What are these songs from? What do you mean by "We're getting them"?
Thanks. What's the name of the song? Hikari Remix?
I'm the first to comment on that video of yours. Thanks. What do you mean I have to have the UCM? I can't just use the codes you gave me by themselves?
That's not Soul Eater. Thats Dark Riku's Keyblade. Sora never held Soul Eater.
Hey Evilman, That antiform has normal sora's outfit code you gave me doesn't work. I held R2 and walked into a new map and I got BSOD'd
OH! hahaha I thought all four of them were in the same format.
thanks but which ones are thd right ones?
can someone please give me these codes?
can someone please give me the codes?
Can someone give me the Sora fights like anti-form and visa versa codes in ARMAX format?
Can you make an animation that was never in the game?
Oh, ok then. What have we been working on recently?
Hey guys. What's the code to play as Cloaked Dual Weild Roxas? And what's the code to have him in the party? Can we make party members enamies yet?
THe boss would be that dark guy they were running from in the woods, remember? I forget what he was called but you know who I'm talking about right?
What's the code to play as Cloaked Roxas? Hey, can anyone see the picture under the one of Sora in my Signiture? I'll edit this out once I know.
What do these do?
That would be awesome because then you'd be able to have 4 party members. No, I think Jlhack is working on it.
Wait... You're saying that Bahamut was going to be a summon?
I thought so.
Thanks! Could you mod each item to be 1000 heartless to make it so you'd be fighting 10000 HEARTLESS!?!?!?!?!?!?