Easiest: The Ratchet and Clank series. They may be easy, but it's still a great series. Hardest: Ninja Gaiden Black. Oh god... only game that managed to make me cry.
That ended when I turned Premium.
Uhm... King of Burgers?
Hi .
I'm all of them at the same time.
Actually yeah. I always get the urge to tie down my ex and rape her. Hmm...
nice name bro
omg u got me haha :)
omg .
Get over it. Move on to the next brawd yo.
There's been a recipe for ages :/
Later dawg. See ya when you get back ;)
Nice settings, Misty.
That's a pretty stupid reason not to buy. It's not like they're bad games.
So this site is still gfx hell/twilight zone I see.
This game looks gay as hell.