I do. I drink like organic orange juice everyday, plus water.
I just took a nap like 30mins ago.
Passion- Se7en
I'am cold. And feels like I'm getting sick. ;-;
And there it goes again. D: EDIT: O HI Kikame ! : D
Peeps here, post fast.
Whoa, I totally forgot I was in this family. But I still love you guys. 8D What we talkin bout ?
Be my last- Utada Hikaru
31710 I'am sleepy .__.
egnirys cimredopyh +) an injection - Dir en grey
:C Aww, wha. Who would say mean stuff to your artwork ? I say your imagination is very good. =] I'am going normaly, good. But I feel like im getting sick. ;.;
The face need a bit more improvement; try drawing a circle, then draw like a cross, on the circle. This help you on how to shape the face. Almost like this. (of course It doesnt need to be so fat like mine, the circle can be more narrow,or round, any shape, as long as its a nice shape. The one I did was pretty much a doodle ) Also the body needs help; Easiest way to do a body is to draw a stick person, or you can try drawing a shape,as a triangle. (I hope you understand me there) The right hand looks good, the left hand is pretty, 'Ehhh'. Again making a hand better ; Just try to copy your hand, (which I do pretty much) Or, try stick hands, then fill them out. Theres many ways. I don't think you want me to post like a whole tutorial here. Hope that helps, don't flame me for my "you-make-no-sense" Overall : 6.4
The background is pretty awesome. 8D Just that bothers me is that, the leafs falling and the ones on the ground; they look 'stamped' on. =\
8D; I keep on missing .. on stuff here. I should get on here faster. ;-; darn, im slow.
O I can't say much here. Cuz Im no boy. 8D;
Yaa, totally. But like im leaving in 1 min. D; darn school. ;-; 31643
31641 8D Hiii
-walks in- o_o;; Whoa, I missed a lot.
It's mine turn. 8D; D; Im on the left. And that's ma sister on the right :3