Oi, 'tis been a while since I've been here, so here I am. I brought a little something back for those who seek some kind of amusing RP. Not that any of them out there are unamusing... Anyway, to those who're bored and want more to do, here it is. ******* Story: Darkness slowly descends upon the land of Resonance, the black hands of Devils scowering the World. The Kingdom of Abel and the the Kingdom of Cain, Kingdoms of Light and Dark, are at war, being guided by the Great Ones, Deities of Legend. Jevos (Pronunciation: "HAY - VOES"), the God of Judgement, guides the defending Kingdom of Abel; while Daemos Khaguri (Note: Daemos is a title to the evil gods; Pronunciation: "DAY-MOSE KAH-GOO-REE") guides the aggressive Kingdom of Cain. Darkness, The One Entity, slowly approaches to end, not only the war, but of Time and Humanity itself; A resetting of the Balance, to begin anew. ******* RULES- 1) NO Godmodding (Sometimes called "Godmoding") 2) No Autoing (Instantaneous hits without a reaction from your opponent; Controlling other players). 3) Be Fair and Play Kindly With Other Players. 4) Keep Romance (be it Yaoi, Yuri, or the norm) down to a minimum. 5) No killing players unless you have their permission. 6) No God-like Powers/Abilities (Story purposes and... well... because it's just unfair) (This goes with Rules 1 and 2) 7) This RP is Rated PG-13 ******* Kingdom of Abel- They have a vast set of races from all over the Void (Universe/Multiverse) 4 Main Cities- Caegos, Vaelmoer, Telendale, Sylvae 6 Known Villages- Knucklewood, Ashenvale, Winterspring, Underlain, Gallenghale, Yestermourning 3 Lakes- Ruby Lake, Saphyr Lake, Emerald Lake 2 Landlocked Seas- Sea of Tears, Sea of Lost Souls 1 Capital- Alabaster; The Tower of Virtue *** Kingdom of Cain- Same as Abel. 2 Main Cities- Helmsdeep, Bladescrossing 1 River- Serpent's Path 4 Lakes- Obsidian Lake, Onyx Lake, Opal Lake, Amethyst Lake 1 Sea- The Great Basin 2 Capitals- Ghael; Tower of Malice, Maelstrom; Tower of Sin ******* Character Sheet: Username: Name: Age: Race: Gender: Kingdom: Weapon: Purpose: Personality: Power: Appearance: History: Other: (Whatever else you want to note of) ******* Characters: (Mine) Username: Sessamaru Name: Sessamaru Age: Unknown Race: Rheu Gender: Male Kingdom: None Weapon: Lumia, The Crystal Blade (Curved longsword; also called a backsword; a crystalline blade made up of magicks, apparently blunt and harmless) Purpose: To seek peace Personality: He's silly, though, when left alone, he broods and his attitude is full of melancholy (the typical hero-based character). When serious, he phases into another persona, making him seem like a killer... Dual-split personality, if you will. He regrets no damage until the end of the battle, or when snapped out. (There's a variety of ways). More to add- Patronizing, brotherly, friendly, dangerous though caring, and quite daring... even if he complains! Power: Aeromancy, Rosemaking, Hyperspeed Appearance: Green-eyed albino with a youth's body. Ancient-willed and eternally living, the Forgotten Rheu is an angelic entity whose perfection rivals even the gods. High cheekbones, sharp/angular facial features, athletic/acrobatic build, bum-length hair, pupil-less opalescent eyes of emerald shade. Sessamaru is small, only four-foot-eight and quite slender. Jet lids, lips, and nails follow. Within his back are two ancient wings, broken and tattered. Lips thin, nose narrow and curved, and eyes resembling jaded opals outlined in obsidian rings. Long, pointed ears. Leather leggings and gauntlets of fine ebony, with jet leather boots as high as the knees, both covered with belts and buckles. White cotton shirt. A mahogany belt rests around his hip, holding Lumia in thrall. A cloak of fine green finery. A black scarf of cotton dance about his form, hiding half his face in the large mass. This acts as a torn cape, as well. History: (Too long... His story will be explained either in this RP or maybe this RP will be a new chapter into his history...) Other: Bleh... ----------
Origin Within the lands of Salavan, an ancient kingdom whose Lord, a mysterious shadow, rules superb and is no more simpler, if not complex, a Necromancer. The most powerful of the world of Dhar'khome. Upon this plane, within the country of Salavan, darkness became the strongest. Ruled by a cruel, shadowy emperor, whose magick can bring about the dead. No one, save for his slaves and servants, know what the emperor looks like, and his name is forbidden to be said, save until the children know his name at age. His name, Xarioch Netherstorm, is feared... his name a taboo... Within the years, the forever living Emperor left himself be, alone in his dark castle. Mourne Castle. The castle, made of nethereal stones, had seven towers. They were known as the Seven Towers of Naught. Most revered and feared of, the castle beckons its country to a masquerade, a wonderful ball. Though, out of the ordinary, this was the first party to Mourne Castle. Who would say no to such a generous offer? The Lord, Xarioch Netherstorm, bids you welcome to his beautiful home... This is only just the beginning... Note: EVERYONE was invited to the masquerade (a ball requiring costumes [primarily masks]) Rules: PG-13 No power playing No god modding Some romance is allowed. No Nudity (partial is acceptable) No Pornographic material Do not kill someone without permission This is purely Gothic-Horror Fantasy (I do not mind added humour), so please, remember this is during the medeival age and that this is based around magick and steel... Try your best Have lots of fun! Races + Vraenashae - Humanoids who are both land and sea creatures. They are described as followed: White and blue slender, scaly skin (like thin, near invisible net, the scales look like normal, though differently hued skin) ; hair (actually stylish looking dorsal fins) that are similary hued to the skin, only light or darker shade ; The average height of Males is 5'2" - 6'4", they weigh an aveerage of 120 lbs - 175 lbs ; the males' ears are like stylish sideburn tentacles that generated electricity, which transfers messages into the brain in electrosonic waves (meaning that sound is converted into energy [or electricity in this matter of communication] that sends a message to the brain as clear as if they had heard the sound themselves with the use of ears...), though, these tentacles also generate electricity for psionic defenses or generating mana for the magicks of water and energy ; the females hear by using small, slender fins of beautiful make. These fins generate sound like normal ears, though, it is transferred like a wave through the brain, giving the telepathic females of this race an even greater sense of hearing than their beautiful males. Males communicate in 3 ways: Telepathically, Orally, and Sign Language. Females, unlike the males, do not have lips, for they only have eyes and a little bump where the nose should be... they communicate in four ways: Telepathically, Sign Language, through touch, and by Magicks. The females average height is 4'2" - 5"4", they weigh an average of 95 lbs - 125 lbs ; These submarine humanoids breathe upon land by: air sacks within the sides of their head that is released through two small black holes, sensitive to the air, though the gills are sensitive to water or anything that is wet and contains oxygen (not "or" for that would mean they could have their air holes open underwater, causing them to suffocate underwater) ; they breathe within water by: gills that develope upon the sides of their throat, while the small air-holes on the side of their head close by a scaly film that is sensitive to surface/land air ; Upon their arms and legs, they have dorsal fins that absorb energy from the sun and the nutrients in the water, which is also their filter for magicks. The males' have smaller dorsal fins than the females, only being 1 1/2 feet long. Female dorsal fins are much larger in comparison, acting like robes to shield their slender and graceful body ; like most humanoids, They have human-like appendages, if not the similar organic structure. They have otherworldly hands and feet, legs and arms, toes and fingers, making them even more human-like. Their eyes are almond-shaped with usual black, brown, amber, and cyan eye colour. Their clothing is exotic, being sapphires and emeralds, some even the colour of rubies and amethysts. The men wear a single or dual coloured regalia, whilst the women wear multicoloured kimonos and dresses. Their jewelry, being ancient, long forgotten gems and metals. Some even extraplanar riches! The marine humanoids live in underwater societies known