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  1. rikurep
    well that was a waste of breaking the laws of time travel and continuity that was in the films once again
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. rikurep
    I came back to stop myself from doing such a stupid thread.......wait


    ....oh well, at least I can still terminate John Connor
    Thread by: rikurep, Jun 13, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. rikurep
    "Oh dont worry, it's great, lots of tall buidlings, great places to eat" He said looking back with a grin on his face. "it's pretty peaceful, most people know how to hold back the unbirths" As they walked they passed a small house and a bit of the forrest

    OOC: in case anyone else wants to pop up XP
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. rikurep
    Noir smiled and nodded. "sure, you can come with" He said starting to lead the way
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. rikurep
    " Ah.....I'm sorry"
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. rikurep
    " Oh? Where" He said looking forward at her with interest.
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. rikurep


    Ah, what was your username then? owo
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. rikurep

    " live out here alone? That's really kinda reckless..."
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. rikurep

    "Here"... know me? o.o
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. rikurep

    "Here"... the most self conscious word in the entire English language....
    Thread by: rikurep, Jun 6, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. rikurep
    You know, despite the casting that I was disappointed in. (could've had at least orlando bloom for this) It really doesn't look to bad, the costumes and the settings are good in my eyes, despite the prince not being.....a prince. Now I just want to see how the "sands of time" will play into this.
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 6, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. rikurep
    "Right, I'm heading out to a town, Traverse Town. You've heard of it?"
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. rikurep

    "Not really, but I didn't have much of a choice with them chasing me" Noir said looking at her, "do you?"
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. rikurep
  15. rikurep
    .........surprised no one said atlantica
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. rikurep
    OOC: Wherever you want, the worlds are connected in this one. it seems everyone is starting in a forested area. So thats probably where
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. rikurep
    OOC: Anywhere is fine really, though we'd have to wait for a response from Hopeful is we could, but anyway jump in :D
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. rikurep

    OOC: Well EXCUUUUUUUUZE me for being sick man. =A=


    Most of it is acceptable except for the guardian, as this rp is set before the heartless existed. And since that's a heartless it cant be used, besides that you are accepted.

    "Well well well! Nice to meet you Melody!" He said smilling as he waltzed up and shook her hand, " not a bad job taking those unbirths out"
    Post by: rikurep, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. rikurep
    Noir walked up to her slowly, putting away his sword and holding his hands up to assure her there was no trick waiting. "Hey, there, I'm not one of those things, just so you know. My name's Noir" He smiled at her.
    Post by: rikurep, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. rikurep
    (I know, it's "feigning" :D)

    Noir walked out of the bushes "and here I thought you needed help, hello there missy" He said smirking
    Post by: rikurep, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home