you better now, I at least think that I've talked to you right? Anyway hey ^^
I honestly prefer reading manga more, but when it comes to the action scenes, or fighting, something among those lines I'd rather see the anime.
Thanks a lot ^^
Well thanks for welcoming me back, I can't say I remember you that well but anways :D I am doing fine thank you, how are you?