as "Dens", which are a vast network of underwater tunnels, mounds, and rifts. They make their buildings out of sand and sandstone, which are found farther beneath the rifts and farther within the tunnels. Their main schools of magick is geomancy medium arc and aquamancy. This allows them to keep their structures well built under the tremendous pressure of the water. Even still, their psionic powers and spells keep a large, spacious bubble to protect themselves from harm, making them isolated until trading season. Their main trade is fish and fine gems, along with pottery and other rich arts. Their economic system is made up of pearls and clams. The vraenashae women give birth like most humanoids, except, the children are as eggs. They only spawn 6 eggs per mating season. The males, natural born guardians, protect the eggs with as much love and care as they love their mates. Though, before the guardianship can start, the males produce an enzyme that fertilizes the egg. Thus do the 6 weeks begin. After 6 weeks of fertilization is finished, the new vraeshlings, looking much smaller in size to the average adult and somewhat bloated to the normally slender vraenashae. Except, when vraeshlings are born, they have fins for feet, their arms having very small dorsal fins, and their hair are like jellyfish tentacles. They appear mostly blue or green in this stage. They eventually learn to speak in their various communes, their two languages: Vraenashaeling Sign Language and Vraela, their oral (and telepathical) language. The vraeshlings eventually become of age (25 years old is the mark of exiting childhood to become a young adult) where they learn to fight and cast magic. They also learn the ways of trade. The peace-living merfolk often learn to walk and swim between the ages of 10 and 15, thus given time to learn balance. They become adults at the age of 50. Then they have an additional 150 years to live life with full responsibility. They usually age to be 200. They often worship the deity Vesikuu, the god of the waters and the moon. They favour a variety of weapons: Harpoons, Nets, Tridents, and Scimitars. + Humans - Humans are humanoids who are unpredictable in every way. They're the most imperfect race with the shortest lifespan. Their skin comes in many different "natural" hues. As do their eyes. They have unpredictable height, though it only reaches below 8 feet. Their weight is unmeasured, always fluxuating. They're either strong or weak, a little of both, and are most often never one thing. Their classes are split between mage and fighter, some are thieving/killing rogues. They have practically no patience unless taught by a master of such a virtue. They worship a variety of gods. They also branch off to their terrain or social structure: Barbarians (northen humans) ; Nomads (southern humans) ; Islanders (eastern humans) ; Acrolians (western humans). They use a variety of weapons and their clothing is more often than not terrible rags in the eyes of the longevity races. Humans are a polytheistic race (though they often war with each other for their patron/matron god). + Nils - A small, average 3'4" race that is, more often than not, mischievous.They are reknowned to be petty thieves, more often annoying (though, they are quite frustratingly cute!!!) rather than influential. They have a way of lying that isn't entirely a lie, nor is it that much of a truth. They are masters of insults and rarely feel fear. They're curious and kind, not meaning to harm anything. Nils often become rogues and sometimes mages (this is through their great impulse to try the unexpected!). Alas, the slender small race is well known to have kleptomania (mental disorder to steal upon impulse or to unconsciously steal). Their homes are found within fields filled with great hills (for their homes are built within the base of the hill!). They're slender, small, and have a high shrill voice. Their hearing is beyond sharp (for their ears are pointed and lobe-less). Their skin is fair and their hair is often brown, blonde, or black. Their eyes, shaped like almonds, are usually the colours of blue, brown, or black. Their features are angular and adorable (to many onlookers). They're often found as innocent, even though they steal and pick pocket. They're intelligence is high, though their wisdom is low. Nils are courageous and loveable and caring, though they don't realize their tight bonds of friendship until late in their life. They reach the maximum age of 200, never aging (similar to the Rheu). Their trade are stolen goods, cloths (cottons), maps, mysterious items (though they never quite sell them, but rather keep), and daggers (which are like longswords to the Nils).Nils often live apart from one another, stealing when the impulse strikes them, and often learn picking locks from their parents. When they greet one another, they shake hands, though the other hand snatches an item of importance. They do the same to other races, though their findings are often larger and more valuable. They favour daggers. + Panteras - Rogues amongst the races, the Panteras are humanoids who have ears, tails, eyes, and grace of a panther, their skin being ebony and their hair smokey grey. They have small colonies in Wood and Forests. They're as silent as death and as swift and graceful like panthers. They're natural born killers and often look after themselves. They care not about their own race, only of their own lives. This often results to intertribal wars. They live in Houses, for they believe they are royalty. They're slender and graceful, though they're average height is 7'4". They live in hierarchial societies, mostly ruled by the females (for they're far more superior in battle and with the magicks). + Wolfen - Wolves who can take an angelic, humanoid shape. They trade with potions and have no hierarchy, save for a chief. They are mostly benign, but when troubled or when a black sheep trotts into their lives, they are hellish hounds. They are, unlike the panteras, clumsy. Their height varies like humans, but their weight is more often than not of the athletic or muscular standard. Their greatest magick is born of druidism and alchemy. They wear togas and their flesh vary from a godlike bronze to a dead pale. + Avilest - They look like perfect humans, though more feminine (more often than not, they are mostly women). Their magick is bound by pyromancy and aquamancy. They are slender, and, like the the humans, their height vary. + Vamphyr - A dark race made up of many other races. They are not entirely evil, nor good. They are lovers of the night and are like rogues. The pariah race (or subrace) has an odd, enchanting beauty to their unnatural form. Their magick is bound by necromancy, hemomancy, and one additional magic class, depending upon the mood or past life of said race. Everything with them vary. + Tanelae - They are elfin, slender and beautiful, bound by magick. This race, having a beautiful bronze tint to their olive pale skin, their hair being many different colours, are known to be benevolent. Rarely are they found to be ominous, malevolent, and malicious. Their height is averaged around 4'8". They wear tunics or maybe a slight toga or robe. Their eyes change colour with their mood and they have no pupil (meaning it is just the iris). Their magick is Lumenancy, Aquamancy, and Aeromancy. Magicks Lumenancy: Magick of Light Necromancy: Magick of Darkness, Shadow, Undead (Dead), and Conjuration Aeromancy: Magick of Wind Pyromancy: Magick of Fire Aquamancy: Magick of Water Hemomancy: Magick of Blood Geomancy: Magick of Earth (Steel and Minerals included) Cryomancy: Magick of Ice Alchemy: Transition or Change of metals and/or minerals. Elements included. Electromancy: Magick of Lightning Druidism: The Magick of Plants. Character Sheet Name: Age: Race: Appearance: Magick: (Max of 3) Spells: Class: Personality: Weapon: History: Erm... When the RP begins, you guys must be wearing costumes to the masquerade. The story will begin in the Castle's Ballroom.
