You can weild Mushu!? That's awesome! How well does it work? What else can you weild?
Thanks. What other mods are there? so when it says Kingdom Key 21CEF10C 0000???? If I replace ???? with 06FA then when I equip the Kingdom Key, sora will weild Saix's Claymore, right? But what does the indevidual names mean? What happens then? and What the heck happens with mushu?
Cool, but I can't use my MAXConvert anymroe because I'ive already used it too many times before and I don't want to get into trouble for using it illegally. What else is there? I heard you can wield enamy weapons. Donald + Roxas = Roxald!!!
Yeah, I heard. I saw that video. How did you guys get Roxas to stand on sora's head and use Duck Flare? That was hilarious.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on for a while. I've been busy with school. So what's new?
Hey guys, I just bought a new ARMAX but the disc looks different than my old one, my new one has these red, blue, green, and yellow circles in the upper left, but my old one didn't. Is there any difference in the way it functions? Can I use my old save data for it? I don't have my PS2 with me now so I can't check.
Hey guys, I just checked out that Cheat Exhibition video and it seems that I've been gone for too long. I'm getting a new ARMAX sometime soon. Maybe this week or the next. What different mods are there? What are some of the coolest things we can do at this point?
What are Dis-souls? Are they those things you fight that look like heartless? What exactly are they?
I think Axel gained a new heart out of his affection for Roxas and thus comes back.
Hey guys, any new codes? YOU CAN WIELD ENAMY WEAPONS!?!?!?!?!?!? DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BUYING A NEW ARMAX!!!
Someone who's had major experience with relationships, and the parents of the girlfriend.
hey guys, can someone please talk to me in private? I need to talk to someone. Why isn't the code stable?
Oh, believe me, if I had my ARMAX I would be. I"m just down in the dumps because my friend still can't find it. I wish I didn't have to go and buy a new one, but I guess it'll be worth it... sorta... I mean, this isn't the riku I was hoping for, but it's just as good, seing as you can use all of his attacks, and even Cure Potion.
you do realise that's the party riku and not the riku at the final battle, right? So whenever you attack it'll be a super long combo, and the same one every time.
What's the heavon and hell code?
Hey guys, so howcome we can only play as Riku an an Emulator?
Hey guys, so what kind of reaction mods can we do here?
It must be because Chain of memories cutscenes were on gba and couldn't port it from there so they had to redoit in the game. What's the dark margin?
Awesome job! So where else can you go? I know you can get to all the places in Sora's memories, because of Castle Oblivion. Hey guys, remember how I said that the dreams must not be recorded from the first game and were actually just reprogramed animations? Looks like my theory was correct.
Yup, that's me. Yeah, I heard about the stick, I have to code but I brought my ARMAX to a friend's house and lost it forever ago. I'm going to get a new one soon. I can't wait to weild the stick. So what new movesets are there? and what can you do with the room mod? can we get to Destiny Island?