An elephant stepped on me toe
Banned cause I know haha
Ze end! New round
Banned for using the word "desire".
Wonderfully well
Banned because I have no reason to ban you but I wanna
Uhh that made me LOL and I don't know why!
So it appears I am:3 @ventus saves us the trouble of going back and fixing things and getting even more confused
Quite frankly, you aren't supposed to edit the posts, but rather disregard it and move on like the rules state
Perhaps not really
Banned for correcting my capitalization
Money is what we lack, preventing us from going to the market
Banned for being a tommy
Kay, we keep double lettering (?) but that's alright!
In time, bad language will die harder than Vexen in CoM
Banned because you secretly are more in love with Angelica from the rugrats
Goodness gracious, that kind of language will not be tolerated mister!
Banned for being in love with misty..jk
Friend, your point is quite pointy.
Ha! Banned for apparently thinking that apples come from my household pets' rears