(With new ideas and old, I decided to make a new RP. Just something to pass the time and allow you to have fun.) Story! ~Prelude of the Dawn! When sorrow arises in one's hearts, angels are said to guide the lost... Angels and man scower the earth, in search of love and hope, others in lust and hate. Light and darkness break the skies, showering beads of love and death. Black and white, as blind as an ancient man. This is how the world is seen. Twinkling stars alight the minds with prayers and chants... Thus has the world been wrought. From darkness turned to light, this is how the angels sing. A special star, pink and black, a beautiful mirage that twinkles in the sky at the stroke of midnight. The moon dies for a moment and is reborn when the clock hits the minuet of awakening. This is the Twilight Star. A world of mystery, a world of paradise. A world where all ends meet. Black sands, blue suns, heavenly rose-coloured skies. The world is beautiful in the eyes of lavendar. Bring forth the fallen, bring forth the forgotten. Save them, save yourself. Thus the cycle tides. There was a world where the Dead Gods ruled, awakening the Chaos Bridge to visit the mortals. The Dead Gods now reside on the Twilight Star, where time is in its perpectual beauty. They live in a floating emerald spire, high above the Alkalide Mountains, the Dead Volcanoes of Perpectual Wrought (or "Creation"). Mortals, such as Vampires, Angels, and Humans now reside. There are cross breeds, even higher up races that are thoroughly scattered across the Pandemonium Star. The Chaos Bridge, now, only awakens to a song... Just one song given only to the Chosen One. The Minuet of the Midnight Sun. The Chaos Bridge only alights at Midnight when the song is played, when the moon is full and as blue as the Pandemonium Sun. The bridge slowly breaks. Several Banishing Swords, whose blades are never tangible unless wielded by a worthy successor, rest upon the star. The Dead Gods mock their creations... Seeking only amusement. The Gods need be overthrown by the Heroes of the Pandemonium, to restore the Twilight Star to pure beauty... Ascention, too, is worthy... The dead Heroes will ascend to a greater world, giving their power to their beloved friends... Friendship needs to be intact. Arian, the Dead God of the Blacks (The Abyss, the Nine Layers of Hell), arises to set his lesser brethren after the Heroes. Arian, the strongest of the Dead Gods, awaits their arrival with drooling lips and sharp black teeth... His tongue as long as the Laviethan and as purple as Aether's lovely lavendar. END! Rules 1. No god modelling/moding(modding) 2. No power playing 3. Keep below R-rated 4. No killing without permission 5. Any difficulties with the story at any point and time, pm me or ask a member who knows. 6. If you're to become one of the Dead Gods, pm me for permission. 7. Any question about races, just PM me. I'll allow most races, anyhow. Magicks! Geomancy ~ Magic of the Earth, of Nature Pyromancy ~ Magic of Fire Aeromancy ~ Magic of the Wind, of the Air Aquamancy ~ Magic of Water Necromancy ~ Magic of the Netherworld, of the Dead and of Demons and Devils Atrumancy ~ Magic of Darkness, of Shadow. Luminancy ~ Magic of Light Hemonancy ~ Magic of Blood OC Form Played by: Name: Race: Age: Appearance: Weapon: Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!): Magicks: History: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral): Characters Pandemonium Star Races Played by: Sessamaru Name: Yami Race: Fallen Angel Age: 3500 Appearance: Weapon: Two scimitars, Twinkle and Ivy Banishing Blade: Necros, the Greatsword of Twilight Magicks: Aeromancy and Hemonancy History: He lost his memory after his descent from the Twilight Star, not remembering who or what he is. He covers himself in his broken wings, wanting to keep everyone away from him... He doesn't want anyone to give him pity, to help him regain his lost memory. His black wings are said to hold every star in existance under their darkness. Personality: Cold, mellow, often keeps to himself; protective, easily amused, easily falls in love with the woman who reminds him of... Likes: Food, sword-dancing Dislikes: Fighting, the Dead Gods, and the terrible Pandemonium Star. Faction: Good Played by: Sessamaru Name: Chun Race: Human Age: 15 Appearance: Weapon: None Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!): None Magicks: None History: He was born for one soul purpose... To play his emerald ocarina to awaken the Chaos Bridge! Personality: He's empty, as empty as a tool Likes: His ocarina... his music... Dislikes: Nothing Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral): Neutral (Sorta on the good side, I guess) Played by: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Kraine Race: Vampire Age: 752 (looks to be in his 30s) Appearance: http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e3.../anime-guy.jpg Weapon: a rapier called Silver Rain, decorative throwing daggers Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!): Magicks: Hemonancy History: For as long as he can remember he has been used as a weapon, an assassin. He has always been treated like a tool until he broke free of his masters control and became a freelance assassin. Killing is the only thing he knows how to do. He was born a vampire. Personality: A cold empty man, he sometimes shows a strange feeling of joy in battle. Likes: Blood and fighting (it's his only way of life) Dislikes: Other Vampires and being controlled Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral): Neutral Played by: Deathsight44 Name: Chris Race: Angel (fallen angel to be exsact) Age: 78 (looks only 19, but he is still pretty young for an angel) Appearance: http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm286/HixOnxLife/toumajx2.jpg Weapon: 2 swords. One of them is a red katana, normal size, and the other is a larger katana, made of a type of black steel (sorta looks like clouds. Normally I wouldn't use weapons that are like anouther charecters from an actual anime or game, but I thought that those kinds of weapons would suit him best) Banishing Blade (This won't come until later on!): Magicks: atrumancy History: A fallen angel. he was in a revolt against one of the gods of earlier ages, while he was still young and reckless, and in doing so, he had his powers as a respected angel taken away, gaining his black wings, showing him as scum towards the public, and also to assure that he becomes an outcast, as punishment. But now, he wanders the planet, with hatred stored away in his heart for a way to slay the gods who have done this to him, but until he can, he holds off by serving as a bounty hunter. Personality: He appears to be evil, full of hatred, and appears as if he wants nothing to do with humanity. Most believe that he is purely consumed with thoughts of vengence, but he truelly does have a kind side to him, which he won't even admit to himself that he has one. Likes: Things that go boom (in other words, he likes explosions) Dislikes: Jahova witnesses (if those exsist in this thread) Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral): Neutral Played by: Akua WaterDragonKing. Name: Akua Race: Dragon Hybrid Age: 16 Appearance: (on card) Weapon: Dragon King Blade and Door To Light Blade Banishing Blade: Poseidon's Forgiveness Magicks: Aquamancy and Luminancy History: He was experiment that got lose Personality: Calm and nice mostly but can be mean Likes: Oceans,Sunsets, and Full Moons Dislikes: Watching people die and Fires Faction: Good Played by: Kingsora Name: Linax Race: vampire Age: 17 Appearance: (cant draw so ill discribe him) green cloak with black gloves and goggles on top of his head black jeans with a black vest Weapon: 2 dual swords with one extra lage sword encased in dimonds Magicks:Aeromancy History: his parents disliked him and took him out to a vally to die but a uknown person came and took Linax and put him in town Personality: funny & yet cool Likes: ramen and rice Dislikes: his parents Faction (Good, Evil, Neutral):good Twilight Star/Dead Gods
