Like cried for nu reason? or cry for something that happened ? Because I never cried for no reason. It's hard , I tired. Dunno how peeps do it
No,not really. It like Italian. But there is different words, examples when you say "skinny" for any gender. But in Spanish you can say "flaco" Which is for a Male. And "Flaca" for a female. Same as saying "Friends" In Spanish there is telling which gender you're saying "Amiga" (Female) "Amigo" (Male) Easy way to tell tell apart is with the endings "a" is ending for female. "o" male. Mi amigas y yo. (My friends and I ) Mi amigos y yo. (my friends and I ) LOL. Its not so hard. simple. But really that was just a bit bout Spanish. >_>;;
Looks like it.................. But if you dont want to say it ,then I understand ..............
Looks like your not happy today .___.
you tell meh ,not to spam. >_>;; so yeah how are you? : D
Nu, I'am not telling. =o= I'am just asking everyone is they are happy today!! 8DD so ? anyone?! xD Yep. I'am doing awesome! =]
busy Busy Busy girl I 'am! 8D IS very one Happy today?! 8DD
Oh gosh NO **runs out** XD JK
Indeed I'am What's the subject now?
wal-mart? really? I got mine at the 99cent store XD
Ya. I agree with you.
Welcome KingdonHearts Fan. Remember don't mess up here,like some other members. Read rules, post a lot of times, Be nice to other members,respects everyone. Well... pretty much I can say. >_>;; Just have fun here!
Well, I'm going to leave a Comment for you,and I'm thinking what I think about it.First How you sketch them, is more like your doing clothes for "Teens" clothes. Are you going for that? Or for Older women? Because,if you're doing it for older women,you won't make any Business,darling. But , It's nicely sketched, (sort of anime) Let me see. The first one : Well it's pretty simple. I mean anyone can find a pair of a shirt a little jacket,and skirt,and some pair of boots. Plus the handkerchief. The middle one: Really it's the same as the first, Simple to make. the pants, I mean I could get at the a craft store,and just iron the stars on it. Last one: I have to say it's style is as I can call it "punk/rocker" doesn't need to be said much on this one. It's been seen, the pants . the arm things (dunno what called XD) hope I'm not letting you down to be a Fashion designer. No,Don't give up. Just keep prating more,on your style. Set yourself,what clothes your doing it for, like children , Preteens , Teens , Older women. Don't let anyone get in your way,even if they say it's look like "rags" because to me your style don't look like rags,as I already said Looks more like "teens" clothes. Just try to use your imagination on this. Look at other designs. go to classes (if can). Keep sketching ideas. Until you get what your satisfied. don't push your self,to be the best.Remeber showing your work to pros. they are going to be tough on you. Your doing great. Kay? Keep the nice work up hun. : D with much support for you in the future~
ya it's pretty awesome sometimes xD Well.. I feel like sleeping, now.And finishing a request,from someone. Well, ya Bai bai~ Everyone~
Of course i make mistakes, no one is perfect. And good night .
xDD I use petroleum jelly. >_>;; and it's not good tasting. xD
Eh, it's **Embarrassing. <<< Not "Embrassing" it's with two "R"s. >_>;; Random--- .__. today I tried dye my hair, "blonde" gosh nope its not going to work, it will just leave your hair with an ugly color thats "poppy brown" Dx sorry for those that have brown , I mean brown hair doesn't match me. >_>;; But some other peeps look good in brown hair. Yep.. >_>;; gosh so, not good. <_<
Yes,Yes. >_>;; how embarrassing.
but I don't use my teeth useing your teeth is "biting" , >_>;; i use my fingers to pull it off (which is pulling/or whatever but not "biting") . <_>;;
I don't bit my lips, I pull the skin off the lip, then it bleeds >_> golly ,then its all dry and hurts.