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  1. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  2. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post

    Oh sweet! Sounds cool

    Oh sweet! Sounds cool
    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Jul 1, 2012
  3. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  4. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Can't remember. Hint ?
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  6. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  7. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  8. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post

    Hey bro!:B

    Hey bro!:B
    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Jul 1, 2012
  9. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    In that case, your nickname from me will be
    Xella XV: Mindfreak
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    But I think you should share the world with me :3 I'll give you candy!
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Yellow is the colour of lies. And lemons. Darn those spontaneously combusting lemons..
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Wrong. The next letter was "w". :3 moving on to the letter "x"
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  14. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Vexen denied me :c said he's more clever
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I haven't played the 3DS version but I've had the N64 version for as long as I can remember.

    I've finished it numerous times. It is possibly the best video game I've ever played.

    Those of you who have played both, which do you prefer ? Which is more comfortable/easy to control ? Obviously the 3DS wins with the graphics. But do you still enjoy the classic version better ? The 3DS also has the master quest like the GameCube while the N64 doesn't.
    I want to buy it, but is it worth it ? I don't have a 3DS either but I need one for DDD anyway. Should I buy Ocarina of Time 3D ? Or is my N64 version enough ?
    Thread by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    That I am, my dear. That I am.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I like the way you put this. I, too, believe that, if used appropriately, swear words can give the song more emotion and cause a bigger emotional effect or connection. Good job with the examples too.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  18. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Rienzel's right! The thread is ..hanging by a thread!!
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I never noticed that before. Interesting thought. It could just be a coincidence, but as cloud.strife also mentioned, you never know with Nomura.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Poor dying thread. We won't let the thread die!>:3
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Playground