!!!Story!!! After the destruction of Dhar'khania, The World Born of Darkness, Nine Demonic Blades were scattered to the far reaches of Dhar'khome, World of Dark Rebirth. These Nine Swords, the Black Hell Blades, were embedded in Fable Stones. Fable Stones, the large orbs of onyx that rested within the world, to record the events that go about, were now dying... Their lifeforce and the lifeforce of the world, was being sucked in the life-drinking swords. Their sentient minds gaining more knowledge. The swords, unformed masses, were nothing but hilts and shadow-vapour. With unholy power, these blades of the hells, once formed by the new wielder's touch, could kill everything and everyone. One will lose their sanity to the blades, they would become homocidal puppets. Once the wielder dies, the blades will return to their ghastly state, drinking the lifeforce in the air, in the heavens. These omnipotent blades can destroy the world... but, with a twist of fate, they can save it. The Forgotten, only existing on Dhar'khania, were extinct, truly Forgotten for all eternity... Except one, who came from The Veil. Sorurobu Bureakeru VII, Seraphus Sessamaru. Ominous beings cry into the knight, where the Howling Swords, the Nine Hell Blades, demand a wielder. Their thirst for blood and souls... Their power... They sought for someone worthy of them. They wait in the Nine Fable Stones. RULES -No god-modding -No killing without Permission -No major cussing -No Powerplaying -Keep it at PG-13, please. Magicks! Geomancy ~ Magic of the Earth, of Nature Pyromancy ~ Magic of Fire Aeromancy ~ Magic of the Wind, of the Air Aquamancy ~ Magic of Water Necromancy ~ Magic of the Netherworld, of the Dead and of Demons and Devils Atrumancy ~ Magic of Darkness, of Shadow. Luminancy ~ Magic of Light Races! Sprites ~ 6" tall people with butterfly wings. They possess geomancy, Earth Magic, and aquamancy, Water Magic. They're mischievous, but adorable, and are always resourceful little critters. They can fly at 125 mph. Faeries (or Fairies) ~ Small flying females who are 10" in height and are slender. They fall in love with anything beautiful, but are also slender and hot headed. They're miniature perfections, their feathery wings a light sky blue or just white. They favour the torn-up clothing look, their favourite colours black, purple, green, and blue. Nymphs ~ Women, whose grace are godly, but their mortal. Unable to age, they use temptation to lure men. When serious, they fight with a wrath unknown to the world. They wear near-transparent robes, and use their charm to get by. They, envy the men of the Forgotten, for they're just godly perfect. They also use geomancy. Daar'ke ~ Humans. They are unpredictable. Nils ~ Little humanoids who stand 3' to 4' tall. They're usually slender, albeit their huge appetite, their ears are pointed and they love to pull pranks and steal. They're harmless, but backed into a corner, they get ferocious. They look like little humans! Evil Races Draco ~ Dragon-humanoid creatures who tend to pillage every little town or city they see. They fight honourably and die with valor. Shadows ~ Corrupted souls who steal the outline (shadow) of the person, looking like their mirror opposite. Equal and all. Devils ~ Rulers of the lesser planes of Oblivion and Shadowmaar. They're powerful entities. Arch Devils ~ Higher classed devils whose powers are vast and nearly limitless. They rule the Neutral Planes of Obivion and Shadowmaar. Rhect-Daenon ~ Supreme rulers of Oblivion and Shadowmaar, their abilities conquering all. They're beautiful creatures, despite their malicious acts and neverending desires. Giants ~ Standing 10+', Giants are reckless and loves destruction. They can be intelligent and they can be stupid. It depends. Death Knights ~ From the Netherplanes of Necrovein, these undead knights, intelligent and masters of Necromancy. They are ruled by their neverending memory, cursed with having banshees, their personal maidens, at their side. They wear armour and their bodies are not decayed, for their souls take physical form within the armour. They are living memories, living nightmares. Black Hell Blades Shadowbane Midnight Nocturn Dawn Dusk Twilight Fate Destiny Omnis ((These aren't to be wielded until later!)) Character Sheet Format Played By: Name: Age: Race: Appearance: Weapons: Major Area of Magic: History: Other: Characters Played By: Sessamaru Name: Sessamaru Age: Unknown Race: Forgotten Appearance: Weapons: Lumia and Sakura. Major Area of Magic: Aeromancy History: After destroying Dhar'khania with his crystal sword, Lumia, the Fallen Goddess of Grace, he was accidentally devoured by The Veil, protected and enshrouded. But his guilt and resolution made him suffer. The Forgotten will soon find a way out, to visit another plane to make his many amends. Other: Believes Nick to be dead... Played By:sor117 Name:Rey Age:13 Race: deathknight but dosent know thinks he is a Forgotten Appearance:long black hair tall and strong Weapons:the pasa sord ikills demons Major Area of Magic:lumanicy History:unkown Other: Played By: overload Name: project rozardo A.K.A rexejon the blood predator/the cursed devil Age: ??? Race: devil Appearance: Weapons: 2 katana's called hageshii chinatora and keburu kamikiri Major Area of Magic: Atrumancy (and if you can use a second then i'll choose necromancy) History: when he was he saw that his parents where killed by arch devils so now he is a rebellious devil who hates the arch devils, when he controlled his 2 katana's and could controll his powers he killed many creatures from severall races, good and evil, they gave him the name project rexejon and later rexejon the blood predator (because everywhere he came a sign of blood apeared on a wall) and rexejon the cursed devil (cause many where affraid of his normall name and believed he was cursed) when he heared rumors about some legandary weapons he started to travel Other: he wants every arch devil dead and if he loses controll then only blood can calm his hunger Played By: overload Name: geist Age: ??? Race: death knight Appearance: Weapons: knifes, cards (where he can summon monsters with and use magick spells with) Major Area of Magic: necromancy History: he was a lonely boy untill he met rex and became a befriended with him cause they were very the same, when he learned more about his power he became a very good knife user and necromancer, after that rexejon gave geist the summon cards they became best friends and traveled together with him Other: best friend of rexejon, and the same as rexejon (with losing control) Played By: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Kretze Age: 29 Race: Dark'ee Appearance: a tall man in a Black hooded cloak he has a chain vest and trousers on underneath Weapons: Simidon (a syth) Major Area of Magic: Aquamancy History: he was a guardian of a monastery of aquamancy users and left after hearing voices in his head telling him to find them. Other: He useualy is seen with a cig in his mouth but it's made of herbs instead Played By: overload Name:klarinette 'klari' Age:??? Race: Nymphs Appearance: Weapons: claws Major Area of Magic:Geomancy History:she was a lonely and she was a childhood friend of rexejon and after rexejon started to travel she went with him and learned about her power Other: she has a crush on rexejon but no one knows it, she loves to see blood Played By: overload Name: fleugel Age: ????? Race: devil Appearance: Weapons: blades Major Area of Magic: pyromancy History: he was found by the three traveling friends and he started to train under them he wants to know everything about legendary stuff Other: he got respect for his masters and for their power
((Alright, time is near for me to allow you guys to help me get started with something wonderful! If you're willing to help, I'll be glad and I hope it'll be fun, not only for me, but for you, too! Pwn on, pwn on! This will be an everlasting story, I promise! By the by, I could not have done this without xJayn's help! ^^)) Story The beginning of time, when all is joyous if not confused. The story begins with a Fable, of an ancient world known as Dhar'khania. The seasons pass, as do the years. All grows and all dies. The Balance never tips. When the gods speak, the people listen. Without gods, men are nothing. Without men, gods, too, are nothing. The Equilibrium is so kept. On the Eight Corners of Dhar'khania, heroes must rise to protect this Equilibrium, or all is lost. Many hardships await these heroes, and many more heroes shall assist them, to save the world from total destruction. Daenon (Dark Gods), Arch Devils, Demons, and the like arise, trying to rule the world in shadow and darkness, leaving no light for the pure or the living. Can they succeed? Or will they die, like a star devoured by the darkness of night? RULES -No god-modding -No killing without Permission -No major cussing -No Powerplaying -Keep it at PG-13, please. Magicks! Geomancy ~ Magic of the Earth, of Nature Pyromancy ~ Magic of Fire Aeromancy ~ Magic of the Wind, of the Air Aquamancy ~ Magic of Water Necromancy ~ Magic of the Netherworld, of the Dead and of Demons and Devils Atrumancy ~ Magic of Darkness, of Shadow. Luminancy ~ Magic of Light Races! Forgotten ~ The first race to ever exist on Dhar'khania, the most ancient world. Made to look like Mortal Replicas of the Gods, made up of memories, the pointed ears and pupil-less glowing eyes people are divided into four clans (once five, but one grew extinct). They are rich in more than just wealth, but their clothing is made up of many colours, their style exotic and wild. They are the masters of the arcane and of stealth, their swordplay is nothing more than a dance... A dangerous, serpentine dance. Their insignia is the Roc, a giant, exotic bird whose tail-feathers are as long as the Laviethan's