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  1. Clontox
    Uh, guys?

    35 - Bahamut [ONOZ!]

    Is this what I think it is?

    And What's this?

    0C - bahamut area

    It says it's in End Of The World. Also it has this but I don't remember it in the game. Was it before you fought The Demon thing from Fantasia? (Sorry, I forgot what it's name was)

    19 - Hollow bastian (With the heartless creating machine)
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 23, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Clontox
    What's the code to have Anti Form fight like normal Sora?

    How can you fight 10 Sephiroths at the same time?

    What's the code to have Anti Form fight like Final Form?

    What's the code to have Sora fight like Anti Form?

    What are the two Darkest Keyblades in the game so I can have anti form dual weild them? I already know Oblivion but what else should I use?

    Can I have it so Final Form weilds nothing so it looks like enamies just die for no reason?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 23, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Clontox
    How many sephiroths can I fight at one time? and when you say tag-team, do you mean have them both as allys with sora or both enamies against sora or Sephiroth ally with sora fighting cloud, or Cloud ally with sora fighting sephiroth?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Clontox
    Hey guys, whats up? What are we working on now?

    I have a friend coming over tonight and I want to show him what's so awesome about ARMAX, but he doesn't know much about KH2's gameplay and won't really notice a differance when I use the ARMAX, so I need to know what codes I shouild use to make him laugh or think "wow, that's cool". What codes should I use?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Clontox
    That would be awesome to play as the keyblade.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Clontox
    I know, but what is up with those ones spicifically? They're all weird or they're repeats.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Clontox
    Hey guys, what's up with this?

    ??? [o_O Teh hell? Who's this?]
    [ID-3B] [Class B]
    01CC51F6 000000??


    ??? [Oookay...]
    [ID-08] [Class B]
    01CC5976 000000??


    Aladdin's Carpet [WTF?]
    [ID-35] [Class B] [._o Wait, it's playable?]
    01CCA536 000000??


    ??? [World Char for Timeless River... But... o_O?]
    [ID-33] [Class HB]
    01CCBFD6 000000??


    Donald? [Where is this from?]
    [ID-12] [Class HB]
    01CCECD6 000000??


    Lightcycle [o_____O]
    [ID-36] [Class B]
    01CCEF16 000000??


    Card Form [o_o Wait, this has a Moveset?]
    [ID-38] [Class B]
    01CCF396 000000??


    Goofy [Where from?]
    [ID-15] [Class HB]
    01CCFA56 000000??


    Sora? [The hell?]
    [ID-01] [Class B]
    01CD2E76 000000??

    [---HUUUGE Gap---]

    Riku [About freakin' time.]
    [ID-23] [Class HB]
    01CDA016 000000??


    Sidecar [o.o Ooh... I wonder]
    [ID-3D] [Class B]
    01CDAD36 000000??


    Mickey [... Go away...]
    [ID-1C] [Class B]
    01CDBC96 000000??


    Sidecar [Again?]
    [ID-40] [Class B]
    01CDCE96 000000??
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Clontox
    But I thought a long time ago we could get Auron to have Donald's voice?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Clontox
    Can I get these Codes? Or at least just the one for Sora, I'm not quite sure what I want for Donald or Goofy. Can we change enamy voices? If so, I'd like to have Sephiroth Talk like Donald.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Clontox
    I want Sora to talk Like Sephiroth, Goofy to talk like Tifa, and Donald to talk like Xemnas or Cloud.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Clontox
    A few? He was teleporting and hitting me and not the heartless. The heartless just died in the proccess of him trying to kill me with his fire pillars of death. Isn't he supposed to go directly for the heartless?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Clontox
    Uhh... well, he definately owned the heartless with his explosive fire pillars of death, but he was still killing sora, and trying to. Ihad Goofy in the party and he was attacking him too. Also whoever gave me that Final Xemnas Raplaces Goofy code, It just BSOD'd me. Can someone give me the real code?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Clontox
    Oh ok, so nothing bad will happen when I load it and there's no enamies, right? I just have to go into an area with enamies.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Clontox
    What happens when they do sin harvest? oh and I was listening to him saying it and I think he says Descend Heartless Angel.

    Hey, I tried the top one and nothing happened. Why didn't it replace Donald with Sephiroth? oh, and They do fight enamies right?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Clontox
    wait, so sephiroth replaces Donald AND Goofy, and Sephiroth/Goofy only Replaces Goofy?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Clontox
    Because they're being held there by the force of the darkside.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Clontox
    Hey Xemnas fan. I just looked at your sig and was wondering if you can get Final Xemnas to weild the keyblades.

    What's the code to have Sephiroth as an ally?

    What's the code to have Final Xemnas as an ally?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Clontox
    No, it's the one to have roxas have donald's mod and in the party.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Clontox
    This Code didn't work. What did I do wrong? I made sure that I typed it in correctly. I included this part.


    Was I not supposed to?
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Clontox
    Yes it does.
    Post by: Clontox, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Code Vault