Noir slashed through one, kicking away the other lunging at him from behind. He heard rustling near a bush and headed there, he spotted a young girl wielding a large sword in front of three unbirths
(We'll start now.) Noir was sitting on a small rock near a stream, he had a few scratches and cuts covering his arms and face. Out of breath he bent down and took a drink from the stream. "Hah...I think I lost them" He spoke too soon, a rustling sound came out of nearby bushes, two small unbirths (the basic ones) came leaping out at him as he pulled out his cutlass in defense.
Alright, you're in :D
gotta love being in colorado, 3oh!3 central
Most of the information is good, but as this is a kingdom hearts rp, I cant really allow the "lightsaber" weapons as well as the ability to turn into pokemon....=/
A story of the world before the worlds, before the keyblades, before Xehanort..... The fairytale goes like this: Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted the light for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of the light survived... in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now..... Story This was the fairytale Kairi was told by her grandmother, of what had taken place to create the worlds, long before the events of KH. Before Birth By Sleep. Here we don't know if the Keyblade wielders had existed or not, but it was a time of great magic and power with the light and darkness as their guides. Either way, we play those who had to rebuilt the world or tried to destroy it. We know how it led to the events that Sora and his friends went through, but not the entire story...But we'll find out in time.........wont we? _________________________ Rules: 1) Okay let me get this out first, there WILL be keyblades and even better the kind in BBS. Go ahead and choose them now, but you will have a weapon before then. 2) PG-13, like all the other rps here, no nudity, sex, unnecessary gore. 3) No Godmodding, I'll tell you when I see it as a warning, if it continues you're out. 4) Stay serious in this, all other conversation will be kept in brackets "[]" 5) Killing other characters is prohibited, cept with permission. 6) There are, I repeat, there are NO NOBODIES, OR HEARTLESS of any kind, the unbirths are a new enemy, and they will be used for this rp. 7) Please fill out all information of character sheets, I'd like if along with posting it you'd pm me it as well. I welcome anyone to join at anytime. 8) Although the worlds aren't exactly separate, they are currently like an island, you cam travel between them and in so the Disney worlds and characters still exist. Villains too. 9) More than one person can have a certain ability 8) Additional rules will be added as circumstances change 11) Breaking these rules continuously = immediately being removed from the rp. My character: (people can have three characters to play with, two OC's and a disney character or a villain or have it vice versa) Name: Noir Age: 17 Side (light or darkness): Light Weapon: Cutlass (gets keyblade later) Ability: Proficient in fire magic Personality: Someone who wants to do things their own way. They can't stand being told what to do, and they like taking the lead (which can be good and bad). They can be great leaders and planners, though they can also be bossy and overconfident Description/appearance: Other information: He smokes alot. OC LIST: Light: Rikurep- Noir-Fire-Cutlass (keyblade is dormant) HopefulWishes - Melody - Water - Buster sword Dark: Daxma - Ansem - Darkness -Two Keyblades KeybladeWarriorofLegend - Reese - Dreams - Sinking Darkness (keyblade) Disney: OC bio sheet. Name: Age: World: Side (light or darkness: Weapon: Ability: Personality: Description/appearance: Other information:
you never see a ninja with a katana is in his pants.. why is that? D<
Heh, D8 well if you came on Deviantart more you wouldnt miss me so much X3
hello there >W<
Lol, well thanks anyway :D
The time I was gone just means it's been spent practicing X3 Anyway I hope you enjoy my new art of my OC, Raxen. Raxen I also have pictures of a OC Keyblader I've made, hope you like him! Noir. Chibi Noir X3
Why hello thar, X3
Simple, how many licks is the number before you get bored and bite the hell out of it >3
I'm fine right now, a little troubled but it's nothing. How about you?
Hey CtR, it's been a while :D
CtR! :D I havent talked to you in a while. how are you doing?
Same here CtR, I'm good ^^
How has your new year been going so far? XP
Popping in to say hey again :D
Here you go! I like CnC so go ahead! :D Raxen is my personal OC for Kingdom Hearts