body, but full of feathers. This bird is beautiful and most often blue. They tend to average from 4'8" to 6'2" and weigh from 100 lbs. to 175 lbs. They are born with high potent mana supply, their body mass is slender, their hair is many exotic colours, and their eyelids, fingernails (toenails), and lips are similar, exotic colours that are opposite to skin tone. They're normal fair skinned. The Forgotten have strange powers, mainly alteration due to rage or sorrow. This secret still remains unknown. ~Clans~ - Soren (check Evil Races) - Vaarn, a small band of rogues who are strong in the area of stealth, their arcane abilities loosely based on illusionary spells. They're rich in the colours purple, black, and night blue. The Rock upon their banner is purple and night blue. - Aege, A healing, generous clan, whose arcane is based upon Gaeus, the Life Tree, where children are born, where they play, and where rituals to summon Aegis, the Ultimate Barrier, to protect them and their fellow races (enemies or no).Their banner is white and green. - Xorum (Check Evil Races) *** - Sorurobu Bureakeru, the once Golden Empire of Dhar'khania, the brightest of all Forgotten, they held their benevolence with pride, their morals merciful and wise. They were founded by Gilgamesh, Sorurobu Bureakeru I. Babylon is their holy symbol, the blade now upon the banner... Their banner is Green and Black. They fell after the Draconic Invasion. (This is not an optional clan!!!) *** Sprites ~ 6" tall people with butterfly wings. They possess geomancy, Earth Magic, and aquamancy, Water Magic. They're mischievous, but adorable, and are always resourceful little critters. They can fly at 125 mph. Faeries (or Fairies) ~ Small flying females who are 10" in height and are slender. They fall in love with anything beautiful, but are also slender and hot headed. They're miniature perfections, their feathery wings a light sky blue or just white. They favour the torn-up clothing look, their favourite colours black, purple, green, and blue. Nymphs ~ Women, whose grace are godly, but their mortal. Unable to age, they use temptation to lure men. When serious, they fight with a wrath unknown to the world. They wear near-transparent robes, and use their charm to get by. They, envy the men of the Forgotten, for they're just godly perfect. They also use geomancy. Daar'ke ~ Humans of Dhar'Khania. They are unpredictable. Nils ~ Little humanoids who stand 3' to 4' tall. They're usually slender, albeit their huge appetite, their ears are pointed and they love to pull pranks and steal. They're harmless, but backed into a corner, they get ferocious. They look like little humans! Evil Races Draco ~ Dragon-humanoid creatures who tend to pillage every little town or city they see. They fight honourably and die with valor. Shadows ~ Corrupted souls who steal the outline (shadow) of the person, looking like their mirror opposite. Equal and all. Devils ~ Rulers of the lesser planes of Oblivion and Shadowmaar. They're powerful entities. Arch Devils ~ Higher classed devils whose powers are vast and nearly limitless. They rule the Neutral Planes of Obivion and Shadowmaar. Rhect-Daenon ~ Supreme rulers of Oblivion and Shadowmaar, their abilities conquering all. They're beautiful creatures, despite their malicious acts and neverending desires. Giants ~ Standing 10+', Giants are reckless and loves destruction. They can be intelligent and they can be stupid. It depends. Death Knights ~ From the Netherplanes of Necrovein, these undead knights, intelligent and masters of Necromancy. They are ruled by their neverending memory, cursed with having banshees, their personal maidens, at their side. They wear armour and their bodies are not decayed, for their souls take physical form within the armour. They are living memories, living nightmares. Soren Forgotten ~ the strongest clan since Sorurobu Bureakeru has fallen, these cruel, malicious people worship Krymson, the God of Blood and Pleasure. The Roc upon their banner is black and red. Xorum Forgotten ~ A dangerous dark cult who worship Runa, the Dark Goddess of Magic and the Moon. They focus upon dark magicks set to destroy everything. They abuse their power and think themselves superior. Their skin is ebony, their hair is usually normal human colours, but never red. Their banner is black and silver. Character Sheet Format Played By: Name: Age: Race: (If Forgotten, put in which clan you're in!) Appearance: Weapons: Major Area of Magic: History: Other: Characters Played By: Sessamaru Name: Seraphus Sessamaru (Sorurobu Bureakeru VII) Age: 1700 Race: Sorurobu Bureakeru Forgotten Appearance: Weapons: Frostmourne (Frost Katana), Aurabane (Shadow Katana); Midnight (Sentient Obsidian Greatsword) Major Area of Magic: Aeromancy History: Sessamaru, lost hier of Sorurobu Bureakeru, was founded and adopted by the Soren. Born purely from both a Sorurobu Bureakeru male and female, his heart is light and innocent. He escaped their demonic clutches, his heart and eyes now in search for the Lost Capital, Akamaeru (The Halo of Twilight). He searches for his past... To know his father, to know his mother, and to know of his people. His road to finding his ancestry is in vain, for the Fates seek his help... But, eventually, he will learn of his ancestors, of their demise... In due time... Now, the Fates, Demi-Gods, seek his help to stop the vast invasion of Shadows, souls who steal the shadows of the living. He feels as if he will never find the answer... Other: He's young, naive, and innocent, but often broods across the land, his cloak catching only dust and moisture. Played By: Sessamaru Name: Nick McNuisance Age: 19 Race: Nil Appearance: (Christmas cover) Weapon: Nick-Wack-Paddy-Wack (Dagger) Major Area of Magic: None History: Tossed out of taverns, thrown into garbage, the happy-go-lucky Nil goes about his day, full of innocence and delight, despite his tendency to steal things. Hilarious as he is, he walks down the road, looking for someone to be his BEST FRIEND. The young Nil smiles, his childish manner acceptable, continues his search for wild ad dangerous adventures, his curiosity neverending. Other: Not much to say. Played By: xJayn Name: Aria Age: 250 Race: Faerie Appearance: Weapons: Subeta no Hikai (Sword of light) Major Area of Magic: Pyromancy History: She’s spent most of her life in the forest. (Hah.) Other: None. Played By: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Vagarath Age: 922 Race: Death Knight Appearance: A knight in full black armour which emits a black mist that wraps around himself. Weapons: Cursed Broadsword, sacrifical dagger Major Area of Magic: Necromancy History: Vagarath was once a great general of the Daar'ke until he was slain by a Devil (with the same sword he now weilds) and awoke a death knight with his armour turned black and the sword that changed him in his hands. Instantly he had a blood lust esspecially for that of the Devil that killed him and after finally defeating him he gained the power of that Devil which greatly enhanced his sword skills and Necromancy. He now resides in his Castle guarded by the skeletons of those who have faced him and lost. Other: He still has the mind of his old self and his tactics in battle. (Deceased) Played By: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Vance Age: 30 Race: Daar'ke Appearance: silver armour, blonde long hair, blue eyes, diagonal claw shape scar across his face Weapons: 2 broadswords and a sealed sword (gonna unseal it later) Major Area of Magic: Luminancy History: Being the grandson of Vagarath he's searched for his grandfather for many years and when he finally found him he was a death knight. he was struck down and began to train to surpass his grand father losing his trust in humanity as he was secluded from them for so long. Other: he is neither friend nor enemy and talks to people like there tools or weapons. Played By: sorafangirl Name: Alice Age: 17 Race: Nymph Appearance: Weapons: None Major Area of Magic: Geomancy History: Has lived in the shadows for most of her life, but she is ready to come out of them. Other: Leaving the shadows and entering the light. Played By:sora117 Name: Rey Age: 13 Race: forgotten Appearance: View attachment 1734 the boy in picture Weapons: Pasa/ and a wepon so he can fight human cause pasa can only kill demons Major Area of Magic: necromancy History:he has been fighting with pasa Other: he has a sis names shayo Played By:sora117 Name: shayo Age: 15 Race: forgotten Appearance: View attachment 1735 the girl Weapons: gauntlet magic Major Area of Magic:lumanicy History: brother is rey Other: none played by icekid818 name logan age 13 race daar'ke appearnce View attachment 1736 major area of magic: pyro history he hates shayo and Rey because they always pick on him othere none
