Hey guys. Anything new?
I know, I'm just exaggerating. I think this is one of the best games I've ever played. I also think the online is good but it could be better.
This is one of the best games ever if not the best. What do you guys think?
Does this work for every phone?
I think the reason Axel could kill Vexen by snapping his fingers is because Vexen had the ice element, so Vexen was really weak against fire.
Well think about it. They're only going to have the Hero and Villain (Humanoid villain only since it'd be ridiculous to play as some of the final bosses like Cin or Chaos) from each Final Fantasy, and if they include the two from Final Fantasy 13 then there would only be 26 playable characters. If they include some of Square's other games such as Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Cross, etc. then they would have over 30 characters. My biggest reason for them to have Kingdom Hearts is that it's the closest Non-Final Fantasy game to Final Fantasy since it has the actual characters in it. They could have other Square-Enix games in it and still call the game Final Fantasy: Dissidia because that's their biggest franchise, although I'd highly doubt if Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross would be in it. It would be cool though if it were, because then they'd have Serge and Lynx.
If they put Sora in this than who would they put as the villain? Xehanort's heartless?
Is it the one that says SQUARE ENIX?
I went to the site but I don't know what to do.
I love that game. I would love to have it for the Super Nintendo. I have Final Fantasy for the NES. How much would it be? It came in a box full of NES games for like $10 and it came with the NES from a Garage Sale.
I've played Kingdom Hearts 2 all the way through like over five times and I have all the Roxas' Twilight Town cutscenes. His last is the 6th day (Interesting Fact: The Bible says that on the 6th day God created man. I thought of this after watching The 6th Day). The seventh day is Sora's.
It got deleted! I can't watch it now! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
what are the codes used in the videos?
Hey everyone, I just joined the playstation network even though I've had my PS3 for over a year now, lol. A friend of mine told me I had to pay for it. That's why I just did it. So My Name and ID is Death-by-Ownage. Hey, When I update lair for version 2.10 IT doesn't download. The most it foes up to is 4% and then it stops. What's up with it?
Hey guys. I'm back but only for a little until Schools out. Then I'll be here nearly every day. So I cchecked out that Light Cycle Video. Looks really usesless bun funny at the same time. Are there any other new awesome codes? Oh, and I'm getting Final Mix+ for my birthday, and in case you're wondering when that is... It's tomorrow!
What's the Playstation Home?
You can't use Riku's blade.
Can I get this in ARMAX?
Thanks alot for the advice. Sorry I haven't been here in a while. I've had school and DeMolay stuff to do.