oh gosh,what is this sound Ima hearing coming from a person named 'Sora13' MAKE IT STFU.PLZ.
Okonomide- Shiiina ringo
You got a pervert on you. ゝ(^O^)丿
All i see is words. (-_-メ)
What kind of n00b were you? D:
( ̄ω ̄) Welcome love. Have fun. Be niiice. See you around. <3
O let me borrows yours (´ε`)
Nameless Liberty Six Guns Live Part 12 [Taion] (live)- the gazettE
(;д; ) I don't want my life to fail.
OMG. I never read this book called 'Twilight' DD: I feel soo rejected.ヽ(>Д<; ) ノ
o no u di-iint . girlfrnd.
i pwned you all.. but soon will i be pwned. D8<
O i fail, in a good way.
8DD Wha, I shall be Reirei, mixed up with Ruki : D I can't wait to put on those Neon blue contacts. >D
Sex God- Endless Zeel
Sex God - Endless Zeel
Keep practicing >D GIRLFRND .
Not to be mean, but the first time I seen it, It freaked me out. XD Am like "DDx OMFG!!" -cough- It's nice, Just try to not make fuzzy lines , It looks "N00BISH" >_> Overall, 4.3 ;D
I like to Stalk to peeps who, Stalk me. x)
Omg.... 8dd Like Kewl For You Betch. ;dd