(I hope you all enjoy this Rp, for writing this was relieving me of some blocking obstacle. Now, back to my novel that shall shed a new light for my future, regardless of acceptance or rejection, for writing it is my passion and love, not for my desperate naivety! Pwn on and on, until you achieve greatness!) Story: Play and play the residents of Summergold did, dancing and playing music amongst themselves. The musical melodies of their flutes and ocarinas flitted through the air, arias and symphonies. The High Elves, full at play, continued their Festival Of Goldennight, where the sky was gold while the blood red moon, Sanguine, shined its divine light upon the gold skinned beings of Eravis. The marble city of Summergold, perfect in every way for the merry elves of old, worshipped the golden heavens, its silver stars, and Sanguine this night, for it only happened once every aeon, when new gods arose as the old die. This was Natural Balance. The darkness, never frightening, became ominous through the wood and forest. None travelled there. Never will they, for the fearsome drow own the perpectual darkness. All was fear. But this night, the heavens brought joy and courage, wisdom and charisma to fight the fear. But still, with Great Wisdom, none dared to cross the drow. The new gods, realigning the stars with grace and precision, with great speed, brought out new constellations. This was a divine event. "Look! If we rest, our new god, patron or matron, will give us its name and promises!" Shouted a young, but wise high elf, his perpectual smile perfecting his golden face. The High Elves had silver hair, golden skin, black lips, always in a smile. This race knew not of anger, but plenty of sorrow, but joy has replaced that. The squinting silver eyes of the High Elves never left their face, like the smiles. The children stared at the heavens, seeing a cosmic event, even rarer. Fiery tears fell. "The new gods are weeping for their elders!" Cried the same High Elf child, his naivety and excitement common amongst the old race. Down fell the fiery tears, only to crash into the homes of many. Summergold, Kalanton, and Dhar'khome were assaulted by these tears, only to find darkness and somberness. The High Elves exiled themselves, running from the terrors, the calamaties from the Tears. They ran, taking refuge... As did the Drow... And the great province of Dhar'khome. The New Parthenon Standing in the heart of Prelude, the huge marble columned shrine of the Deities of Quaar'ish, the New Gods spoke their godly politics, speaking of what to do. In order, with the Septus, were: Requi'uss, the God of Beginning, Dawn, and Law Symphonius, God of Sorrow, Redemption, and Atonement Lunesti, Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, and Love-making Arret, Goddess of War, Earth, and Honour Aegis, God of Protection, Strength, and Craft Vennas, Goddess of Harvest, Child Birth, and Beauty Chronos, God of Time, Light, and Athletics. Along with the darker, most imminent, were: Ragnos, God of Twilight, Ending, and Chaos Nocturna, Goddess of Pain, Regret, and Nothingness (Dusk, basically) Masque, God of Deception, Hate, and Lies Lleh (Lay), Goddess of Death, Corrosion, and Deceit Eci, Goddess of Stealth, Bloodletting, and Power Nevar, God of Death, The Underworld, and Famine Chaos, God of the Void, Insanity, and Undead They were the Deities of the Hourglass. They spoke amongst themselves, about the plans for the plan of Quaar'ish. Smiling wickedly, the Hourglass spoke their plans. This upset the Septus, thus, they banished the Hourglass to Baan, the world of the Dark Aeon. The Septus, themselves, banished themselves to Lumei, the world of the Light Aeon. They rested there, still hearing the prayers of many as their names were spoken to their chosen races, and if not races, then alignments, and if not alignments, then their chosen people... The cycle was perpectual. After the Fiery Tears, many mourned. They recieved their new gods when their mourning left them in deep meditative slumber. As they did, a chosen few were given a mission, if they accepted a new god, or if they don't have a god... The chosen were given tasks... Within the next Fiery Tears, the gods within Baan, the Hourglass, will fall from the heavens... When the sky becomes an electric purple and when the red moon is caught between blue and silver. Thus, has Nightmarus been brought to the new world. Sanguine awaits its evolutionary rebirth... During the turn of events, a New Threat arises, along with many demonic friends and the like... Quarrak Desp'Ana. (Be warned, the story may change somewhat, but this, I hope will be a long lasting story, or unless I decide to make a sequel... Depends if I'm lazy or not :P) Alright, with that out of the way (rushed or not, it hardly matters), we now have the rules, very basic: [Rules] No Godmodding Cussing allowed but don’t go overboard (I won't hold censors over anyone's head, but please, keep the major cursing to a minimum. "Damn" and "Ass" are not highly bad, so please don't abuse the words) Romance encouraged but no cybering or anything like that. Keep it PG-13 Minimum gore, blood varies No Powerplay Don’t kill without permission, please. PM first. Keep to the story, and DO NOT make it seem you're more powerful than everyone else, for everyone is equal. I don't care if you say your character IS stronger, because, if he/she is (in your mind), you're gone from the RP. (Sorry for the extremity, but this issue has been bugging me and I prefer fair play) Ask if you want to make/add a new character (even though I'll mostly say yes, but I still want to keep in the loop) There was something else I wanted to add, but I forgot. So, if I remember and add it to the rules, you guys will get the memo first before I post the Forgotten rule x.x Character Sheet Format (* = Optional) Name: Patrom/Matron God: (If no god, explain, please) Weapons: Enchanted Items*: Race: (could be any race) Appearance: (A pic or a full paragraph that is well detailed) History: (A brief, but interesting summary) Alignment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good; Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral; Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil) Other: Played By: Characters~ Name: Vallyn Desp'Ana Patrom/Matron God: None (Vallyn is a forsaker, a survivalist. He is not dependent upon gods, and neither is he weak to submit. He does well to succeed and keep his own principals in check.) Weapons: Two scimitars, named after his beloved, Zilvinidia, and his adoptive father, Mournagh. He carries two daggers in case disarmed. Bow of Lightning, Shadow Arrows (Uber combination for killing non-shades! XD) - Mournagh: The blade is flaming hot like volcanic obsidian, its silver-jet hue releases a devasting heat of that of a Red Dragon's flame. - Zilvinidia: The blade, perfectly curved and truly beautiful, a perfect weapon many die to have. The blade releases a chill that could kill even the greatest white wyrm in all the realms. The blade is graceful but not merciful to its prey. Enchanted Items: Bracers and Anklets of Lightning. Emerald of Plane Walk. Aegis (Armour made of mithril. It resists 65% damage). Race: Drow (partially Shade) Appearance: History: After rising to the surface, Vallyn the Dark Elf searches for a place in the world for himself. Naturally, he is Lawful Evil, having intentions of his own benefit, while regarding everything and everyone respectfully. He does not care if someone or something dies, but does if they were never given a chance to actually live or is attacked by a large group. Not really a good character, Vallyn, himself, would kill anyone who makes him seem inferior or almightily good. He wears enchanted anklets and bracelets, enchanted leather armour, and wields two enchanted swords, a bow, and multiple arrows. His piwafwi, enchanted as the Drow custom, hides him in perpectual darkness. His infravision gives him an upperhand in darkness. Alignment: Lawful Evil Other: Drow Innate - Levitation, Inpenetrable Globe of Darkness, Faerie Fire (Harmless Purple Flames that is used to outline opponent who tries to run away in the darkness of night or tries to turn invisible). Swordplay, Some Magical Ability, and Stealth. Shade innate - Shadow abilities, most preferred is "Shadowstep" Played By: Sessamaru Name: Quaarak Desp'Ana Patrom/Matron God: None (Forsaking his old religion, the battle hardened mage prepares himself for godship) Weapons: Quarterstaff of