I've been meaning to see the film but never got to it :c I've read the hunger games though. Are the books superior ? I wouldn't want the movie to ruin the book for me D: the way some film adaptions of novels do
Not much. :p
I wish I could visit Canada
Kudos to you sir. Lots of kudos. For fitting in so many letters.
Wake Up by Awolnation
Endless supplies of dog cookies
Banned for being located in the Old Mansion
Cookies > Karen Gillan
Okay. Here's the warning. I'm pretty sure a lot of people have figured this out by now but I still have a question. Spoiler The red-eyed creature that Riku fights in DDD is Vanitas. Right ? Or some form of Unversed. Because Vanitas, before Sora was born, was described as a "humanoid creature with red eyes and similar in appearance to a Heartless. After Sora was born and Ven felt him, Vanitas took the physical form of a "dark version" of Sora. If the red-eyed creature really is Vanitas, does that mean he will return for the battle between the seven keyblade wielders and the 13 darkness people ? Will he be revived and make another appearance ? I read somewhere that Nomura said in Kingdom Hearts, no one truly disappears or dies forever, and that there's always a way to revive them. They didn't give a source though, they just stated "Nomura said" if I remember correctly. There's so many theories. My main question: If Vanitas is the red eyed, and he made a recent appearane as the original red-eyed form AND a few seconds of his final "dark-looking Sora" form (as we see in the trailer), does that give any clues that he will be returning for a spot in the final battle with the Xehanorts vs the light ? Sorry if I didnt give enough information to make an evaluation yet. Thank you.
Oh lol happy early birthday then!xD are you getting the game ?
So, I see You went backwards with letters. No skipping around. Next letter:3
Comatose by Skillet
Quiet down, axel! Your shouting will damage the eardrums of the almighty mushrooms
At a local mall, they have a Silk Road Gallery shop. They sell a ton of Kh/FF/anime stuff. With life size keyblades and Chinese dolls and incense and a bunch of different figurines, wall scrolls, trinkets, etc. it's like heaven.
Pink fluffy unicorns! Rienzel's back!:D
Oh. I don't know. This is boring with just two people.
Kay then, but why isn't the new guy posting more ? Leblonk, join us! I just did "k" and "l" in one post. Move on to letter "m" Wait I just did "m" too...move on to letter "n"!
I see how it is axel. Asking this guy how he is but not me. Hmph
I enjoy quality time with my mum as well. We're quite..distant, I guess you could say. So the laughs we share mean a lot.
The Only Exception by Paramore