Omnis (The Staff of Everything), Dual-Sword of Despair (The double-bladed sword that can stop even the most graceful creature with its aura, making it sluggish and languid, full of despair), Nightmare and Shadow (Two rapiers whose gracefullness are hypnotic, while releasing terrible images and releases bolts of shadow... one way ticket to the shadow plane for non-shades), and has numerous numbers of wands hidden under his piwafwi! Enchanted Items*: Robes of Flamingice, Cowl of Mindkeeping, Piwafwi of Immunity (Resists the power/prayers of light, along with some magical resistance to Fire and Frost damage), and Amulet of Aegis (Protects the wearer from magic). Race: Drow Appearance: History: After assisting the attack on House De'rae, Vallyn's former house as a newborn infant, he helped inquire that a shade-born drow would be an excellent soldier to slaughter the other Houses. But, as Vallyn grew too strong, the mage noted his err. Protecting himself, he found a solution. Pull the strings on the deadly shade-drow babe, and ultimately fell the House of Desp'Ana, leaving only one true patriarch to roam about freely. Sacrilegious, the blasphemous mage succeeded, scrying the scene where Vallyn tore out his adoptive mother's heart to serve to their Now dead goddess. Satisfied, the manipulative Desp'Ana left for the surface, creating a Flying Castle. It has yet to have a name, but his power is vast and nearly impossible... Nearly... Purposely? No one knows, but, if he awaits his dangerous adoptive brother, then surely he will end the puppet's role before a new light dawns upon the darkness that is drow. Alignment: Chaotic Evil Other: Is the most power Dark Elf in the school of magic. (Thus the reason he's an antagonist XD. But, he's also vulnerable during spell casting, as long as you're close enough to perform melee, or else the Amulet of Aegis will dispell any spell casted. Vallyn does not even know of this!); Played By: (Whoever wants a premade character XD)
When this one was young, the Soren, the foulest clan of the Forgotten race, spoke of such fears of the Daenon, the Dark Gods. They looked at him with a strange eye, an eye that spoke pages 'You may have been born a Sorurobu Bureakeru, but you're our saviour... worthless child.' And he often grew angry. What did they want? Why did they fear their Patrons and Matrons of the Dark? What did they want from this one? Then, a young woman, Maria, came to this one with care and kindness. She wasn't Soren, but Sorurobu Bureakeru, one of last remnants of good. That fateful day seven centuries later, when he mastered all the arts of Magic, Stealth, and Swordplay, this one destroyed it. Dhar'khania. He stole a blade that day. A Daetys Blade. Lumia, the Crystal Schamshir. The smooth, clear blade shimmered with a benevolent light in his grasp. Ironic that this one is the heir of the lost clan who worshipped this Goddess... Lumia... She was everything, and more important than Kactios, Goddess of Chaos, or in this world's term, Creation. Daetys in our tongue meant "Those of the Light", mainly the Gods. This one was overcome with power, though. Giving up a large portion of his limitless lifeforce, this one cleansed Dhar'Khania with light. Who would have thought the Plane was made of Darkness? Surely not this one. Not this one... He spent aeons, approximatey seven aeons, within a realm known as The Veil. This one awoken as he fell into this plane of existance after a "Black Comet of Blue Flame" appeared. This was the God "Ragnarok", the destroyer of all. He wandered here for numerous years, hidden in darkness, with his enchanted cloak of a lustrous green. Years after this one wandered in darkness, he appeared in the light of Moontear Wood, at the base of the Fable Stone. The Stone's magic died. Within it, a blade of no shape was there. He gripped it and brought into the Mental Plane of Focus, where many who tried to relieve the blade died in inner combat. No... of the Entity of the Sword of No Shape. It appeared as an inverted reflection. To this one, it was a female of his own reflection, but her skin was grey, as mine is white. Her eyes red, as this one's is green. Her hair obsidian, as his is snow. Her eyelids, nails, and lips were white, as his are black. Her cloak was crimson with black fur trims, as this one's is green with white fur trims. Inverted image of the opposite sex. He wielded Lumia, she wielded a schamshir similar to his, but black and with an edge. Red runes were visible upon the slender blade. As this one banished his shadow, he awakened upon this Plane again, wielding the same sword as my shadow. The Virgin Blade was named "Shadowbane". Soon after, this one's adventure began. Now, he saw the comet... Ragnarok is coming... ~Sessamaru Edit: Alright, I changed Sessamaru's dialect the way it was meant to be. He refers to himself as "He, this one, and him". I'm still trying to perfect his dialect a bit, but it's kind of hard when you don't want to use "I, my, or me". Anyway, his dialect is formal. Also, in case you guys are wondering, the time period is in a feudal era, where there was no technology like the one's we have today. So, with that out of the picture, good luck :P The story goes down like this: The End of the World is coming, along with a legion of darkness. If you wish, you can add that you're part of the Dark Army. This is a free-for-all, and if you want to travel with one another, then shoot. We have good guys, bad guys, and neutral guys '>.> So yea. I'm still trying to formulate the rest. This RP doesn't have a main protagonist atm. For aeons on end, he was trapped in a cosmic prison for treason and messing with the affairs of mortals. Sealed by Gilgamesh,who's reincarnated as Sessamaru, he wishes for the destruction of the new hier of the Sorurubu Bureakeru Clan (Sessamaru is the seventh hier). If anything is unclear, please shoot :P RULES: No god-modding No killing without Permission (Pm me or ask in 'Ooc') No major cussing Nothing other then kissing and/or hugging Character Sheet Format Name - Age - Gender - Personality - Weapon - History - Race - Appearance - Other - Played By - Name - Vallyn Desp'Ana Age - 75 Gender - Male Personality - Calm, collected, hates everything except for magic and swordplay Weapon - Mournagh and Zilvinidia (two enchanted shamshirs) History - After rising to the surface, Vallyn the Dark Elf searches for a place in the world for himself. Naturally, he is Lawful Evil, having intentions of his own benefit, while regarding everything and everyone respectfully. He does not care if someone or something dies, but does if they were never given a chance to actually live or is attacked by a large group. Not really a good character, Vallyn, himself, would kill anyone who makes him seem inferior or almightily good. He wears enchanted anklets and bracelets, enchanted leather armour, and wields two enchanted swords, a bow, and multiple arrows. His piwafwi, enchanted as the Drow custom, hides him in perpectual darkness. His infravision gives him an upperhand in darkness. Race - Drow (Dark Elf) Appearance - Other - Levitation, Inpenetrable Globe of Darkness, Faerie Fire (Harmless Purple Flames that is used to outline opponent who tries to run away in the darkness of night or tries to turn invisible), Swordplay, Some Magical Ability, and Stealth. Played By - Sessamaru Name - Uramasses Age - Old... Gender - Male Personality - Kind, hysterical... He's pretty clumsy. Weapon - A chained Sakobatou named "Sakura" History - He appeared a little after the comet was first seen. Race - Unknown Appearance - (I'll get a pic later) Other - He's old, blind, and very clumsy. He loves children and life itself. Some say he's a druid, other's say he's clinically insane!!! Played by - Sessamaru Name - Sessamaru Age - 17 Gender - Male Personality - Calm, philosophical, and caring. He protects the innocent, crusading for redemption. To him, it is a perpectual search. No end or revelation has struck him. Weapon - 2 enchanted schamshirs: Lumia and Shadowbane, which magically combine to create a wide-bladed masamune named "Godslayer" History - After his homeworld was destroyed by an astronomical entity, he spent aeons in The Veil, his 17 year old body perfectly preserved as his immortal-state increased in power. But, he is a sickly albino of his now extinct race, and must survive off sentient items, mostly the symbiote and of Shadowbane, the soul-stealing sword that forever thirsts for blood. As he awakened upon a new plane, he must travel alone with his own burdens, protecting the innocent, and being a pacifist unless there is no other way... He never wants to think of such things. Race - Forgotten Appearance - (Pic was founded by Chervalier. Much better than my pic :P) Other - He's a rogue whose spells revolve around wind, making him an Aeromancer, but he is more skill in the arts of magic than anyone could comprehend. After all, he is older than seven aeons. Played By - Sessamaru Name - Ragnarok Age - Unknown Gender - Male Personality - Quickly angered, maniacal, psychotic. He wishes to see everything destroyed, put into disorder, and all in his name. Weapon - Blue Moon's Scythe; A diabolical scythe, whose blade shines blue under the moon, while blue rose petals fall from every swing, slowly corroding away as they near the ground. The scythe magical ability is to break the air, turning it into a vacuum for an "x" amount of time. History - One of the fabled Rheuric Gods of Dhar'Khania who have forged the worlds from their own blood and sweat, Ragnarok was the "Pandora's Box" created by the Grand Creator "Paradox" when the gods were futily fighting over who ruled. Paradox, unacustomed to infighting, created a son whose powers equalled that of Kactios (her name translated in the Human tongue as "Chaos"), giving him superiority over the others. But, as Ragnarok was born, he misunderstood his purpose, and soon messed around with the affairs of mortals. The Soren Forgotten worshipped him, for he gave birth to Corrosion Magic, which easily wiped away their enemies. Gilgamesh, son of Lumia, Goddess of birth, harvest, light, and kindness, grew weary of this. With a blade magically forged by his God Mentor, he struck with Babylon, the magical masamune, to banish Ragnarok. Ragnarok was banished as the Sorrow Breaker Clan was forged, locked within a Symbiote-meshed cocoon. The cocoon began traveling through dimensional voids, becoming a comet. The comet found a fitful home, and began its descent... Race - Rheuric Grand God Appearance - Other - His power and magic revolve around corrosion, gaia, and aegis. (Destruction, Earth, and Protection). Played by - Sessamaru Name - Messarasu Age - ??? Gender - Female Personality - Maniacal Weapon - Lightslayer(schamshir), Atrum(schamshir), Runa(Pike) History - An impure soul who stole Sessamaru's outline, she is the very inverted reflection of Sessamaru. She is under the command of Ragnarok. She can summon Shadows. Race - Shadow Forgotten Appearance - Other - She also uses a pike named "Runa" Played By - Sessamaru Name - Aveum Age - N/A Gender - N/A(looks like a boy) Personality -calm, smart ,all-seeing, colected Weapon - just his spiritual, allmighty powers History - a divinity that walks on earth,(in the far future, hes the new creator), he has great powers sealed within him and knows much of the world Race - Divine being Appearance - Other - he's the creator , wich in the future he becomes only a vessel Played By - chervalier Name - Jasmine Age - 16 Gender - Female Personality - She's very quiet and calm.She dosen't talk alot around people, because she dosen't really trust people. Once you befreind her, she will be more open. Weapon - Two sias History - When she was 11, her parents died in a fire. She was the only survivor of the fire, and had no reletives to stay with. She had to take care of herself, and not let anyone take advantage of her. She developed a kind of block between reality and herself. Race - Unkown Appearance - Other - She developed a power of stopping time during her years Played By - Singstar Name – Cina (sin-a) Age - 16 Gender - male Personality – He is calm, relaxed, and likes to keep things peaceful. He likes to be helpful, and prefers not to fight. He hates to see things destroyed. Whenever he needs to fight though, then he’ll do it. However, he has some what of a darker side to his personality, which is unknown to all Weapon – None History – He has been known from town to town as a peace bringer. He is a travler, who goes from town to town, usually ending up trying to solve some sort of problem. Nothing big, just minor problems. He left his parents when he was younger, to go off on his own for unknown reasons. No one knew who his parents were anyway. The rest of his life is really shrouded in mystery, giving him the appearance of a normal, happy-go-lucky man. There is one thing about him that raises a mystery. His entire right arm is covered in tight bandages, which are made of an extremely rare type of leather, which is so thick that not even a sword made of steel can penetrate it. Race – Human/demon Appearance - Other – you'll have to picture the leather around his right arm in the picture Played By – Deathsight44 Name - Blade Age - 17 Gender Male Personality - Calm and quiet and polite he will protect the innocent Weapon - the two legendary sword known as the blade of Beginning and the blade of End History - Ever since his parents died at age 9 Blade has been exploring the world trying to become a great swordsman. HE searched for the two legendary Blades and managed to find them. With this and his skill he became known as the Twilight Blader Race - Unknown Appearance - Other - He has great power but still has to learn about them and how to use them. Played By - Twilightblader Name - Chi Tenshi Age - 17 Gender - Male Personality - He's kinda the weird one, He has no idea on how to anything but fighting. he's what you call an idiot so to speak. Weapon - the long sword "heavens justice" Race - Arch Angel, these are not angel with wings growing out of their back. they are a race that has learned how to fly with magic wings. History - As a child of the Arch angel race his job is to help those in need, he has been trained to do this sins he was a little kid. even though he's still under training he is already known for his fighting skills. The strange thing is that he never kill anyone, he never liked the idea of taking someone's life. the reason for this is unknown. he grew up in the "Heaven" its not the REAL heaven but the city the arch angels live inn Appearance - Other - He has a strange fascination for rocks Played By -Varnor Summary~ Chapter I, The Comet and the Shrine... Aveum, an entity of Light, has learned of the cataclysmic entity known as "Ragnarok", the Grand Daenon of Destruction, Chaos, and Suffering. His companion, Uramasses, a mysterious blind beggar, had told him the legend, and the very faults of a hero never to come. They visited a tavern, and ate, while new heroes unknown arose in several parts of the world. Blade, the Twilight Blader, has joined the two for their quest of salvation, for they have three days to prepare. The trio now head to Shadowmoon Wood, where they search for an ancient High Elven Shrine. The High Elves are extinct on the planet, but their magic still exists... Chapter II, Fear In The Shadows, A Secret Revealed. Upon approaching the wood, the trio find a man, planting a blue rose seed. Cina, was his name. The old man approached the shrine, going into the deepest catacombs. Upon reaching the catacomb's altar, Shadows appeared on the surface. Shadows are dark entities made of impure souls who steal people's outlines (shadows). Based on power they were born with, they had different levells. From Minions, to Elites. The Shadows attacked Cina, Blade, and Aveum, only to be struck down quickly. Uramasses appeared to the surface, presenting "Rezuken" as Aveum knocked Messarasu into the air with his aura. Performing Rezuken at a high speed, the rags of the beggar flew off, as did an ivory mask and a large pack. A green cloaked warrior emerged, whilst holding two beautiful schamshirs. One of an alien obsidian, the other of a divine crystal. Uramasses was truly Sessamaru, the incarnate of Gilgamesh, in disguise. After a quick, and yet long, battle, Sessamaru was wounded slightly. His high speed was great, but matched with his own Shadow, it was like shadowboxing (no pun intended). Now, there are four heroes: Cina, Blade, Aveum, and Sessamaru. They only have two days left until... Elsewhere... The arch angel, Chi, hit a hospital! And he repaired the sign, as well as treating the sick... But he hit a hospital! Chapter III, A New Ally and a New Foe... Morning is breaking as a god cries! As the heroes rested within the inn, a new hero appears. The Arch Angel, Chi, appears after fixing up a hospital, his services now loaned to Sessamaru and companions. As they ate, laughed, and slept, the morning breaks as the falling god falls like a tear of a Greater Being. Now a new threat, a memory, appears. The deadly Drow, equalled to Sessamaru in every way, now seeks vengeance for his previous defeat during The Veil transition, his hatred fuelling him. Vallyn Desp'Ana, exiled Drow, prepares to fight his counter-part.